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.(a) reversal (b) terms (c) laid out (d) willYour entry:____________________Q4 The scheme was to try and rise the morale of the workers and make them feel more cheerful.(a) scheme (b) rise (c) morale (d) cheerfulYour entry:____________________Q5 The detective came to the conclusion that the crime had been commissioned by person or personsunknown.(a) detective (b) conclusion (c) commissioned (d) unknownYour entry:____________________Q6 To act in this disgraceful manner can only be described as contemptuous by anybody's standards.(a) disgraceful (b) described (c) contemptuous (d) anybody'sYour entry:____________________Q7 They've sent far too many of these items and thus they are supercilious to our requirements.(a) They've sent (b) items (c) thus (d) superciliousYour entry:____________________Q8 This document must be regarded as containing an officiousregulation as it comes from a governmentdepartment.(a) document (b) be regarded(c) officious (d) government departmentYour entry:____________________Q9 He's always losing his temper, shouting and getting himself into a terrible state of range.(a) losing (b) temper (c) into (d) rangeYour entry:____________________Q10 I can borrow you a little money if you like because as they say, every little helps.(a) borrow (b) little (c) as (d) every littleYour entry:____________________ 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 53.advanced-13Errors in Sentences / Advanced level # 13Infinitive vs.GerundQ1 They really looked forward to bedtime because their father would read them some extraordinary tails ofmystery.(a) looked forward (b) would (c) extraordinary (d) tailsYour entry:____________________Q2 They decided to spare no expense and instead of paying for just one room at the hotel, they hired a completesuit of rooms.(a) spare (b) expense (c) hired (d) suitYour entry:____________________Q3 It was cheaper to take out a prescription for the magazines than to buy them separately each month.(a) cheaper (b) prescription (c) than (d) separatelyYour entry:____________________Q4 The affect of increasing the tax on motor fuel meant that the average family was finding it difficult to run a car.(a) affect (b) fuel (c) average family (d) runYour entry:____________________Q5 The function of the judge is to present an subjective summary for the jury so that they can make their ownminds up.(a) function (b) subjective (c) jury (d) upYour entry:____________________Q6 Today you can't go somewhere in the high street or on public transport without seeing someone talking into amobile phone.(a) somewhere (b) high street (c) on (d) someoneYour entry:____________________Q7 I'm sorry but however persuasive you are, you just can't convict me that you are telling the truth.(a) but (b) persuasive (c) convict (d) truthYour entry:____________________Q8 The roll of the teacher as I understand it, is to help their students to think for themselves.(a) roll (b) as (c) to (d) themselvesYour entry:____________________Q9 You can understand why they don't like living in towns because they have their routes in the country.(a) understand (b) living (c) routes (d) countryYour entry:____________________Q10 They were very thorough in their investigation and carried out an exhausting search.(a) thorough (b) investigation (c) carried out (d) exhaustingYour entry:____________________ 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 54.advanced-14Errors in Sentences / Advanced level # 14Gerunds and PrepositionsQ1 I would like to make a demand to the hotel management that they allow people to choose the TV programmethey want to watch.(a) would like (b) demand (c) allow (d) chooseYour entry:____________________Q2 If you buy large quantities of this product, you will be able to get a much better price than the usual detail price.(a) quantities (b) able to (c) than (d) detailYour entry:____________________Q3 They say but then no one really knows that the presence of security cameras in the street deters people tobehaving in a criminal way.(a) then (b) presence (c) deters (d) toYour entry:____________________Q4 The hotel Direction insists that all visitors leave their rooms by 11 am at the very latest on the day ofdeparture.(a) Direction (b) leave (c) by (d) day of departureYour entry:____________________Q5 I'm absolutely sure that that's the man whom has been following me around all day long.(a) absolutely (b) that's (c) whom (d) all day longYour entry:____________________Q6 You can easily tell that the parents paid a lot of attention to those children because they have excellentways.(a) easily (b) paid (c) those (d) waysYour entry:____________________Q7 I've just been on the bathroom scales and I know I've got to eat less because I am weighing far too.(a) I've just been (b) scales (c) I've got to (d) I am weighingYour entry:____________________Q8 I advised him about the low ceilings in the house but he took no notice and hit his head three times.(a) advised (b) about (c) in (d) no noticeYour entry:____________________Q9 The first thing she did when she got to the hotel was to put her rings and other values in the safe provided.(a) got (b) put (c) values (d) providedYour entry:____________________Q10 You must really make an effort; stop making excuses and try saving some money each month from wages thisyear.(a) must (b) making (c) saving (d) wagesYour entry:____________________ 2003 2006 www.english-test.net ANSWER KEYSErrors in English Usage(Answer Keys) 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 1.elementary-1Errors in Sentences / Elementary level # 1 (Answer Keys)Much informationA1 I went to the library to get as much information as I could.correct entry: as muchthe error was: (b) as manyA2 If it is possible, I will help you later today.correct entry: Ifthe error was: (a) WhenA3 I can speak English quite well now.correct entry: speakthe error was: (a) speakingA4 He will not let me borrow his computer.correct entry: borrowthe error was: (b) to borrowA5 Tonight I'm going to stay at home by myself.correct entry: bythe error was: (c) withA6 I think it is a waste of money to buy cigarettes.correct entry: wastethe error was: (b) spendA7 I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday after work.correct entry: to seeingthe error was: (b) to seeA8 I didn't see anyone (anybody) on the way to your house.correct entry: anyone (anybody)the error was: (b) someoneA9 It is clear (obvious) that one day she will pass her examinations.correct entry: clear (obvious)the error was: (a) sureA10 I don't think I have ever read one of his books.correct entry: readthe error was: (c) red 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 2.elementary-2Errors in Sentences / Elementary level # 2 (Answer Keys)Be carefulA1 I have never been to see that film at the local cinema.correct entry: have never beenthe error was: (a) never have beenA2 Is this theperson about which you were speaking about last night?correct entry: speakingthe error was: (c) spokenA3 Her teacher is always giving her lots of homework.correct entry: homeworkthe error was: (c) homeworksA4 He needs to be more careful when he is driving his car.correct entry: carefulthe error was: (b) carefullyA5 She wants to live in Paris because she likes the French language very much.correct entry: wants tothe error was: (a) wantsA6 I am really not interested in mobile phones as I prefer ordinary phones.correct entry: interested inthe error was: (a) interesting inA7 When you wish to buy a book, you should go to a bookshop.correct entry: shouldthe error was: (b) should toA8 The good thing about computers is that you can find all kinds of information about everything [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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