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. She bit her lip. I am, actually, despite these things.Malta is an exceptionally beautifulplace.She brightened. You must have a very interesting job, Esther, I said, working in the Prime Minister s office.She nodded. It s Mario who works for the Prime Minister, she said. I workin the Protocol office, the External Relations Ministry.I work on visits offoreign dignitaries, that sort of thing.It s actually lots of detail work,not very exciting sometimes, until they get here, and then it gets way tooexciting.Worrying everything will go okay and all, she explained. You must know the Minister, then, I said, in what I hoped was a casual tone. What s his name again? Giovanni Galizia, she replied obligingly. Yes, I work for him.But ofcourse someone of my level in the organization doesn t get to deal with theMinister very much.He s very nice, very charming, though.Except, of course,when something goes wrong, she sighed. I m hoping he won t hear about this,she said glumly. But you must get to meet some very interesting people, and attend some lovelyevents,  I said, trying to sound suitably awed by all this.In fact, I d hadthe dubious pleasure of meeting a couple of Cabinet Ministers who d beenpatrons of the shop.Neither had particularly impressed me, burdened as theywere by unbridled ambition untempered, in my opinion, jaded though that maybe, by an equal passion for public service.It sounded, come to think of it, aPage 67 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmllittle like the person the Hedgehog had described, and would not have been outof keeping with a close friend of Martin Galea.Perhaps public service is notthe high calling it once was. I m still pretty new to the job, she replied. So I haven t really met thatmany people.The Minister, though, is the Prime Minister s closest advisor,she said proudly. His office is very close to the Prime Minister s.That might be true about the location; as to the rest of it, not from what I dheard. And where is that? I asked. The Palazzo Parisio, around the corner on Merchant Street.Napoleon stayedthere; he slept right in the alcove in the Minister s office.In what is nowthe Minister s office, I mean.He, Napoleon that is, was on his way to Egypt,and he captured Malta first because of its strategic importance.She went on a bit more about various other aspects of Malta s history, andwhat she had to say was very interesting.Until I d arrived here, andparticularly until I d become involved with Anna Stanhope s historical drama,I d had no idea that Malta had played such an important role in Mediterraneanhistory, and once again wished Galea had given me more than twenty-four hoursnotice about this trip.But there was something in the way that Esther wastalking about it.She sounded as if she d memorized it all, somehow, as if abutton had been pushed and now the speech was to unfold in its entirety.Characteristic of a recent protocol school graduate, I thought, or someonedetermined to please.I was glad when the speech was over.I had what Iwanted: an address for the man I wanted to see.I had learned something elsetoo.Esther made much of the fact that her minister lived in Mdina, among therich and famous, I could tell.Soon Victor, Mario, and Anna joined us outside, and we all surveyed thedamage. We must get this painted, Victor said, eyeing the shed severely. I have afriend, a cousin actually, who will help us with this. And with a bow in ourgeneral direction, he started up the causeway to the exit. We ll get some of the boys to help, Anna called after him. Maybe Sophia syoung man& Anthony, I think his name is. She turned to me.I nodded. Isn t he a lovely man? she said to the retreating back of Victor Deva. Lovely, I agreed. I haven t had much experience with men, she said in a low voice. I m notthe type men go for, you know.Never got to the prom, so to speak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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