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.It is Anandaghana (solid mass of bliss).THE GOLDEN MEANKeep the mind in a state of moderation or happy, golden mean.Never let it run to excesses.People die of shock from extreme depression as well as from extreme joy.Do not allow Uddharshato crop up in the mind.It is excessive merriment.Mind always runs to extremes either to extremedepression or extreme joy.Extremes meet.Extremes bring about reaction.Mind can never be calmin excessive joy.Let the mind be cheerful but calm.Be always cheerful.Laugh and smile.How can a mind that is gloomy and dull think of God?Try to be happy always.Happiness is your very nature.This is termed Anavasada (cheerfulness).This spirit of cheerfulness must be cultivated by all aspirants.Study spiritual books.Have constant Satsanga.Repeat OM 21,600 times daily with Bhava.It will take you three hours.Meditate on Atman or Krishna.Realise Brahman.Only this will freeyou from all mundane miseries and afford you eternal peace, knowledge and bliss.With the growth of mind, pains increase; with its extinction, there will be great bliss.Havinglorded over your mind, free yourself from the world of perceptions, in order that you may be of thenature of Jnana.Though surrounded by pleasurable or painful objects to disturb your equilibrium ofmind, remain immovable as a rock, receiving all things with equanimity.The final cool joy andlaugh consequent upon it is the bliss arising from the mind merging into the stainless Brahman.99 PLEASURE AND PAINCHAPTER 24VIVEKAWHAT IS VIVEKA?When you are fully aware of the magnitude of human sufferings in this miserable, relativeworld, you will naturally begin to discriminate between what is real and what is unreal.Brahman isreal and Jagat is unreal.This is Viveka.Then sincerity or Sraddha will develop.Then aspiration orkeen longing to realise God will be felt.Then you will have to remember the Truth constantly.Thenyou will have to assert constantly:  Aham Brahmasmi I am Brahman. By incessant practice,Nama, Rupa and Sankalpa will vanish and you will realise Brahman.This is Vedantic Sadhana.Discrimination, sincerity, aspiration, remembering Truth always, assertion and then Realisation arethe various stages or means for realisation of Brahman.AIDS TO VIVEKAViveka or power of discrimination is only awakened by constant Satsanga and Sravana(hearing of Srutis).Those who have done countless virtuous Karmas in their previous births willhave the fortune through the grace of God to have Satsanga of Mahatmas, Sadhus, Bhaktas, Yogins,Jnanins and Sannyasins.BENEFITS OF VIVEKAMind wants repetition of a pleasure once enjoyed.Memory of pleasure arises in the mind.Memory induces imagination and thinking.In this way, attachment arises.Through repetition, ahabit is formed.Habit causes strong Trishna.Mind then exercises its rule over poor, helpless,weak-willed worldlings.As soon as discrimination arises, the power of the mind becomesweakened.The mind tries to recede, to retrace its steps to its original home the heart.Itspoisonous fangs are extracted by discrimination.It cannot do anything in the presence ofdiscrimination.It gets dethroned.The will becomes stronger and stronger when discrimination isawakened.Thanks to Viveka which enables us to get out of this miserable Samsara.CHAPTER 25VAIRAGYA AND TYAGAWHAT IS VAIRAGYA?If the mind is constantly thinking of tea and if it gets pain when you do not get it, it is saidthat you have got  Aasakti (attachment) for tea.This  Aasakti leads to bondage.The practice of Vairagya (dispassion) demands you to renounce this  Aasakti for tea.Mere giving up of takingtea does not constitute the essence of  Vairagya.100 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLStudy Vairagya-Prakarana in Yoga Vasishtha.You will have a comprehensiveunderstanding of the real Svarupa of Vairagya.A clean description of the actual dispassionatemental state of Sri Rama is given.Palatable dishes, refreshing beverages, affectionate father andmother, brother, dear friends, diamonds, pearls, flowers, sandal, ornaments, soft beds, gardens hadno attraction for him.On the contrary, their very sight gave him intense pain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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