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.Angel screamed and tasted blood from a split lip and bloodied nose.His whole face hurt, his cheek bone throbbing, shooting stabbing electric shocks of pain up into hishead and through his eyes. You got a little more spunk to you now, don t ya? Byrd grinned and panted. This is gonna beeven more fun than before.Angel choked on his cries, wanting to gag on the blood trickling down his throat.Fear and ragesurged through him as he struggled with the man, shoving back against him, trying to dislodge him, butit only seemed to turn Byrd on that much more as he ground his crotch to Angel s ass.  That s it, baby, he gasped,  rock those hips. He shoved down the back of Angel s pants,exposing his ass.Then his hand was all over him, squeezing his cheeks, fingers invading his crack,probing his hole. Stop! Angel cried, his face tight against the wall. Get off me, you motherfucker! Panicrushed over him and he went wild, kicking, swinging, twisting his body.Byrd laughed and threw him to the floor, his head slamming hard against the cold tiles.Byrd wason him before Angel could get his bearings and scramble away. Get off! Angel jerked a hand free and nailed Byrd in the face, crunching his nose.Blood beganto trickle out.Byrd drew back and wiped the back of his hand across his nose and stared at the blood. Youlittle fuck! His fist caught Angel s jaw and blackness pressed into his vision, his head spinning asthe restroom wavered and swaying around him.Another punch connected with his temple, painexploding through his eye and webbing up through his skull. I was gonna go easy on you, but now& Byrd ripped at his pants, yanking them down his legs, nails scratching Angel s skin. Now I m gonnatear you a new one!His mind scattered, Angel locked onto one thought; Maddy! Byrd was going to go after Maddynext.He choked on his own blood, his jaw and face throbbing, swelling.He could barely see out ofhis left where Byrd s fist had struck his temple and raked his brow bone. Someone& will come in& Angel whispered, lips thick and bleeding, barely moving as his words slurred. You re right, Byrd nodded, then grinned cold,  Thanks for the tip. He stood up and steppedover the top of Angel, and reached for the door.Summoning what little strength he had left Angelnailed Byrd between the legs with his foot.The man grunted, a sharp breath bursting out of him, andhe went down, hands clutched between his legs. You little fuck! He gasped hard, but remainedimmobile, eyes burning.Angel rolled over and crawled for the door, grabbing at the handle.He dragged himself to hisfeet, swaying as a rush of dizziness overwhelmed him.The pain in his head intensified greatly once he was on his feet, and he could barely see for the tears and swelling and the fierce pounding in hisskull.He tugged at his pants with one hand, trying to drag them up his legs as he grabbed at the doorwith his other hand in a panic, crying, tasting blood, feeling it trickling from his nose and split lip,dripping off his face. Just wait till I get ahold you! Byrd yelled after him as Angel dragged open the door. I mgonna tear up your fucking ass! You little motherfucker!Angel ran blindly, pants barely over his hips and still open, grabbing at the walls and anything hecould find to support himself as his legs wanted to give out and his head swam.He could hear othermoviegoers gasp at the sight of him, some even tried to help him, but his mind was shifting back to survival mode and his only thought was Maddy! You have to get Maddy out of here! You have tokeep him safe! Chapter TenAs Bad As It Can GetThis unfortunate turn of events left Ricky in a foul mood.Wedged between Abel and Levi, allavenues of retreat were cut off.His blood sizzled when Levi stretched his arm across the back ofRicky s seat and teased his hair. Knock it off. He hissed low.Levi leaned over and wriggled his lips against Ricky s ear. You were on fire last night. Hewhispered, his hot breath puffing into his ear. Wanna do it again tonight? No. Ricky growled and ground his shoulder into the guy, trying to push him back.He struggledto deny that his anger and frustration was a direct result of that fact that he did want to do it againtonight.Like so fucking bad.He was already stiff as a board down below, and growing harder by thesecond as Levi continued to tease his hair and blow in his ear, whispering agonizingly filthy thingsabout what they could do to each other.Ricky swallowed hard as beads of sweat broke out all over his body, causing his clothes to clinguncomfortably. Why don t you go fuck your boyfriend over there? Ricky whispered tightly. Andleave me the fuck alone. Oh he isn t my boyfriend. Levi tickled his earlobe with the tip of his tongue, sending electricshocks straight to his crotch, swelling his cock until he had to shift and readjust. We re just fuckfriends. Well whatever. He hissed and pushed him away. For crying out loud, He nodded towardsSavannah and Maddy. There s kids here.Can t you stop being a slut for an hour or so? Sorry. He smiled. But they re watching the movie.They aren t seeing anything. He leanedclose again. And besides, I wasn t doing anything dirty.Just playing with your ear. He nuzzled his ear again. So can I come over tonight? He murmured [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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