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.We always thought it would be both of us sharing in your special day.This is a memory I know she was looking forward to.” She took a deep breath.I struggled to keep the memories at bay.I didn’t want to open that floodgate, not today.“You’re so beautiful, honey, and I’m so proud of you and Kellan.You’ve done amazing things together; one of which is in your belly right now.” She smiled as she rubbed my belly.“I know your parents are looking down on you right now and they’re so happy for you, bursting with pride and overwhelmed by the woman you’ve become.You’re going to be a wonderful wife and mother.And don’t think for one second that because I didn’t give birth to you that I won’t be playing the role of grandmother to that baby or that I won’t be there for you through it all.I love you.I love Kellan, and I love that little miracle inside you.”I was on the verge of losing the little bit of control I’d summoned not to break down.The gaping hole I’d grown accustomed to feeling seemed to become a vortex, sucking all of my strength, sucking all I had inside.I missed them; all of them.I was sad to know they wouldn’t see me today; I was brokenhearted to know they were missing so many moments, that they’d sacrificed so much for me to have these moments and then they weren’t here to share them.“I love you too, Aunt Claire.You’ve always been there for me when I needed you and I really appreciate it.I know Mom would be proud of the woman you’ve stepped up to be; so would Gran.”Without warning, she hugged me, her tight squeeze making it impossible to breathe.I emphatically reciprocated nonetheless, relishing her love.That was one thing I was grateful for.I had lost people I loved, but the love never stopped coming.I was surrounded by love; I was in love.A sharp knock sounded on the door before Auggy burst in.He fidgeted with his button-up shirt.“I’m damn near suffocating in this stuffy outfit,” he grumbled.Aunt Claire released me, and both of us appraised the burly man.She rolled her eyes.“Oh, please.It’s a pair of khaki pants and a nearly sheer white linen shirt.You’ve damn near uncovered your elbows in the thing and no one wants to see that much of your chest.Button a few more buttons.You’re lucky we’re not stuffing your feet in alligator shoes; it’s not every day a girl decides to have a barefoot wedding.”He mumbled something as he fastened a few buttons, leaving two open at the top.“I’ll see you outside, sweetie.You look beautiful.” Aunt Claire kissed my cheek.She stopped by the vanity, quickly retouching her make-up.She slapped Auggy on the chest.“Stop complaining and compliment the beautiful pregnant woman you’re about to give away.”He scoffed, as Aunt Claire strolled out, closing the door behind her.Auggy slowly lifted his gaze to where I stood.His hands immediately fell away from where he was still fussing with the shirt; his eyes crinkled in the corners.His chest ceased to rise and fall for a minute as he looked at me.I tugged on the dress, trying to cover more of myself.It was a white dress that made me feel like I was wrapped in silk.Layers of smooth linen surrounded my body, tight against every part of me from chest to knee.A cream colored bow spanning half of my width sat low on my back, giving the appearance of all those layers of silk fusing, ending eloquently there.Aunt Claire had bought me a platinum necklace with a single pearl dangling on the delicate strand, representing the most important person I’d lost.Lastly, she gave me Gran’s pearl earrings, the same ones my mother had worn on her own wedding day.My chest cracked open, my aura darkened at the thought of them both.Would the pain ever disappear? Would there ever come a day that I didn’t mourn the loss of someone?Auggy slowly approached me.His lips curled up as he grabbed my hand.He kissed the back of my hand.“Kellan’s a very lucky man.” He winked.“You look breathtaking.Any man would be fortunate to have you.”I felt my cheeks warm.Auggy wasn’t a mushy man, but I knew he was the right man to walk me down the aisle.“Thanks.” Tears welled again.I felt like a leaky faucet; the tears never seemed to leave.“Awe.Don’t cry, Lex.I don’t do tears too well.” He let go of my hand and grabbed a tissue from the vanity.I took it from his extended hand.“Sorry.I’m going to blame it on the hormones [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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