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.No one stopped him to speak, or even lingered over their greetings, merely did exactly what wasnecessary and hurried on.He wondered how long they waited until they started whispering.Back in his room, Culebra moved immediately to the fireplace.His room was a large, long rectangle.At the furthest end wasa balcony.Right now, with the cold, both the glass doors and the heavier oak were closed and locked.Even in the heat ofsummer, Corinos preferred that.Luckily, Culebra could overrule him on a few things.file:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/3.htm[9/25/2009 10:25:54 AM] AmaSour FictionOn that end of the room was a sitting area.He had no need of a writing desk or bookshelves, so it was merely filled withlounging chairs, a deep sofa, all manner of soft, textured pillows and blankets.Many a summer night he had dozed off whilelistening to the crickets, or to the music spilling in the windows from one of the myriad festivals or parties.In the center of the room was his bed, with wardrobe and dressing table tucked into a small alcove that Corinos hatedbecause it would be simple for someone to hide there.His bed was large, with heavy drapes that he kept tied back unlessthe nights were especially chilly.Corinos had told him everything was blue, black, and silver.His favorite part of the room, however, was the fireplace.Set well back from it was the small table where he usually ate, andwhere he kept his bowl full of things that were interesting to touch, play with.More than anything he missed being able toread and write.He could still play music, though these days he seldom felt inclined, but otherwise the playthings in his bowlwere all that kept him from going completely stir crazy.Closer to the fireplace were large floor pillows, an idea he'd imported from Kundou.Those were spread out over a deep,soft fur rug that had been gifted to him in Pozhar.The snow that hit Pozhar was worse than he'd ever known anywhere elsein the world.It was endlessly amusing that the Firelands knew better than anyone what the word 'cold' meant.As often as he dozed off by the balcony in the summer, he fell asleep beside the fire in winter."Corinos.""Yes, Highness?""Have a meal brought.Soup, I think.Tell everyone I am not to be disturbed the rest of the day.Send a note to my brotherthat I will not be at dinner." He hesitated a moment, and then gave a mental shrug."Some music would be nice, I think.What is the weather like, Corinos?""Dreary.Fall is not conceding gracefully to winter.I think there will be a frost tonight.Shall I summon a musician to play foryou, Highness?"Culebra shook his head."I do not prefer the stiff music of the court musicians.They are too used to pleasing crowds."Meaning they played the sort of music that was easy to listen to or ignore in favor of conversation."Yes, Highness," Corinos said, a smile in his voice."Thank you," Culebra said quietly, and turned to stare into the fire so as not to give away his own smile.Corinos was first and foremost a bodyguard, but once upon a time he had shared the duty with Granito - though they wereboth nearly always present no matter which one was technically on duty at the time.Their mother had believed firmly in hersons learning more than the 'manly art of solving every problem with violence.' Granito had learned to carve - had, in fact,made many of the objects which filled Culebra's bowl.Corinos had learned music, and was quite proficient with aninstrument unique to Piedre - the guitarra.He kept his instrument in Culebra's room, as he seldom bothered to play it unlessCulebra asked.Culebra settled himself more comfortably on the rug, stretching out so that he lay with his arms and head on a pillow, hisright side toward the fire.He listened as Corinos sat down nearby - probably sitting so that he could see Culebra, the door,and the balcony - and began to tune his instrument."What would you like to hear, Highness?""How about one of those harvest songs?""As you wish." Corinos played a few notes, checking the strings, getting comfortable, and then slowly fell into a steady,rhythmic tune, ideal for singing while working.Every now and then Corinos would hum or sing along with his playing; hewasn't a great singer, but Culebra would much rather listen to his voice than even the most cultured of the court musicians.The heat and music tried to lull him to sleep, and he was sorely tempted to give in - then he felt a familiar slithering alonghis leg, up to his back, until it stopped to coil up between his shoulder blades, head resting on one shoulder.Culebralaughed softly."Hello, beauty.Come to enjoy the music, too?"Nearby, Corinos snorted softly."From the look of her, Highness, it is not the music she is enjoying.""Enough, Corinos, please."Corinos sighed."Yes, Highness." He shifted from one song into another, the second tune a winter song, slower, softer,almost sad, a song of everything vanishing in the cold and snow.file:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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