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.In aValkyrie, that means she needs a male to sink theminto.Daniela, with her claws sunk in my back as I took her Oh, and here.These are on sale, Loa said as shebent down behind the counter. For the ice maiden.She tossed him a pair of gloves. Tell her I said tohandle you with care.When Murdoch left Loa s, he wore a victorious grin.He d purchased the gloves and had garnered asecret about the Valkyrie that could be very helpful tohim.But by the time Murdoch emerged to the now foggystreet, Daniela was gone.He started back toward the main thoroughfare.Afterseveral moments, he spied Lukyan at a distance, still intently prowling the streets for Ivo.The Cossackalways seemed to be devoid of fear, almost as if hehad a death wish.Vigilant Rurik traced on the roofsabove him.Yet there was no sign of Daniela.Danii rushed to the sound, peering down the stygianalley.Finally, she spotted the soothsayer, talking tosome figure in the shadows. Nïx! By the time Danii reached her, the figure hadhastened away. Who were you talking to? Hmmm? Nïx s raven-black hair was wild, hergolden eyes vacant as usual she often saw thefuture more clearly than the present but she alsolooked frazzled and tired.Though she wore animmaculate white dress, her hands were filthy. And why are you so dirty? Danii asked her. I m dirty? You re the one getting busy with a leech.You naughty, freaky minx.  Answer the question, Danii gritted out. Who wasthat? Who was who?Typical Nïx she could be playing innocent, or shetruly could have forgotten who she d just been talkingto seconds before. What are you doing here?She blinked at Danii. Laying low like po-po? AtDanii s glare, Nïx s mien turned playful. Trolling forsome strange! No? Composing a tweet? Nïx, are you following me? Do I need to be?Danii inhaled for patience. I was looking for you.Ineed to tell you about  Myst.Don t concern yourself.She s taken care of.As for your next question, you should go somewherethat is not here. She gazed around as if they mightbe overheard, then loudly whispered,  There are dempires about. Dempires? Danii had never, in her long life, heardthe term. And Lykae all around as well. Nïx jerked her chin inthe direction of the main drag.Danii glanced over and spotted three Lykae walkingby, twins and one more.All of them were strikingexamples of heart throbbing maleness, but then,Lykae often were.Now they stopped, turned toward Danii and Nïx, andsniffed the air.All three tensed with awareness ofother Loreans.A standoff.Danii drew ice into herpalm.Then Nïx wiggled her dirty fingers, beckoning them.Looking scarily crazed with her wild hair andunsettling eyes, she cooed,  Come, puppies.Comemeet Destiny. Out of the corner of her mouth, Nïxstage-whispered,  Destiny is my fist s name.When the trio spoke in Gaelic, and carried on, Nïx chuckled. What? What d they say? That we weren t worth the bother.That you re thefrigid one and I m crazy.Seems they ve got ournumbers!The frigid one.Lowly Lykae thought of her like that?My ego s on life support.Prognosis grim. We re eventually going to be allies with them, youknow, Nïx said dimly. In-laws, even.Danii snorted.The Valkyrie considered the Lykaelittle better than animals. You re joking, right? Would I joke about something like this? Emphatically, yes.Now tell me, why did you predictI d get fixed last night? I said you might.Look at the upside: you got toenjoy a male who wasn t an Icere bounty hunter andwho didn t have designs to murder you.At least, not until he got peckish. Would Murdoch have hurt me? Will he?Nïx tilted her head in the direction of Loa s shop. Iused to be able to read him as easily as hisbrothers, like open books.But now I get little on him.I just see that you ve got him confounded, notknowing up from down anymore.At three hundredyears old, he d thought he was quit of uncertainty likethis. Wait, you said brothers? Does more than one live? You d better get back to the vampire, he s about tospot  Daniela! Murdoch s voice boomed down the alley.Danii glanced over her shoulder at him, then back,but Nïx had already vanished.Damn it.She swiftly hitredial on her phone, yet all was silence.When Murdoch reached her, Danii saw genuineconcern on his face. Why did you leave? She hiked her shoulders. I thought you d be longerin there. Now who s jealous? Hardly. I just wanted to prove that I m not gruff andbrooding, he said. Or that I only am with you.Andbesides, I was just flirting to get information. Whenshe still glared, he said,  Admit it, you were jealous. No, I m embarrassed.Because everyone wouldexpect you to be possessive and intent only on me.They re going to see this as a failing in me. You said the blooding didn t make one want hisBride. No, not if the Bride or mate or whatever wasobjectionable.But am I really that objectionable?His brows drew together. You truly can t understand any hesitation on my part?He was making her feel like more of a freak thananyone had in two thousand years.But that was a lie.There d been the Roman. Vampire, I think you re afraid to settle down withanyone.You were single for years and celibate forthree hundred more.And now you have bachelor spanic. I don t even know what you re talking about. BP? It s when a man irrationally fears a woman heespecially likes [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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