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.remaining Native American land.Alsoin 1887, the Indian Bureau passed aSioux Wars A major war with the regulation that required all NativeSioux erupted in 1876 when whites American children to attend school.encroached on Sioux territory be- It was hoped that by doing so chil-cause of a gold discovery in South dren would more readily identifyDakota s Black Hills.Bands of Sioux with the white way of life.hunting off their reservation, to- Finally, in 1924, Congress passedgether with railroad construction, a law giving citizenship to all Nativealso contributed to this war.The his- Americans, although several states re-toric battle took place on June 25 26, fused to do so.The Indian Reorgani-1876, when Sioux warriors over- zation Act of 1934 (sometimes calledwhelmed Lieutenant Colonel George the  Indian New Deal ) providedA.Custer and most of the 7th U.S.money for economic development,Cavalry at the Little Bighorn, where the expansion of their landholdings,Custer and all his men were killed.and cultural preservation.Many tribesThough they won this battle, the voted to reject the act and reorganize.Sioux lost the war and were forced to Native Americans spent much of thesubmit to reservation life.twentieth century trying to recover Northern Mariana Islands 59*'from centuries of oppression and the War (1898).Spain sold the rest of theattempts to force them to join main- Northern Marianas to Germany instream American culture.1899.During World War I (19141918), Japan became a member ofSee also: California Gold Rush;the Allied nations and declared warOregon Country; Seminole War.on Germany for the purpose of tak-ing over German colonies.JapaneseFURTHERREADINGtroops occupied the Northern Mari-O Brien, Gregory.The Timeline of Nativeanas, and in 1919, the League ofAmericans.Berkeley, Calif.: Thunder BayPress, 2008.Nations temporarily entrusted theKessel, William B., and Robert Wooster, eds.islands to Japan.Encyclopedia of Native American WarsJapan withdrew from the Leagueand Warfare.New York: Facts On File,of Nations in 1935 and treated the is-2005.lands as its own property.After JapanNichols, Roger L.American Indians in Unitedattacked the United States in Decem-States History.Norman: University of Okla-ber 1941, Japanese troops quickly oc-homa Press, 2004.cupied Guam and turned this island,Waldman, Carl.Atlas of the North AmericanIndian.New York: Facts On File, 2009.together with Saipan, Tinian, andRota, into fortresses to contest anyU.S.attack.The United States cameNorthern Mariana Islandsinto the Marianas in overwhelmingMGroup of Pacific islands that became force in June 1944.American MarinesNan American trust territory after landed on Saipan on June 15, coveredWorld War II, and then a common- by the United States Fifth Fleet.Thewealth associated with the United Imperial Japanese Navy steamed toStates.Spanish navigator Ferdinand attack, but in the Battle of the Philip-Magellan was the first European to pine Sea (June 19 21), Americanvisit this group of islands, landing on planes destroyed more than 400 Japa-Guam in 1521.Magellan called the is- nese aircraft and sank three aircraftlands  Las Islas de las Velas Latinas carriers, against a loss of only 30(The Islands of the Latine Sails), American planes.American troopsnamed after the triangular shape of destroyed the Japanese garrison onthe sails used by native Chamorro is- Saipan by July 13.Guam was retakenlanders on their canoes.After fight- by August 10 and Tinian by August 2.ing occurred because of theft of some These islands then became airbasesof his shipboard property, Magellan for long-range American bombers toreferred to the islands as  The Islands attack Japan itself.The B-29 bomberof the Thieves. In 1668, their name that dropped an atomic bomb onwas changed to Las Marianas in honor Hiroshima took off from Tinian.of Mariana of Austria, widow of The new United Nations (UN)Emperor Philip IV of Spain.awarded the Northern Marianas toThe United States received the is- the United States to administer asland of Guam as part of the peace part of the Trust Territory of the Pa-treaty after the Spanish-American cific Islands.While most of the islands 60 Northern Mariana Islands*'decided to seek independence, the Tinian, and Rota have permanent res-people of the Northern Mariana Is- idents.Threat of volcanic activity onlands voted to become a common- some of the northern islands restrictswealth that remained associated with habitable locations on those islands.the United States, an act that was ap- Together, the islands total 179 squareproved in 1972.In January 1978, the miles (46,360 hectares) with a popu-Northern Marianas became self- lation of more than 69,000 people.governing.In November 1986, Amer-See also: Guam.ican citizenship was given to nativeislanders.The U.S [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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