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.make the jump to hyperspace and escape.To get things4Weapon: Laser cannons (2 fire-linked); Fire Arc:started, read the following aloud:Front; Attack Bonus: +12 (+4 size, +4 crew, +4 firecontrol); Damage: 5d10x2; Range Modifiers: PB +0, SYou clear the mouth of the cavern just as it collapses  2, M/L n/a.and the entire asteroid is shaken by a powerful tremor.The tidal forces tear the asteroid apart; sending huge Craft: Imperial Star Destroyer; Class: Capital; Cost: Notchunks of rock several times the size of your ship spin- available for sale; Size: Colossal (1,600 m long); Crew:ning out in all directions.You swerve and dodge as minimum 5,000, maximum 37,085 (Normal +2);flying rocks rush past your ship.Suddenly, the proximity Passengers: 9,700 (troops); Cargo Capacity: 36,000alarm sounds and a small group of TIE-fighters scream metric tons; Consumables: 6 years; Hyperdrive: x2out of space from behind a nearby asteroid.They re (backup x8); Maximum Speed: Cruising; Defense: 12heading directly toward you, laser cannons blazing! ( 8 size, +10 armor); Shield Points: 300; Hull Points:700; DR: 30.Weapon: Turbolasers (60); Fire Arc: 4 batteries front,The heroes ship can make it out of the asteroid field in4 batteries left, 4 batteries right; Attack Bonus: +6 ( 85 rounds.Once they are free of the field, a hero can beginsize, +2 crew, +8 fire control, +4 battery fire); Damage:the calculations for the jump to hyperspace with an5d10x5; Range Modifiers: PB  6*, S  4, M  2, L +0.Astrogate check (DC 15).Every 2 points by which the heroWeapon: Ion cannons (60); Fire Arc: 4 batteries front,exceeds this DC reduces the amount of time it takes to3 batteries left, 3 batteries right, 2 batteries rear; Attackprogram the coordinates by 1 turn.Bonus: +3 ( 8 size, +2 crew, +5 fire control, +4 batteryThe whole time, six TIE fighters chase the ship throughfire); Damage: Special; Range Modifiers: PB  6*, S  4,the asteroid field and fire on them.The TIE pilots mustM  2, L n/a.succeed at a Piloting check (DC 20) or fall victim to aWeapon: Tractor beam projectors (10); Fire Arc: 6spiraling asteroid that smashes into their diminutive fight-front, 2 left, 2 right; Attack Bonus: +2 ( 8 size, +2 crew,ers.The heroes in their larger ship have it a bit easier:+8 fire control); Damage: Special; Range Modifiers: PBTheir pilot must succeed at a Piloting check (DC 15) to 6*, S  4, M/L n/a.navigate the field successfully (with a -2 penalty ifmynocks drained the ship s power earlier).[sc]LINK:: CONTENT = ADVENTURE CHAPTER 1 = ABILITIESDamsel in distressORIGINAL ADVENTURE428.m 1837b Wrapup About the AuthorStephen Kenson has been a freelance writer in the role-The Data playing-game industry for more than five years and aIt s completely up the Gamemaster to decide the nature of gamer for longer than he d care to admit.He s written forthe vital data carried by the Stellar Damsel.It could be infor- a number of games including SHADOWRUN, MARVEL SUPERmation on Imperial troop movements, plans for a new HEROES, and DRAGONLANCE®: FIFTH AGE®.His work appearsImperial weapon, or any other piece of data important to the regularly in DRAGON magazine and on the official DUNGEONSRebellion.Making use of the data can lead into all kinds of & DRAGONS® website: www.wizards.com/dnd.other adventures for the heroes, if the Gamemaster desires.Steve maintains his own personal website as well,featuring gaming articles he has written and some infor-Rewards mation about his current projects.Visit his home page atThe team gets to split an award of 1,000 XP.Any hero who http://members.aol.com/talonmail or contactrisked his or her life to save the team, the crew of the him by email at talonmail@aol.com.Damsel, or to complete the mission also should receive aForce Point.5CONTENT = ADVENTURE [sc]LINK::ORIGINAL ADVENTURE428.m 1837bDamsel in distress [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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