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."In the meantime we haveto straightenout, if we can, the mess made very largely by your stupidity.Again I ask, whatanswer do youwant to that one?"aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"It is out of the question, and you know it! The Chairman and I haveagreed, and that isfinal.""Do you want me to say so?" said Forbin.His manner was reminiscent of anadult askinga small child a simple question, both knowing that the answer would put thechild in a biggerjam.Forbin went on, "And don't ask me what happens if we say nuts, because Idon't know.I doknow that I don't much care for the way that one is phrased."The President fought down his anger."Since you're so damned clever,perhaps you havea suggestion?""At the moment I intend putting in a new parameter--'Colossus must notcommunicatewith Guardian.' It may do the trick, but I somehow doubt it."He turned his attention to the teletype for a moment, and typedWAIT"Let's hope that holds him for now." He went over to the President's desk,and called theSecure Zone and gave Cleo instructions for the new parameter.As he returned to the teletype, Forbin passed the President, stalled, asit were, in mid-carpet.The latter was out of his depth and knew it; his attitude was subtlydifferent, far lessbelligerent.Forbin faced him."Mr.President, believe me, this situation is far tooserious for us toquarrel." His tone was reasonable, although in no way apologetic."I suggest wepostpone ourfeuding to some other time.If you are honest with yourself, you will realizeyou need me justnow, and I need you."Perhaps the President did not sheath his sword, but at least he loweredhis guard."Allright, Forbin, let's get this situation licked first.""Good.I suggest you get the hot line opened right away, try to get Kuprion the line.Wecan't wait until 1400 GMT.And get Prytzkammer in to hold open a line to theSecure Zone.""OK, Forbin, we play it your way for now, but when we--" It was a finalface-savingsnarl from a man who recognized that he must accept the other's orders."OK, you'll slay me," Forbin nodded impatiently.Cleo called back; themodifiedparameter was in."Fine, Cleo.Get someone to sit on this line--I want it held open untilfurther orders.We'llhave the President's personal aide on this end.Now, a new piece to feed in,begins--Guardian ishostile--ends.Yep, correct.Who is this? Blake? Fine, hold on and stay on." Heput the phonedown and headed for the teletype.The President was telling Prytzkammer: "Get anassistant onaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r ryour desk with orders to cancel all appointments until midday and to stop allcalls unless reallyurgent.You book the hot line at once and then come in here."Forbin stood regarding the silent teletype."So far, so good.I want tostall any moreexchanges until we have a word with the Russian."But the President was on another phone, calling the Chief of Staff."Ed? Iwant you tostick around your office, I may want you.What? So cancel it!" He slammed thephone down.Prytzkammer came in, looking worried, and reported that the hot line wasopen."OK, get on that phone," ordered the President."It's a line to Forbin'soutfit--stay with it."The aide did as he was told, looking uneasily from the President to theProfessor andback again.It seemed as if the fight was off--for now.The President was on thehot-line phone."This is the President, I want the Chairman urgently.Yes, I'll hold on."Prytzkammer's tidy, protocol-ruled mind reeled as he watched the Presidenton the redphone."I'll hold on," he whispered to himself."God Almighty!"Forbin, watching the teletype machine, was willing, praying that it wouldnot start up.Itcould be that the parameter alterations had taken effect.Or it could be thatColossus was merelyheld temporarily by the one word, WAIT."Doctor Markham reports second message fed in," called Prytzkammer."OK, thanks.""Mr.Chairman? President speaking.I must be frank [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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