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.Note the dates carefully, and turn them up inan ephemeris of those years, and observe how the moon stood in relation to them, also the planets.Observe whether they fell on or about the equinoxes or solstices.Note also the days of the week uponwhich they occurred.If you found that all the crises of the case occurred on Thursdays, or round aboutthe Vernal Equinox, or at the full moon, you would have a piece of information which was of77 of 103A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com considerable significance.You would be sure of one thing, at any rate, that you were dealing with a casein which the invisible psychic tides played a part.Information should also be sought concerning the place or places in which the different crises of thetrouble took place, and especially the circumstances attending its first onset.It is exceedingly useful ifpossible to visit the place and sense its atmosphere.A very great deal can also be learnt from visiting theplace where the patient is living.Having obtained such geographical information as you can, study it carefully in connection with alarge-scale Ordnance map.Access to this, and to all relevant information desired, can readily be obtainedat any public library.Note whether there are any prehistoric remains in the neighbourhood, and if so,how the house bears in relation to them.Observe not only whether it is near any of them, but whether itis in a direct line between any two of them.Look up the history of the district, and see whether it affordsany further information.Roman remains are often at the bottom of the trouble, for the legions broughtsome very queer cults with them in the days of Rome's decadence.Druid remains, too, should be suspectif they are near neighbours.Enquire also concerning any unusual objects in the house, such as images of the deities of primitive cultsor savage weapons.It is quite possible that powerful elementals are attached to these.Enquire whether the trouble seems to lift when the patient goes away to another place.If the reply is inthe affirmative, it may safely be presumed that local conditions are at the bottom of the trouble.But ifthe reply is in the negative, it does not necessarily follow that the opposite is the case.It may also be thatthe trouble does not depend upon the place, but upon some person residing at the place.Never forget thatin the great majority of cases that person's harmful influence is due to an unfortunate psychic make-uprather than deliberate abuse of occult knowledge.Be very slow to accept the latter hypothesis, for itsoccurrence is comparatively rare.And even if the person suspected is known to have occult knowledgeand can be proved to be antagonistic to the patient, it does not necessarily follow that the attack isconscious and deliberate.It may be unconscious and reflex.It is quite true that an occultist ought to havesufficient control over his vehicles to prevent them from acting independently of his will andconsciousness; but this is not always the case.People are at many different stages of development.Thereis always a difficult period between the awakening of the higher powers and their full control.Enquiries should also be made concerning the nature of the dreams, and whether the patient is subject tonight mares apart from any question of occult attack.Also whether he has ever had any other psychicexperiences, and if so, of what nature.Finally, a careful enquiry should be made concerning the patient's associates, as to whether any of themare psychic, or students of the occult.Be very careful, however, not to cast suspicion upon any personunless you have conclusive evidence and it is essential to do so in order to save the patient.Remember itis always possible that you may be mistaken.A case was reported in the papers not so long ago of a manwho committed suicide because a doctor told him that he had organic heart disease and ought not tomarry the girl he was engaged to.At the post-mortem it was found that there was nothing whatever thematter with his heart.Imagine the feelings of the doctor who had given this rash diagnosis.A personalready upset by a psychic attack will be in a state to jump at shadows.He must be handled verydiscreetly.Be very chary of announcing your suspicions until they are conclusively verified [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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