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.Her healer spack had already been removed from the saddle, and neVenklandidn t hesitate as he prodded her up the steps to the door.Inside, she was thrust down the hallway and into ahalf-furnished room.In spite of herself she tensed when neVenklanpassed the tail of the noose to another.He was close enough to kick.Her back muscles tightened as her body almost blindly started itsmove.Then, abruptly, he struck her cheek.Her head snapped back.Her mind went blank.Then the red, wolfrage hit hard.Half dazed, she jerked free of the raider, ripping thenoose cord from his hands.NeVenklan reacted instantly, grabbingat her shoulder.Hands caught her from behind, snagging the nooseline, and the thin cord choked her suddenly like wire.Her eyeswent wild.She couldn t scream the rope cut off her breath.Herlungs heaved instantly.Terror howled into her mind her throatwas being crushed.Wildly, she fought the bonds, kicking at theraiders so that two of them went down with her in a pile.Brutalhands grabbed her again.Her flesh tore beneath the ropes.Shejerked free for half an instant and lashed out, catching someone inthe groin.The man bent slowly over, but another grabbed the ropes aroundher wrists and threw her brutally against the wall of the room.Shethought her chest, her throat would burst as the air tried to explode from her lungs.Then neVenklan grabbed the line on her neck andloosened the noose.She slid to her knees, choking. Alive, neVenklan said coldly to the man by the wall.The other raider shrugged. Alive enough.They eyed her.Slowly, she looked up at them.Her throat stillfelt crushed, and there was a burning on her neck.Something sliddown her chest, and she knew it was blood.Her lip curled back, hernose wrinkled.Unconsciously, she bared her teeth.NeVenklan nodded slowly, noting her unfocused eyes. Enough,he agreed.He hauled her roughly to her feet, then prodded her up the stairsto an empty room.There was a heavy-duty hook in one of the walls,near the ceiling, and it was over that which he tossed the line.Hebrought the rope down at an angle across the wall and secured it toa cleat near the door.She was left there, tethered by her neck, withone raider at the doorway.NeVenklan paused by the guard. If you see her do anything odd,come down and get maLien or neProtel to stand with you.Do notget close to her.And don t yell.Just come down to the landing andsignal. Aye, the raider acknowledged.Dion stared after neVenklan as he left the room, then eyed hercaptive space.Besides the guard and the shutters that blocked thewindow, there was nothing else to see.The room was dusty anddim.There was no furniture, no paintings on the wall.Even the oneslight crack in the ceiling seemed a solitary statement.Gingerly, she tested the noose, but it was chokingly tight.Shetried jerking her head to snap the line out of the hook, but it wassnug enough that the motion itself half strangled her.The man atthe door simply watched.Finally, she stood, head down, hershoulder against the wall, trying to focus on the gray rage that hadfilled the back of her skull.Slowly, ignoring the swelling of her lipsand the looseness of the tooth the raider had struck, she broughther thoughts back to herself. Gray Ones, she whispered.Wolfwalker, they returned.How long till you reach Aranur? The roads are crowded withThey were uneasy in her mind.human smells.This is no place for us.They won t hurt you You run with the, she sent back with a snarl.moons at your back.Wolfwalker! Hurry, she breathed.They growled in return, low in their throats, and the mentalsound was unwilling, but she could feel them move, their bodieswarming as they left the shade of the scrub for the open heat of theroads.It was already an hour and a half past dawn, and they hadkays to go to reach the inn, but they moved like fire.Soon theywould reach Aranur.Slowly, Dion raised her head.She tried to ease the ropes on herarms, but they were tight as a miser.All she could do was lean onthe wall and listen to the raiders in the room below.Their voices,muffled by the wooden floors, were still loud enough for hersensitive ears that she could make out what they said. It s her, all right, one of the raiders spoke. Aye.Did you see her eyes? the other answered. There s notmany who could lay claim to that color&  Bandrovic s been waiting a long time for this. Long enough, another man agreed. He could have grabbed theAriyen months ago, if he wanted. Like worlag sweetmeat, the first one retorted sarcastically. Hewasn t ready before.The venges showed him that. You think he s ready now? The Ariyen will put up a hell of afight he, of all people, should know that& NeVenklan s voice cut into theirs, silencing the group.The voices,when they spoke again, were too soft for her to hear.She bit her lip, as if that tiny pain would bring more focus to hermind.But the voices of the wild wolves, once they were called,seemed to hold on to her thoughts.She bit her lip harder.Therewas a snarled response in the packsong.Then the gray wolvescurled like snakes around her thoughts, pressing in from all sides. Aranur&  she whispered.She didn t know how long she stood there, her mind clouded with fog.It wasn t until she heard neVenklan s voice and the dooropening in the room below that she was able to focus again.Dion couldn t help the sudden jump in her heartbeat.But thefootsteps, though light, were not Aranur s he would not havewalked so easily past a roomful of raiders.She waited, and the manbelow crossed to the stairs.But when the raider came in sight, thewolfwalker s eyes widened. Aye, Dione, he said. It is I.Those dark blue-gray eyes, the shallow seams in his face.Wideshoulders; heavy, gnarled hands; and gray-peppered hair& It wasthe raider who had tried to take her before out on Red Wolf Road.The one who had herded her away from the venge, then said hername like a promise.His eyes had been in her nightmares; his face,hanging over hers, while he powered her back& She took a halfstep toward him, her face tightening into a snarl as the noosebrought her up short.In her head, the gray voices gathered.The tall man untethered the noose from the wall, flipped it out ofthe roof hook, and let the line fall slack on the floor.Then hewaited. What do you want? She forced the words out. Where is your wolf? he asked. How s your hip?Slowly, he smiled and stepped forward. The wolf, Dione [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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