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.The hand stayed there on his bottom,a warm pressure that made him tremble with anticipation.It had been so long since anyone.would Harry even want that from him? His breath hitched in hischest at the possibility and his blood turned to quicksilver in his veins.Their culture made it so hard for men to ask to be taken, even when they were in bed together.Always inthe past when Severus had found the nerve to request it from a partner, they'd been more than happy toindulge him, but afterwards their attitudes had made it plain what they'd thought of him, how his needhad diminished him in their eyes, and he'd always felt dirty afterwards.Dirty and used.Somehow, heknew in his soul that if Harry were to indulge him that way, it would be different with Potter.But that wasn't for tonight.Tonight was for kisses, and cuddles, and whatever else Harry was up for.Harry's other hand hooked his neck and pulled him down into another kiss.Once they were absorbedagain, the hand left his neck to stroke his hair.Severus shivered as the silver and leather clasp thatbound it in place was popped open and dropped onto the bed.His hair cascaded down around their faceslike a silky black curtain.Harry's fingers proceeded to tangle themselves in it, grasping it like he'd never let go.The kiss deepened,their tongues met in a dance that was becoming wonderfully familiar.Severus buried his own hands in the bird's nest of shaggy black tangles that was Harry's hair.It felt softas ermine fur beneath his fingers.The kiss was all he was, all he wanted to be.Its sweetness ran through him.In its enticing depths hefound an acceptance and a promise such as he'd never known.This wasn't furtive; it wasn't dirty.Thefeeling he felt here in Harry's arms was transformative.For perhaps the first time in his life, Severus knewthat come morning, his lover would still be there - and still be his lover.This wasn't just an urge of theflesh, an itch to be scratched and forgotten come morning.This was.He gasped into Harry's mouth as the hand left his hair to trail down his back, joining its companion at hisbum.Those strong fingers pressed down through his nightshirt, learning the shape of his arse.His heart jolting at the sensations those exploring fingers induced, Severus broke the kiss, threw back his head, and moaned."You like that?" Harry's passion roughened voice whispered."Is it okay?"He wanted to answer, truly he did, but the rush of pleasure made words impossible.All he could do waswhimper, thrust down at Harry, and hope that Harry understood.Harry seemed to.His fingers gave the flat mounds he was touching a tentative squeeze.Red-hot ecstasy ripped through him.Severus couldn't believe that the cry that filled the room was hisown.Another minute or two of this and he'd be reduced to a puddle of pulsating protoplasm.Merlin knew,his cock was certainly headed that way with the way it was throbbing.It almost seemed Harry read his mind, for Potter's hands pushed and prodded at him until Severus slid hiships a little to the right.They both made a startled noise as their flannel covered groins settled together."That's not going to work," Harry said.Severus gave a protesting cry as those hands abandoned his bum.Harry grabbed hold of his nightshirtand tugged it up above Snape's nonexistent waist.Then Harry struggled to do the same with his own.Severus lifted his hips a bit to allow the obstruction to be removed, and then.and then Harry'scalloused palms reclaimed his bare bum and guided him back down.Their cocks met in a steamy bump that sent skyrockets shooting off through his nervous system.One ofHarry's hands abandoned his butt long enough to guide his head back down into one of those marvellouskisses.Then it was back on his bottom, cupping and squeezing his most sensitive area along with itspartner and Severus lost all higher thought.All he was was sensation, and that sensation was going to immolate him.Everything he was, everythinghe was ever going to be, was offered up to this feeling.He would have sacrificed his life, his integrity, hisentire world to keep it.Only, for the first time in his miserable existence, Severus knew that his joy wasnot going to come with that kind of price tag.Loving Harry wasn't going to diminish him or weaken him inany way.To the contrary, Severus could feel the power of this emotion warming and healing all those coldand hurt parts of himself that had all but shrivelled up and died from atrophy.It was simple frottage; it shouldn't have felt this good, but the sensations rushing through him as hehumped down against Harry's sweaty erection were nearly sublime.And, every time those knowingfingers squeezed his bum, the 'nearly' that had qualified his earlier assessment disappeared and he knewtrue perfection.Had he been more self-aware, he would have held in the noises he was making.But there was no controlleft in him.As he rocked against Harry and reacted to those masterful squeezes, he cried out in a trulyembarrassing manner.Harry didn't seem disturbed or put off by it, though.He was making his own share of noise as he buckedup to meet him.It seemed forever and no time at all before he felt the gathering in his body and the world seemed to meltaround him as ecstasy transformed him into pure power.This was what the heart of magic felt like, herealized as every touch-starved cell in his body rejoiced at this never before sharing.No pain, no shame,no hurting, there was nothing but pleasure and tenderness here in Harry's arms.Harry froze below him, and he felt hot spurts hit his stomach as his own shaft sprayed Harry's belly withits sticky, hot gift.When it was through, he collapsed down on top of Harry, buried his nose between Harry's shaggy hair and sleek neck, and tried to remember how to breathe.He could feel Harry going through a similar processbelow him.He knew that he was too heavy to stay here on top of his smaller partner, but when he madeto roll off, Harry's fingers dug into his naked bum and refused to allow him to move.Those fingers stayedthere, and he was preternaturally aware of them as his breathing steadied to something near normal."You okay?" Harry murmured after a long time of just hanging on to each other."I'd say that was considerably more than a kiss and a cuddle," Severus said when the various pleasure-blasted pieces of his brain reassembled enough for coherency.Because he was free to do it, he leaneddown and kissed the tip of Potter's slightly upturned nose, the action veiling both their faces behind acurtain of black hair.Harry's hands rose from his butt to either side of his face.His fingers carded through his hair and thenpulled him down into another kiss that was slower than the previous ones, but no less sweet.When he raised his head for air an eternity or two later, he stared down at Harry in absolute wonder.Never had he seen Harry so relaxed or so happy.There actually seemed to be a glow to Harry's features.His sleepy, green eyes certainly had a strange light in them as he smiled up at him."I could kiss you forever," Harry said, reaching up to run his index finger along the line of Snape's jaw.Even after the incredible orgasm Harry had just given him, that tender touch made him shiver."I wouldn't object," Severus replied.Relief washed over Harry's features, as though he'd been in some doubt of that fact."Good, that's good."Severus felt a small smile twist the corners of his lips as Harry nearly cracked his jaw on an enormousyawn.He looked so beautiful with his cheeks flushed with pleasure and eyes still a little dazed.He felt sowarm and welcoming beneath him.Severus didn't know if he'd ever felt this warm in his life.Harry's hand slipped down to his back and started to softly stroke [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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