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.Well thatwas a no-brainer; the only man with three marks and a greed for revenge so strong it consumed him.Iknew Mister Cole would ask for something in return, and I hoped it would be the file I had socarefully found.And what would you know, she laughs in her whimsical, gleeful laugh, her crazyeyes twitching,  it delightfully was.Now, I couldn't have it be easy to acquire or connected to me.Ineeded this to appear genuine.It all played out exactly as I had hoped.One of my favorite clientseasily hooked the gold-digging princess into his life, as I informed him to do, knowing that you wouldbe delighted and figure it good fortune you had an  in.But now, how do I get you to request thedagger from Mister Cole for me? That is what has taken my plan the longest to play out.I needed anincentive, a reason.You, unfortunately Mister Lincoln, have never been one for money, luxuries, oranything else most people require.I waited, knowing one day the tides would change, and as luckwould have it, the beautiful Miss Evans entered your life.Ahh, finally, she sighs, getting starry eyed, I found a way to get your attention.Isn't love wonderful?I hear Jay growl, but I can't take my eyes off of Lazra, sucking in every word she's speaking,  Isent two idiots your way, knowing you would easily dispose of them, and I hadn't wanted to wasteany of my good men on you.And look, here we are, exactly as I had planned.Now, Mister Lincoln, Iwould appreciate it if you would go retrieve my dagger.Jay sits calmly, completely unmoving, eyes locked with Lazra as minutes tick by.He finally shifts in his seat and swipes his head,  Why do you want this dagger, knowing who itbelongs to and what will happen if you get your hands on it? I detect nothing in his voice.It's calmand level and very un-Jay like.Her crazy eyes start twitching again,  That dagger is mine! She shouts, slamming her hand on theside table, making me jump.She recovers her cool, smooths out her skirt, and takes a sip of wine,acting as though she'd never had an outburst. You don't have any siblings, Mister Lincoln, so youwouldn't understand, but sometimes when a family member dies they pass down heirlooms, andsometimes certain family members believe it belongs to them, that they are more entitled to it.That isnot always the case, as with my family.The dagger is mine and I want it back. She says the lastsentence slow and clear, her eyes twitching as well as her hands.She seems to be off her rocker.I'm wondering how mental and off her hinges she really is, andhow much trouble Jay and I are in.I start nervously chewing my lip, having a very bad feeling aboutwhere her rant is going. Oh, fuck, Jay mumbles under his breath, eyes frantically moving back and forth, lost in his mind, pulling thoughts together. How did I not see that? He asks softly to no one, appearing tofinally put all the pieces together.Lazra lets out a chilling cackle,  Because I did not want you or anyone to know.He scrutinizes her,  But you've tried killing him too? He may be my brother, but that doesn't mean I like him.Holy shit. My father, like my brother, was not right in the head.My father took his insanity out on hisfamily.My brother got his punishments in the torture room  or what some houses refer to as thebasement  like our father's father had done to him.Mine were in the bedroom.Our mother would getboth, but never as bad as we did.He needed her fully functional so his meals would be on time andthe house sparkling clean. One day, my brother was in the torture room recovering from a heavy whipping with a cat o'nine tail, when he snapped.He got our father's dagger  it had been passed down from generation togeneration to keep their sons in place  from its lockbox.He came to the dining room where we wereenjoying dinner and attacked our father.Slit his throat.But you see, it wasn't enough.My brother hasalways had a weird tick when it comes to the number three.He only has three meals a day, threethings on the plate with each meal, will only sleep for three hours a night, and so on.So after hesliced our father's throat it wasn't enough.He turned on our mother.He still had an itch and he startedshaking, repeating that he needed more. I sat at the table trembling, watching the blood gush out of my parent's throats.He kept repeatingthat he needed more, and who happened to be next to our parents at the time? My beautiful two yearold son.He was a gift to me from our father, promising that he would one day pass the family daggerdown to him.My brother slit his throat too.Then you could see and feel the peace wash over mybrother.His shoulders rolled back and his eyes glowed in a way I had never seen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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