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.He looked over at Seregil, gauging theworry in his lover s grey eyes. Why did Phoria care if you two were-together? he asked at last. Because she s owned her brother from the womb.Twins often have a strongbond.And some a bittoo strong, if you take my meaning? You re not serious!Seregil shrugged. Rumors have been floating around for years.And neitherof them have evermarried, have they?Page 37 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html But she had Lord Barieus as a lover.She mourned him like a husband whenhe died. True, but he s the only one I know of.Korathan doesn t always sleepalone, but from what I veheard, never with anyone who matters.No, he s devoted his whole life toPhoria and will until he dies. So she hates you for something that happened, what, almost forty yearsago? If there s one thing Phoria excels at, talí, it s holding a grudge.Seregil was relieved when Alec finally let the subject drop, but it wassome time before he could get tosleep.He hated that singular sort of silence Alec pulled around himself whenthe subject of Seregil sprevious liaisons came up.Alec was normally the most reasonable and easygoingof men; but on this onetopic he always grew troubled, though he wouldn t say much about it.AllSeregil could do was avoid thesubject.He made no apologies for his past, but he hated causing Alec pain.Hewanted nothing moreright now than to pull the stubborn young man into his arms and apologize, butAlec had turned his backTopPage No 24and seemed to be asleep.Seregil lay awake a long time, watching the sun slowly pass across thewindow.Far across the Osiat, the khirnari of Virésse sat on his balcony, enjoyinga late breakfast with his eldestdaughter as he watched that same sunlight dance on the waves in the harborbelow.There were fewerships there these days, and fewer still that hailed from Skala.The threegreat merchantmen at anchor nearthe harbor mouth flew the standards of Plenimaran houses; that land had alwaysbeen a good friend toVirésse.Ulan í Sathil was an old man and not easily startled.He didn t flinchwhen a tiny, pale green orb of lightsuddenly winked into existence inches from his face.He recognized the bit ofOrëska magic, but not thesender s color. Would you excuse me, my dear? he said. Of course, Father. Saliana withdrew, used to her father s ways.Shecould be trusted to say nothingof the odd messenger.Ulan reached out one long finger and touched the spark, marveling asalways that it had neither heatnor any form.He might not know the sender, but he knew the voice that spokethe message as the lightdisappeared. I have watched and waited as you instructed, Uncle.I have it from thelips of one in the great palacethat the golden prize flies south to Gedre tomorrow, on lark s wings, and withhim the nameless one. Ah, I knew you could not long keep away, Ulan murmured.He went to thePage 38 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbalcony door and shookawake the young page dozing on his stool. Wake up, Mikiel, I have a task for you.Go to the house of Kiran Ashnazaiand tell him to come tome at once. What shall I say, Khirnari? the boy asked, rubbing the sleep from hiseyes. Tell him that our wait is at an end.He returned to the balcony, and the view of his half-deserted harbor,smiling to himself. Two birdswith one arrow.This will be most satisfying.Supper was a subdued affair that night.After the dishes were cleared awaySeregil brought out hisharp and he and Alec sang for their friends.He watched Micum and Kari fromthe corner of his eye ashe played a favorite love ballad.They sat close together on the settle, handsclasped, Kari leaning herhead on her husband s shoulder [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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