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.She could see that David was reallyconcerned. What? asked Kara, puzzled. What are you saying,David? The Legion wouldn t send us on a suicide mission?Would they?Gabriel pulled out a massive hand and grabbed Davidby the arm with such force that he lifted him off his feet, asthough he were a toy soldier.  I ve had enough of you today! It ll be a pleasure toescort you out personally.Kara took a step back as Gabriel started to emanate agolden glow.The air around them tightened and the lightdimmed.David kicked his legs and shot Gabriel a dangerouslook. Go ahead, your holiness& I d like to see you try. Enough! shouted Kara, her eyes wide, shocked thatthe words had actually escaped her lips. Uh, sorry Mr.archangel, sir, uh, your majesty, she stammered.Your majesty? What the heck am I saying?  Um I dlike David to help me chose my weapons& please? Karapursed her lips, scrunched her forehead and tried her bestto make sad puppy eyes.Gabriel studied Kara for a moment, still holding Davidoff the ground with one arm. If you think he can help you then I will let him stay.He dropped David to the floor and bent over him. Openyour mouth again, and I will rip out your tongue.David stuck out his tongue in Gabriel s face when helooked away for a second.Kara walked over and pulled David back on his feet. Very mature you know that.You d think you were twelve.She looked across to the weapons tent and could see thatBrooke was already gearing up. Let s go, I need someweapons and I m running out of time. Sure, David said.He and Kara marched up to theweapons tent; with Gabriel following closely behind.Kara could see that the GAs from the first group had Kara could see that the GAs from the first group hadfinished gearing up and were headed down towards thepools.She watched Group 2 stuffing blue arrows anddaggers into their duffel bags.And over at the far end of thetent, Brooke was trying out a long silver dagger.She slicedthe air with it.She looked up and saw Kara and Davidapproaching.Her face broke out into a grin. Hiya, what do you think of this one. Brooke jumpedinto the air and stabbed the invisible foe in front of her.Shelanded with a slight thump and looked up at them, eyesblazing. I think I can cut me up some shadow demons withthis little baby!Kara had a strong feeling that she and Brooke weregoing to get along just fine. Awesome, said Kara, as the corners of her mouthlifted.Brooke looked bad-ass with that dagger in her hand,and she moved with great skill.As a Petty Officer, she wasa few years ahead of Kara, in terms of combat training.She was also strong and athletic.Having had hours and hours of combat training herself,Kara felt pretty confident that she and Brooke could rescuethis elemental child.How hard could it be, really? Shehoped that they would get the real safe house where thechild was being held captive.Her instincts and her strongdesire to get her old life back were strong motivation torescue the child.Kara smiled as she grabbed a long curved silversword from the weapons stand.She brought it up close toher face and saw that the stars embedded along the blade formed seven tiny circles.She rotated her wrist andwatched the blade flicker in the light.It was as light as afeather and cool against her skin. It s a Soul Blade.Usually rookies aren t allowed to usethem too powerful but I think in your case, they ll makean exception, David looked over to Gabriel and raised hisvoice to make sure that Gabriel had heard him.Gabriel, who seemed very interested in a white globeon one of the many littered tables, didn t look up. You re going to need these, too. David pulled offKara s backpack and started to fill it with red and whiteorbs.He held up one of the red orbs. The red ones arecalled Firestones smash it near a shadow demon, and itwill implode, swallowing the demon with it. He arched hiseyebrows as he waited for Kara to respond. Okay, Kara said.He placed the red orb in her backpack and then heldup a white orb. The white ones are Moonstones they giveoff rays of light that are harmful to any demon, even thehigher demons.Like this  David s arm shot up in the airwith the orb within his hand. You don t have to be too close,I ve used it at about fifty feet away, and it worked. I ve packed a whole bunch, too! Brooke bounced intoview, her ponytail flailing behind her. And one of these!She pulled a white net, the size of a large trench coat.Shelooked at Kara and David, her blue eyes sparkling, Shadow Chains.I ve used them once before and theywere amazing! We trapped the shadow demon in it, and itcouldn t transform into shadow anymore and we killed it! She flashed a smile at David as she stuck out herhand. Hiya, I m Brooke.David took a step forward and took Brooke s hand. David, he said, as he flicked his trademark wink. DavidMcGowan.Oh boy, here we go, said Kara to herself.But part ofher was jealous of the attention he showed Brooke.Heused to bombard Kara with his winks.But he hadn t winkedat her since he had seen the mark on her leg.She d beenfeeling disconnected from him ever since, like she d lost abest friend.She looked up at his beautiful face and his lips.The memory of the kiss flashed before her.She shook herhead, trying to clear it, but other images came flooding inimages of his strong arms wrapped around her body, ofhim holding her close.It was too much.She looked away. You re that David? Brooke raised her eyebrows. You re kidding! She let go of the Shadow Chains andpressed her hands against her shaking head. I can tbelieve it s really you! She studied his face,  I m a hugefan!This is just getting better and better, thought Kara.David flipped his leather jacket collar up and jammedhis hands in his pockets. Yup that s me. He cocked aneyebrow.Somebody shoot me, please. Okay, lover boy we , said Kara, as she pointed toherself and then to Brooke,  gotta go save the kid! Life-quest, remember? Chosen ones?  I know, I know.David helped Kara finish packing her bag with someextra salt shakers and an extra soul blade, the size of adagger.She hid it under her jeans, strapped around hercalf. Kara Nightingale! Brooke Miller! An oracle rolledtowards them.Silver cloth glistened in his hands. YourSparks here. He stretched out his little arms and handedthem their gloves. Hurry up now! You don t have much timeleft.Off you go! Off you go! He waved his arms impatiently.Kara stared at her Sparks.Twinkling like diamonds,they hardly weighed anything. Ready? said Brooke.Kara shoved her gloves in her backpack, zipped it upand threw it over her shoulders. Ready.She followed Brooke and David.The three of themwalked over towards the pools.They passed tents withgroups of guardian angels practicing their combat training.She could hear the clangs of metal on metal.This could bethe last time I see this.Maybe tomorrow I ll wake up andwon t remember a thing?They approached the first rows of pools.The air wasthick with salt.Loud plashes and plops surrounded them.Kara looked up and saw Group 2, Lindsey Steel andCarlos Lopez standing near the edge of a pool.Their lipsmoved in unison and then they jumped.With a wallop,they hit the water at the exact same time.A second later,brilliant light shot up through the water, and they vanished. Kara bit her lip and followed Brooke to the metalstaircase, David at her shoulders.Brooke climbed easilyand waited for her on the platform.David grabbed her arm. Hey [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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