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.If theothers hear the value of faultless words, then convincing them of the purityof my art will follow easily.How could anyone resist the truth of what Ialways have maintained, if it is so perfectly spoken?"Farnel glanced around his hut and scowled in annoyance at the disarray."Comein.Come in and make yourself comfortable, lass.I am most curious as to howyou will repeat what I will tell you.""But that is not why we are here," Delia said as she and Jemidon passedthrough the doorway.She looked around the rough furnishings and eventuallysat in the only uncluttered chair."Drandor may have been close57Page 34 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlenough to see us enter.I do not care to confront unprepared anything else hemight fetch from his tent.""To aid in some petty squabble is not why I have asked you in." Farnel wavedaway the words."We will select the charm before anything else.""Then make it a Wall of Impedance." Jemidon grimaced as he lowered the latticeto the floor.Farnel's flying off on some diversion of the art was notsomething he wished even to contemplate.And he was annoyed with himself fornot recognizing the potential of Delia's voice as had the master."A Wall ofImpedance, some sort of chant to block the hurt."Farnel noted Jemidon's pained expression, and then his eyebrows rose inquestion marks as he saw the bloodstained sleeve."End?" he asked."Later." Jemidon shook his head."After I have some rest."Farnel frowned and looked about the hut."I have some sweetbalm here," hesaid."Payment by an alchemist who wanted a private glamour two seasons back.It isold and stale and, as a side effect, it sometimes produces a great desire tosleep.But it might aid until a charm is cast."Farnel rummaged through a box at the foot of his bed and then tossed Jemidon asmall tube of salve.Jemidon grunted thanks, removed his tunic, and appliedthe balm to the cuts in his shoulder.Almost instantly, the throb diminishedand the swelling began to subside.Fame! watched the red begin to fade from the wounds and turned his attentionback to Delia."Each of the other arts has its place, I suppose," he said.Hesmiled at Delia as he approached."Now the Wall of Impedance.Yes, just thething to teach the iass.Simple enough that it is one of the first instructed to the tyro, but withenough potency that the enunciation must be exact."The sorcerer took the imp bottle from Delia and set it on a table."Payattention to the beginning," he commanded."The last few syllables are notquite the same, and that makes ail the difference.""The help I seek is not one of instruction." Delia shook her head slightly andlooked out a small window facing58the trail."But if I can remain hidden long enough, perhaps the trader willgive up the search and sail on to Pluton, as he had planned before I fled.""Pluton," Fame! said."A trader will find little to barter there.Fortunes aremeasured by sums and abstractions on paper, not by trinkets from farawaylands.Why, even the common gossip of the day must be bought, rather thanfreely received."Delia ignored the comment."Will you provide the shelter and more active aid,if that is what I need?""Will you attempt the charm?"Delia looked once more out the window.She touched the iron around her wrist,and her shoulders sagged."Oh, if you must, tell me the beginning, " she said."It is far1less than what I would otherwise have to pay."Farnel rubbed his hands together like a small boy anticipating a new toy.Jemidon settled down onto the floor beside the lattice and tried to makehimself comfortable.He was still aware of the wound in his shoulder, althoughthe pain was much reduced.And now, without its distraction, Farnel's interestin Delia began to grate as an irritant.Perhaps it was the fatigue and tomorrow he would think more clearly; but, bythe laws, he was the master's tyro, not someone of only a few momentsacquaintance.If there was to1be instruction, he was the one who should receive it.And with no previousexposure, it would take Delia considerable time to grasp all the subtle shadesPage 35 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof intonation.For the Wall of Impedance, he had required more than two hours, practicingeach syllable over and over until it was spoken correctly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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