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.Moving more warily, he followed the sound of the moaning.When he came up with her, she was bending over the tumbled stick figure of acludair child whose greenish-brown fur was matted and bloody, its bigred-brown eyes glazed and lifeless.The starwoman had one hand pressed againsta deep wound in the child s lower abdomen and the other hand curved around itshead where blood was gushing out, staining her fingers.Her face was blackwith the intensity of her concentration.The air steamed around her, shiveringat the power pouring through her.Gwynnor felt it tremble along his nerves,opening doors in his mind he wanted closed.He looked away from her.The corpse of a greenish furred cat lay sprawled beside the intent pair, therosettes of darker green spots making it still hard to see.He caught hold ofthe beast s hind leg and dragged it deeper into the darkness under the trees.There was no blood, just a small scorched puncture wound drilling through theround, blunt head.Once again, he felt a frustration close to anger at nothaving access to those powerful energy weapons.Then he came back to the small open space.Under the starwoman s bloody handsthe grisly wounds were healing, the new flesh growing visibly to fill the tornplaces.The small contorted body was slowly straightening, the taut knottedmuscles relaxing as the pain went away and strength flowed back.Aleytys looked up as she pulled her hands away.Gwynnor stood beside her, dartgun out, eyes warily searching the shadows under the trees. Thanks, friend.At the sound of her voice he started and turned to face her. If you refinished, we d better get moving. Without looking at the child, he said, It s healed.It ll be all right now. He, she corrected quietly. I still have to fix his leg.It s broken.Helpme hold it straight while I heal the break.Reluctantly, Gwynnor thrust the gun behind his belt and knelt beside the childwho was awake, staring at them out of frightened, unblinking eyes.Aleytysfrowned at the top of Gwynnor s curly head, worried now about his instinctiverepulsion when he touched the cludair child.He swallowed his disgust and did what she asked, quietly and competently,straightening the leg carefully, gently, firmly, holding it still when painmade the child cry out and try to twist away from him.Aleytys set her hands on the break and called down the healing power.When she raised her head again, she looked into a ring of stern faces coveredwith the fine mottled greenish-brown hair.The tallest male wore a leatherloincloth and held a short bow with arrow nocked and ready to shoot.Headvanced to stand in front of her. Ineknikt nex-ni-ghenusoukseht ghalaghayi.Aleytys heard the sounds as a string of nonsense syllables, then a knife painstabbed through her head and the meaning slid like white beads on a stringagainst the blackness in her mind.The people do not know your smell, youngersister of fire.She nodded quietly. I pass through your world, father ofmen. The child. He pointed a long, thin forefinger at the small version ofPage 19 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhimself now crouched on the earth. It is son to me. I heard a cry and came to see if help was needed.A woodcat had attacked thechild.I am healer.I must heal. She flipped a hand at the big-eyed child. Ask.He dropped with easy grace beside his son. Little brother, what happened? Father of men, the gasgas sang to me of strangers in the forest.I came tosee. Sheepishly, he dug at the gritty soil with long, double-jointed thumbs,eyes avoiding his father s stern face. In coming. He hesitated, fingerstwisting in the sparse grass. In coming I was careless and let the cat getabove me.Sister of fire was bending over me when I woke.I was hurting. Hetouched his stomach where the fur was gone, showing the pinkish silver of thebare flesh. I was torn here, my entrails coming out through the hole.Andhere, he touched his head,  there was much pain.At times, I saw two ofeverything.And my leg was broken below the knee, the bone a white stubsticking through the flesh.Sister of fire put her hands on me.Fire came andburned me but it burned the pain out of me and drove the death snake back.Then the plainsman came and took hold of my leg.Sister of fire put her handson me again.And see, my leg is whole.It is a great mystery, father of men.The male s round dark eyes lifted to Aleytys. I am healer, she repeatedquietly. Where there is need, I must heal.He stared at her a moment, the nostrils of his long nose moving rapidly in andout, measuring her odors, testing for truth in the scents her body releasedinto the air.After a minute, he dropped his eyes and inspected the boy sstomach and head where the hair was gone, then felt along the leg, grunting asthe strong slender bone slid under his fingers without a sign of a break knot.He stood. Get you home, fingerling, and take more care this time.In seconds, the boy had vanished onto the woven way high in the upper sectionsof the trees.Aleytys watched with astonishment.She had noted the presence ofthe vine complex but thought it a natural formation.Now, as the boy dartedsilently and invisibly away, she realized that the vine trail was part of acomplex of ways that webbed the upper levels of the forest.She turned back toface the cludair.Eyes gleaming a dark red-brown snouted, nearly chinless, face intentlyserious, he stared gravely at her. Sister of fire, my gratitude you haveearned.What I have is yours without measure.She shook her head. You owe me nothing. He looked down at his hands clutchedtightly about the limbs of his short bow, showing a hesitancy clearly foreignto him.After a short, tense silence, he said slowly,  Will you come with me,sister of fire? Only the great need of my people can justify my breaking ofcourtesy to one of great power and great heart.The house of cludair is beingdestroyed and we are powerless to stop it.As father of men, I must seize onwhatever might be able to help us.Chapter VIThe noise was deafening.Trees crashing, saws whining, wood screaming underlathes slaughtered trees evaluated as worthless, chewed into chips and spatout behind.The squat, ugly machine ate at the forest like a monstrous locust.A skimmer hovered over the anal orifice of the metal locust, scooping up theend products of the machine s digestion, hanging the processed lumber in abulbous cluster beneath its flat bottom.As they watched, it reached itslifting limit, rose, and darted off to the south [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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