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. And this was your turn, damnit, so what was I supposed to do?Emma sighed and started speaking again. I talked to my sister and she said she walked in on a very,very heated conversation between them at Chloe s house on Saturday.Apparently that kiss betweenthem made a very big impression on him.I know Chloe likes him, and I know she s struggling withthe whole friendship thing, just like he is, but I swear.Ever since they ve gotten back, it s beenfucking painful to have them in the same room together.I can t believe we didn t see it before& itwasn t angry tension, it was fucking sexual tension! she crowed.I had to strain to hear Allie s next words and they made my heart ache, but in a good way. Are we doing the right thing, Em? I know she really does like him.I can see it in her eyes, and it wasnever something she intended, either.Not to mention, I think he s totally seeing her in a new lightsince that road trip.I think they would be great together, but I just& I don t want to hurt either one ofthem.I love them both, you know?I heard Emma sigh,  I know Allie, I know.Too late now, though.Allie giggled as Emma continued. We re in too deep!I huffed and knocked on the door, chuckling at the chaos that erupted inside.Yips, barks, woofs, andgrowls accompanied a flurry of scrabbling sounds as the dogs went wild trying to get to the door. Damn dogs! I heard Emma yell before the door was wrenched open, releasing the flood of caninesupon me. Whoa! I cried as I tried to sidestep them so I wouldn t be sent flying. Chloe! Allie cooed sweetly.I could see the panic in her eyes, though, wondering what I d heard, ifanything.Emma pushed her aside and waddled her way outside onto the porch, yelling,  Don t you do it, Doug!Don t you dare! You ll be a bad dad& DJ! Come back here! She glared at Allie, growling,  Helpme! Call your dog back, too, damnit!I looked over my shoulder to see Doug running hell bent for leather into the woods, DJ and Grady hoton his heels.Allie and Emma both started hollering for them, but they were ignored.They both started cussingunder their breath at the same time, too, which was cracking me up. So, where re they going? I asked conversationally.Emma sighed deeply, sounding very resigned when she said,  Doug found a stupid skunk nest.I sentLuke out to try to get rid of them somehow without killing them& did you know that some people have skunks for pets? You can get rid of their scent sacs or something like that, and they re just like a cat!They re so cute& anyway, he couldn t get anywhere near the nest, or where he thinks it is, because thestench is so strong.He stumbled out of the woods holding his stomach and dry heaving.It was bad.Funny& but bad. She grinned. Ah, I said. So now Doug is obsessed and his little followers are just like little lambs being led toslaughter.Allie and Emma both nodded, while Emma replied,  We ve been lucky so far.Doug is the only onewho is consistently getting sprayed.I think he s addicted to the scent, and the tomato juice bathsafterward.Since I m pregnant, I get a pass, but Brandon and Luke have been flipping coins to see whohas to bathe him.Damn dog.She looked out over the yard and chuckled when she saw the two little pups running like mad backtoward the house.Doug was trotting behind them, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. Guess we got lucky, today, huh? Allie asked.Emma grinned at her again. Nope, we didn t, but the guys sure did!The dogs came back into the house and Allie grabbed up Grady, coddling him like a baby, but Icouldn t say much because I did the same to DJ.I gotta say, Doug and his little girlfriend sure madesome cute babies!After playing with the puppies for a few minutes, I cornered the two women. Alright.Spill.Twin expressions of exaggerated innocence stared back at me. Your wide-eyed, who me expressions aren t going to cut it.You know what I m talking about, andEmma might has well have put up a billboard saying you guys were up to something.So, what s goingon? I narrowed my gaze at both of them, looking first at Emma and then cocking my head and staringeven more intently at Allie.She looked defiant for a second before she deflated, the sourest look I ve ever seen moving acrossher face.Emma looked relieved once she saw that Allie was going to cave. Alright, fine! I set you up, sent Brandon over to the shop to help you, but I got sidetracked and forgotto make sure I had the boxes there! There was supposed to be boxes and then you two would spendtime together and& and& oh, hell.I didn t think it through! I was just on a high from managing to putthe bug in his ear about staying at your place since it s technically closer and he did.So& Her face became immediately animated again, but it was more on the gleefully evil side; well, notreally evil, but more like mischievous. Did anything happen?She looked so hopeful, and so did Emma.I couldn t help it, I blurted out,  We kissed again! Twice!Twin gasps sounded and they oohed and ahhed over it for a second but the distinctive slams of cardoors closing stopped the conversation cold.Male voices and laughter rang out, causing the dogs togo crazy again, and Emma and Allie immediately began grinning, the anticipation on their faces soadorable to see.Luke and Brandon walked in, Jackson right behind them, followed by another guy that I didn t know.He was tattooed, and had black hair, shaved on the sides with a short, spiky mohawk that looked likeit was dipped in fire.The color was vivid, fading from black to blonde to orange, with the tips a flaming red.He had on aviators, so I couldn t see his eyes, but he was drop dead gorgeous in a verysexy-yet-dangerous way.His face was scruff covered, like he hadn t shaved in a few days, and he was wearing a tight black t-shirt with ripped and faded jeans over& I did a double take, sure I didn t see correctly, but I did.Hehad black leather flip flops on his very neat but manly feet, definitely not what I had expected. Hey, T.J.! Allie and Emma both said, embracing the stranger readily with hugs before they claimedtheir men with heartfelt kisses.Luke and Jackson said hi to me and gave me hugs when they came up for air before Brandonintroduced T.J.to me. This is Chloe, Jackson s sister.Chloe, this is T.J., the guy I met at theconvention in L.A.I held out my hand and he took it in his, holding it as he murmured,  Nice to meet you.His eyes never left my face as I nodded and replied,  You, too.He winked in response and dropped my hand as Brandon suddenly moved, slinging an arm around myshoulder and squeezing me tight as he quipped,  She s our little Cali-girl.It sounded like a conversation opening, what with T.J.being from California, as well, but it clearlywasn t as Brandon maneuvered me around toward the kitchen.I sent an apologetic smile over myshoulder at T.J., because I m not a rude person and that, frankly, struck me as rude on Brandon sbehalf.So wait.Was he jealous? No& that couldn t be it.T.J.just gave me an enigmatic half-smile and turned his attention back to Jackson, who d asked himsomething as he tucked Allie into his side once more.Brandon let me go as we got to the kitchen table and looked at Emma who was waddling aroundgathering paper plates and napkins.The doorbell rang, causing the dogs to go crazy again and Lukehollered at them to stop while he went to answer the door [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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