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.“Beyond happiness at the triumph, they were.It’s been left to mark part of the new beginning.”There was a small metal plate on the left-hand corner.I stepped closer to make out the engraved legend:M.PEASE — 1997 — S57546Y“The name and date of emplacement,” another orderly explained.“The serial number is cross-filed with the records and cellular material stored above.That made it possible to identify her to begin with.” He pointed to the crayon scrawl, “And learn her first name.We also know she was—uh—or is, I mean, twenty-six and a worker at the Tri-Unity Space Center, as were most of the others here.”“There’s the possibility that she’s still alive behind there?”“We hope,” he shrugged.“It’s beyond our knowledge.”“She is!” Ann’s firmness echoed down the corridor.“I know she is.”As if part of a rehearsed procedure, my hand went out for the flowers she held.She gave me the bouquet and removed the withered blossoms from the ledge beneath the crypt door.No, not crypt.For, placing the fresh flowers in their place, I thought of the entity beyond that metal barrier and.“Please!” I gasped and, coughing, pushed away the second biting ampule an orderly had snapped beneath my nose.“But, Chrome, you’ve gone white again!”Donald’s amber eyes searched mine as I collected myself.“I put the flowers down,” I explained.“As I took my hand away, the door said ‘Cold,’ clearly and distinctly.It spoke in a woman’s voice.”The others looked at Ann who shrank away from us.“I said nothing!” she breathed.“I would never do such a thing.You all know that.”I put my palms against the door and silently gave respect.There was an acceptance then restiveness.I offered whatever assistance was within my power.‘Heal her,’ the female said silently to me in my mind and then withdrew.With that command came the realization of how obvious it was.Enough of my stumbling around in an imaginary Winter’s snowdrifts of self-pity; I must be of some use.Ann had sacrificed to save me, as had so many others.Now, in return, I must use my Gift, my knowledge of healing, to help her.I turned around to find the group watching me as if I should be carrying, at the very least, inscribed tablets of stone in either hand.“There’s nothing further,” I lied.“Thank you for your courtesy.”I gestured toward the waiting elevator at the far end of the corridor.After an uneasy pause, they moved in that direction.I glanced down at the small metal plate of the indented square next to Mother Mona’s.There was no name engraved on it, only the date, 1997, and an identification number, G02045E.As I started to move on, something mentally reached out and stopped me—or, more accurately, something requested that I wait.I did.In the pause there was a sense of benign curiosity, of searching and evaluation.I closed my eyes and concentrated.First, and most surprising under these circumstances, was the wry sense of humor which made itself felt in connection with the complicated rearrangements that were having to take place for me to be able to understand as much as possible in my present state.In the darkness, an impression was given to me, a schematic visualization of mental processes far too elegantly complex to be rendered by mere written symbols.When I had begun to comprehend, the flashing interplay slowed; the electronic fireworks dimmed and collected into more mundane thought-clusters.With civility, these clusters grouped themselves into neat lines from which they stepped forward, one at a time, to present their suitability and usefulness to me.There came the knowledge that the being beyond the metal panel was well pleased.A radiation of great parental pride, and then the thought-form, “A fine Warrior.”Even as it took place, I was aware that somehow all the tremendous emotional impact of this sudden confrontation had been masked off and put on “hold” for examination ages later.I was left only the quiet calm certain knowledge that behind there was my father! There’d been no deft genetic juggling involving dozens or more of unknown donors—only one, this male before me here!A hundred questions whirled and clamored for answering.The healing power, the foreknowing-to-be, had they then come from him?‘From us,’ came the definite and dual answer.‘Be still for now.Go, quickly,’ continued the male, ‘and say none of this.’‘Heal her,’ reminded the female.I opened my eyes to find Donald watching me closely.How long had the foregoing revelation taken? There was no telling from his expression.Those eyes, now hot amber and a bit more crossed, scanned my face; his hand went to my shoulder.“Chrome.?”“Please listen,” I quieted his husky eagerness.“Tomorrow, at a time convenient to you both, bring Ann to the therapy pool in my sector.”“Ah, yes, I see.” His arm slacked as he shook his head.“You’re kind, Chrome, but it’s been tried by all the specialists.The damage is beyond repair.”The mixture of disappointment and courtesy in his voice was somehow touching.A spark of former humor, mostly at my own expense, flickered briefly.“A wager, then, my golden-eyed comrade,” I smiled.“If I’m unable to help her, it will be your turn—to help me!”How he grasped my hand so fast I couldn’t follow.No difficulty, though, to read the message which burned in those eyes.“Unfair, Chrome.But accepted!”* * *Alone, back in my quarters, I mulled over these happenings.The male entity had been most firm in his caution to “say none of this,” and in any case with whom would I be likely to discuss such an amazing occurrence? Jamison was far too immersed in governmental turmoils and intrigues; Dr.Irene had asked that more time be allowed to pass before contacting her; I had cut myself off from any other contacts.If only there were some way of finding out about the entity down there next to Mother Mona, learning something of his history.Donald had spoken of data being stored with each individual’s genetic material separately in levels above.Perhaps I could ask him to see what records might be left dealing with—But no, that would only serve to draw attention to an area already too vulnerable.It was now that I realized the real reason behind S.O.R.A.and the Scientific Advancement Committee’s refusal to relinquish me; they’d found my Propagation Formula had been falsified, probably by using it and learning it yielded nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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