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.He wasn t expecting ananswer, but Dan gave him one anyway. Yes, he said.Just one word.But that one syllable had held so much conviction that Hartman felt alightness in him that he hadn t had before.Dan always had that effect on him. Hunter! Danjal! We have our first location! Bob shouted.Hartman looked up at the approaching vampire and knew this was it.They would findShelby one way or another.Sam was following at a more sedate pace but just as intense in hisconcentration. I have four locations along the docks that could be possible sites, he announced. We should split up, Dan said firmly.Sam handed over a sheet of paper with the details on it of two warehouses in mid-renovation. Keep in touch, he said sternly.Hartman nodded.He wanted to know the minuteShelby was found alive.He couldn t bring himself to contemplate her being found dead.www.total-e-bound.com THE CASE OF THE WICKED WOLF Amber Kell & RJ Scott55Chapter SevenSam headed for the first warehouse with Bob tight on his heels.They d decided to breakinto pairs.Sam and Bob, Hunter and Dan each pair took a warehouse and were to call theother pair if they found anything at all.Gazing around, Sam didn t see any signs of life, paranormal or just plain feathered.Nothing. Does it seem too quiet to you? Sam asked Bob. Yes.Stay behind me, the vampire insisted, walking in front.Sam pulled out his multi-weapon hoping he wouldn t have to use it.However, he wasn t going to hide behind his lover.That certainly wasn t the way tobuild up his reputation as a detective hiding behind Bob while he shook in his shadow.Sam straightened his shoulders and kept his weapon at the ready, scanning the area.The silence unnerved him.How could an entire dock have nothing there? Where were theworkers, the boats& ? Hell, where were the fucking seagulls?The only people in the entire area were them. Do you sense anyone? Sam asked.He d kept this voice low in case somethingparanormal stalked about.Bob shook his head, not turning around from his perusal of the area. If there is they llbe in one of the buildings.No one is out here, that s for sure.Sam relaxed a bit, pleased he wasn t the only one who thought so. If they were here they left, Bob said finally.Sam sighed. Let s go check out that warehouse. He nodded towards a buildingseveral yards away that appeared to be put together with metal flashing and bubble gum.Rust ate holes in several places and the few windows Sam could see were shattered.Anemanation of despair oozed from the warehouse as if even the structure had given up allhope.He desperately prayed they weren t there.As much as he wanted to find the children,this location practically radiated the promise that he wouldn t find any of them alive.www.total-e-bound.com THE CASE OF THE WICKED WOLF Amber Kell & RJ Scott56Bob lifted his head to the breeze. My senses aren t as good as a shifter s nose, but Idon t smell anyone.If someone was here, they left a while ago. If they were here, they might have left some clues. Even empty the warehouse mighttip them off to where the kids had been moved to.Ready for anything, Sam rushed to keep up with the vampire as Bob approached themetallic structure.Bob paused before pulling on the door that opened with suspicious ease.It didn tsqueal on its hinges like its appearance implied it should.Anticipation tingled up Sam sspine.Someone had been here.After Bob motioned him forward, Sam walked carefully through the doorway.Hedidn t want to hide behind his vampire lover, but he wasn t an idiot who rushed throughdark doorways when he didn t know what might be hiding on the other side either.Sticking close to the walls, Sam surveyed the interior.It was a large empty area with little else but trash and a whole lot of space.Spots of oildotted the floor as if machinery had once rested there, but other than that, the building wasclear. Smell anything? Sam asked. No.Nothing. Bob scowled in the gloomy interior.Most of the windows were boardedover and there was no chance of letting sunlight in to brighten the space.Sam stopped for a minute, startled that he could see so well.When had he started to beable to see in near dark? Um, let s go back outside. Unsettled, Sam turned to leave. It s because we re mates, Bob said. What? Sam squinted against the sudden brilliance of the sun as they stepped outside. It s why you can see better in the dark.You are seeing like me, Bob replied. Oh.Am I going to start craving blood? Sam didn t know how he felt about this lateststrangeness in his life.Every day seemed to bring something weirder.Bob laughed and Sam resisted the urge to punch him. No.You aren t turning into avampire, but you are going to be able to see better and will probably get stronger.Other thanthat, I doubt you ll have any other tendencies.Sam sighed. But don t you see? Not wanting to mix with paranormals doesn t mean Ienvy them and want to be one.I just want to be human.www.total-e-bound [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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