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.Tom Swift and His AirshipChapter 10 A Bag of Tools37"We ought to lick him good and proper," growled the squinteyed lad."Well, why don't you?" invited Tom.He moved to one side, so as not to be hampered by his wheel.As he did so heknocked from the handle bars the valise of tools.They fell with a clatter anda thud to the pavement, and the satchel came open.It was under a gas lamp,and the glitter of the longhandled wrenches and other implements caught theeyes ofAndy and his crony."Huh! If we fought you, maybe you'd use some of them on us," sneered Andy,glad of an excuse not to fight.Tom quickly picked up his valise, shutting it, but he was aware of the closescrutiny of the two vindictive lads."I don't fight with such things," he said, somewhat annoyed, and he hung thetools back on the handle bars.Page 35 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"What you doing around the bank at this hour?" asked Sam, as if to change thesubject."First thing you know the watchman will order you to move on.Hemight think you were a suspicious character.""The same to you," retorted Tom, "but I'm going to ride on now, unless youwant to have a further argument with me.""You'd better be careful how you hang around a bank," added Andy."The policeare on the lookout here.There's been some mysterious men seen about."Tom did not care to go into that, and, seeing that the two bullies had lostall desire to attack him, he put up the brace and mounted his wheel."Goodby," he called to Andy and Sam, as he rode off, the tools rattling andjingling in the valise, but it was a sarcastic farewell, and the two croniesdid not reply."I hope I didn't damage any of the tools when I let them fall that time,"mused the young inventor."My, the way Sam and Andy stared at them it wouldmake it seem as if I had a lot of weapons in the bag! They certainly took goodnote of them."The time was to come, and very shortly, when Andy's and Sam's observation ofthe tools was to prove disastrous for our hero.As Tom turned the corner helooked back, and saw, still standing in front of the bank, the two cronies.Chapter 11 The Red Cloud Departs"Well, dad, I wish you were going along with us," said Tom to his father nextmorning."You don't know what you're going to miss.A fine trip of severalhundred miles through the air, seeing strange sights, and experiencing newsensations.""Yes, I wish you would reconsider your determination, and accompany us," addedMr.Damon."I would enjoy your company.""There's plenty of room.We can carry six persons with ease," said Mr.Sharp.Mr.Swift shook his head, and smiled.Tom Swift and His AirshipChapter 11 The Red Cloud Departs38"I have too much work to do here at home," he replied."Perhaps I may astonishyou with something when you come back.I have nearly perfected my latestinvention."There was no combating such a resolution as this, and Tom and the othersconsidered the decision of the aged inventor as final.The airship was readyfor the start, and every one had arisen earlier than usual on this account.The bag of tools, for which Tom had gone to town, were put in their properplace, the last of the supplies were taken abroad, final tests were made ofthe various apparatus, the motor had been given a trial spin, disconnectedfrom the propellers, and then the balloonist announced"Well, Tom and Mr.Damon, you had better begin to think of starting.We've hadbreakfast here, but there's no telling where we will eat dinner.""Bless my soul! Don't you talk that way!" exclaimed Mr.Damn."You make meexceedingly nervous.Why shouldn't we know where we are going to eat dinner?""Oh, I meant we couldn't tell over just what part of the United States wewould be when dinner time came,"explained the aeronaut."Oh, that's different.Bless my pocket knife, but I thought you meant we mightbe dashed to pieces, and incapable of eating any dinner.""Hardly," remarked Mr.Sharp."The Red Cloud is not that kind of an airship, Ihope.But get aboard, if you please."Tom and Mr.Damon entered the car.It was resting on the ground, on the smallwheels used to start the airship when the gas inflation method was not used.In this case, however, it had been decided to rise in the air by means of thepowerful vapor, and not to use the wings and planes until another time.Consequently the ship was swaying slightly, and tugging at the restrainingPage 36 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcables.As Tom and Mr.Damon entered the cabin there drove into the Swift yard adilapidated wagon, drawn by a bony mule, and it did not need the addition of acolored man's voice, calling: "Whoa, dar, Boomerang!" to tellTom that his friend Eradicate Sampson was on hand.As for Eradicate, as soonas he saw the great airship, which he had never before beheld fully rigged,all ready for a flight, his eyes became big with wonder."Is dat yo' flyin' machine, Mistah Swift?" he asked."That's it, Rad," answered Tom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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