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.”The point of this is that you want to set up a definite conditionedreflex so that in future auto-hypnotic sessions you will have nodifficulty at all, you will not have to waste time with all this relax-ing, all you will have to do is to count, and then you will go off tosleep into the hypnotic state, and that is the aim for which youmust now seek to attain.Now certain people may have a few doubts, and their eyes willnot close the first time at the count of ten.There is no need toworry about this because, if your eyes will not close willingly, then208 close them deliberately as though you were in fact in the hypnoticstate.If you do this deliberately you will be laying a foundation forthat conditioned reflex, and that is a thing which is quite essential.Again-you want to say something like this, the actual wordsdo not matter, this is just to give you some idea with which you canmake your own formula:—“When I have counted up to ten my eyelids will become very,very heavy and my eyes will become tired.I will have to close myeyes, and nothing will keep them open after I have reached thecount of ten.The moment I do let my eyes close I shall fall into astate of complete self-hypnosis.I shall be fully conscious, and Ishall hear and know everything that happens, and I shall be ableto order my sub-conscious mind as I want to.”Then you count as we told you before “One—Two—My eyelidsare becoming very heavy, my eyes are becoming tired—Three—I have difficulty in keeping my eyes open—Nine—I cannot keepmy eyes open—Ten—My eyes are closed and I am in a selfhypnotic state.”We feel that we should end this Lesson here because it is such anample time in which to practice.If we gave more in this Lessonyou might be inclined to read too much at one time, and to takein too little at one time.So—will you study this again and again?We assure you repeatedly that if you will study, if you will assimi-late this and practice this, you will have truly wonderful results.209LESSON TWENTY-NINEIn our last Lesson we dealt with the method of getting ourselvesinto the trance stage.Now we have to practice that several times.We can make it much easier for ourselves if we really practice, sothat we can get into the trance stage easily without having to makehard labor of it, because the whole point of this is to save onehard labor.Let us also look at the reason for this; you want to hypnotizeyourself so that you may eliminate certain faults, so that you maystrengthen certain virtues, certain abilities.Now what are thosefaults? What are those abilities? You must be able to focus thefaults and the virtues clearly.You have to be able to really conjureup a picture of yourself as you want to be.Are you weak-willed?Then picture yourself exactly as you want yourself to be, with astrong will and a dominant personality, able to get over yourpoints, able to sway men and women in the way that you want tosway them.Keep on thinking of this “new you.” Keep the picture of this“you” steadily before you in much the same way as an actor—astar—actually lives the part which he is going to play.You mustuse your full powers of visualization; the more firmly you canvisualize yourself as you want to be, then the more quickly youcan attain your objective.Keep on practicing, putting yourself in a trance, but alwaysmake sure that you are practicing in a quiet, darkened room.There is no danger in any of this.We stress that you should“make sure that you are not interrupted” because any interruption,or any draft of cold air for instance, will cause you to wake up,cause you to snap out of that trace in a hurry.There is no danger,we repeat, it is definitely not possible for you to hypnotize yourselfand fail to come out of the trance.To reassure you let us take atypical case.The patient has had a lot of practice.He goes to his darkenedroom, switches on the little neon light just above the eyebrow level,and composes himself comfortably upon his bed or his couch.210For some moments he works at getting the body relaxed, free fromstresses and strains.Soon he feels a wonderful sensation stealing over him as if allthe weight of the body, all the cares of the body are dropping off,and he is about to enter a new life.He relaxes more and more,leisurely reaching out with his mind to see if there is any muscleunder tension, to see if there is any twitch, any ache, any strainanywhere.Satisfied that he is completely relaxed, he gazes steadilyat the little neon light, his eyes are not pointed straight ahead butare inclined upwards somewhat toward his eyebrows.Soon his eyelids begin to feel heavy, they flutter a little and thenclose, but only for a second or two.They flutter open again, thereis some moisture, his eyes are watering.They flutter and tremble,they close again.Once more they open, with difficulty this timefor the eyes are tired, the lids are heavy, and the person is almost indeep trance.Within a second or so the lids close, and this time theystay tightly closed.The body relaxes even more, the breathingbecomes shallow, the patient-the subject, call him what youwill-is in the trance stage.Now let us leave him for a moment.What he is doing in thattrance is no concern of ours because we can go into a trance our-selves and have our own experiences.Let us leave him in thetrance stage until he has completed that for which he went intothe trance.He was doing an experiment, it seems, to see how deeply hecould hypnotize himself, to see how firmly he could stay asleep.He deliberately tried to set aside one of the provisions of naturebecause he told himself he was not going to wake up!Minutes—ten minutes, twenty minutes?—pass.The breathingchanges and the subject is no longer in a trance, but is soundasleep.After half an hour or so he awakens feeling wondrouslyrefreshed, more refreshed, indeed, than after a complete night'ssleep.You cannot fail to awaken out of a trance, nature will not allowit.The sub-conscious is like a rather dim giant-a giant with dimintellect-for a time you can persuade him anything you like, butafter a time it dawns upon this dim giant that he is “having his legpulled.” Then he snaps out of the hypnotic state.We repeat again that you cannot put yourself to sleep in any waywhich would cause you harm or even discomfort [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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