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.Both of them were bleeding from scrapes, cuts, and split lips, and the firstround wasn t over.Werewolves healed when they changed, so most of the injuries could be shiftedoff.But serious ones, like internal organ damage, couldn t be healed that way.Theyrequired doctors, operations, and health care.Smart owners carried insurance for thosesorts of injuries, because they could bankrupt you.Good health care was expensive because werewolves were slaves, and slavesdidn t have access to the free care provided by the city.Some doctors refused to treatslaves.If a slave got sick and his owner didn t pay for or couldn t afford a doctor, theslave usually died.And only a handful of doctors who specialized in werewolves wereavailable, and they didn t come cheap. 78 | LYNN LORENZAt least the training facility had a small clinic for the occasional minor injury,concussion, or stitches, for a low fee, subsidized by the league.Major injuries, thoseunable to heal with a shift, took insurance and a non-league hospital.So for Marrack to risk his werewolf in the cage on an untested challenger likeAshland took a lot of confidence in both Stoltz and his werewolf.Stoltz was relieved he d kept up with all the insurance premiums on Ashland,because anything could happen in the cage.The bell rang, and the fighters went to their corners.Each swigged from the waterbottles waiting for them, and Jin and Tor conferred.Stoltz stood outside the cage. You re doing well.Keep him moving; it ll wear himout.You ve got more stamina than he does. Yeah.I m not having all the sex he does. Ash snorted, and Stoltz had to grin.The bell rang, and they headed back to the center of the cage.This time it didn ttake long for the action to start.The men dropped any pretense of caution and attackedeach other with enthusiasm, even egging each other on.Werewolves were born to fight,and they loved it.Tor took Ashland to the floor in a body slam, then placed him in a submissionhold just as the bell rang to signal the end of the round.Usually they went five roundsto get a good workout.Today they d cut it to three, because it took a lot out of thefighters to shift.Tor laughed and let Ashland go.Ashland sat up and slapped Tor on the ass.Thebig blond werewolf held out a hand and jerked Ashland upright.For a moment, theystood face-to-face.Tor curled his upper lip and growled.Stoltz s grip on the cagetightened.Then Ashland leaned forward and licked Tor s cheek. Tastes good.Jin giggled. Not as good as his cum. He stepped out of the corner and wrappedhis hand around Tor s bicep.Stoltz couldn t tell if it was just affection or control. WEREWOLF FIGHT LEAGUE: ASHLAND | 79Tor glanced down at Jin, then back up at Ash.He pulled Jin behind him, keepingAsh at bay. I ll have to try it sometime. Ashland gave them both a cocky grin. In your dreams, wolf. Tor laughed. Well, maybe mine too.Jin giggled. Now you ve started something, Ash.Stoltz s heart staggered.His wolf was getting surer of himself, flirting with Torand Jin.Stoltz hated it, but he pushed his jealousy down.He d wanted it this way.Ash was free to make his own choices about who he fucked or fucked him.And toback it up, Stoltz made sure Ash had plenty of time in the locker rooms after training.Ashland returned to his corner, and Stoltz slipped the straw of a bottle ofhydration drink between the wire cage openings. Drink. Ashland obeyed. This round? Ashland asked, panting through his open mouth.Sweat drippeddown his face, and Stoltz wiped it with a towel. Yes.I ll tell you when.You don t make a move until I tell you, got it? Yes, Master. The werewolf nodded and took another drink. Ready? Ready.The bell rang, and the two men faced off again. 80 | LYNN LORENZChapter ThirteenStoltz s grip on the cage whitened his knuckles.A lot rested on this one round.Hetook a deep breath and let it out.Being anxious about the shifting would only putundue pressure on Ash, and that wouldn t be good.The men circled each other, and their low growls filled the air.Stoltz reached outin his mind to Ash, telling him to relax, slow down, and wait for his signal.While thewerewolves were concentrating on fighting and maneuvering, it was up to theirpartners to sense when their competitor shifted and command them to shift in defense.The air in the cage vibrated, a sure sign Tor was shifting. Now! Stoltz sent the command.Ash began his shift, throwing himself towardTor as the defender did the same.The cage took on a life of its own, as if it breathed.The men shifted, and twowolves leaped across the floor and slammed into each other.The snarls and snapping oftheir teeth brought the hair up on Stoltz s arms, just as it always had, only now, somuch more than he d ever had rode on this one shift.If he could control Ash in a sparring match with another werewolf, not just inpractices on their own, Ash would be ready to truly train with the biggest fighters.Themoney would roll in, and Stoltz could buy his next sparring werewolf.Or he could lose Ash to Tor s superior fighting skills.Sparring partners had beenknown to be seriously injured or killed working with the fighters.His insurance wouldcover only half of Ash s price at sale, and that wouldn t be enough to replace him withsomeone of the same caliber [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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