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.While the first two are illegal drugs forminors, they are far more socially acceptable than marijuana, LSD, heroin, speed, and drugs that are illegal foradults, too.Caffeine is so well accepted that many people are surprised to learn that it is a drug.AlcoholMiddle school and high school students consume about 1.1 billion cans of beer each year.1 In one recentmonth, half of the 2.8 million high school students had had a drink, and in one two-week period, about 30percent of high school seniors were binge drinkers, having five or more drinks at one sitting.2 Experts who areconcerned about alcohol abuse say it is the number-one drug problem.Drug Scene: AlcoholCaitlin arrives home from the party in the early hours of the morning so drunk she has troublewalking.Her parents help her into bed and remark that they are glad she does not use drugs.In theirminds, alcohol is less dangerous than drugs (they do not consider alcohol a drug).even though theyknow it is illegal for their sixteen-year old daughter to drinkMany kids grow up knowing the different types of alcoholic beverages.When grain ferments, beer is produced.When fruits ferment, wine is produced.Spirits (liquor) can be distilled from fermented barley and other grains,potatoes, and sugar cane and molasses.Liquor has a higher alcohol content than wine or beer, but it is usuallydrunk in smaller quantities.One 12-ounce lager beer, one 1º -ounce shot of liquor, and one 5-ounce glass ofwine have the same amount of alcohol."Aunt Millie can't be an alcoholic, she only drinks wine," is a falsestatement.Many alcoholic beverages have special appeal for the young.Freeze and Squeeze, a frozen fruit juice that wasfound at some grocery stores before officials had it removed, contained 6 percent alcohol.Tumblers, a 24-proofblend of fruit flavors and vodka, is popular with young people.Blenders ice cream cups with flavors like PinkSquirrel, Grasshopper, and Golden Cadillac were introduced by The Ice Cream Bar, a company based inMinneapolis.Each cup contains between 2 and 5 percent alcohol.3Drinking and DrivingMany beer drinkers say, "It's only beer," without realizing how a six-pack can change their ability to drive.Alcohol-related car crashes are the number-one killer of teenagers in the United States.For young people,inexperience in drinking and inexperience in driving make a deadly combination.Each day in 1996, eightyoung people died in alcohol-related crashes.4Overall, drunk-driving deaths are rising again, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), andattention to the problem is waning.This group calls alcohol-related accidents "the nation's most frequentlycommitted violent crime." 5How much alcohol makes a driver unsafe? Defining the amount of alcohol that will produce intoxication ordecrease driving ability is difficult.The physical effects depend on the amount and frequency of the dosage plusmental and emotional effects that vary with the setting in which the drug is used and with the mood of the user.There is pressure to lower allowable limits in some states; experts feel this would save many lives. Even a small amount of alcohol can create sensory impairment capable of causing injury or even death duringactivities such as driving, in-line skating, skateboarding, boating, and biking.Reports indicate that alcohol wasassociated with half of all unintentional injury victims, almost one quarter of suicide victims, and nearly half ofall homicide deaths.6The Biology of AlcoholAlthough alcohol may cause relaxation at first, other effects such as clumsiness, slurring of speech, andaggressive behavior may follow continued drinking.The loss of inhibitions may lead to unprotected sex,which could in turn lead to AIDS, and/or unwanted pregnancy.Sometimes people take a dare to consume large amounts of alcohol and die from alcohol poisoning (overdose).Although they are likely to become unconscious before this happens, the depression of various body systemscan lead to coma and death.Death may also occur from suffocation related to vomiting brought on by drinking.7ABOUT ALCOHOLAlcohol abuse is a pattern of problem drinking that results in healthconsequences, social problems, or both.However, alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, refers to a disease that ischaracterized by abnormal alcohol-seeking behavior that leads to impairedcontrol over drinking.Short-term effects of alcohol use include:" distorted vision, hearing, and coordination" altered perceptions and emotions" impaired judgment" bad breath" hangoversLong-term effects of heavy alcohol use include:" loss of appetite" vitamin deficiencies" stomach ailments" skin problems" sexual impotence" liver damage" heart and central nervous system damage" memory lossHow do you know if you, or someone close, has a drinking problem?Here are some quick clues: " inability to control drinking it seems that regardless ofwhat you decide beforehand, you frequently wind up drunk" using alcohol to escape problems" a change in personality turning from Dr.Jekyll to Mr [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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