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. I ve no doubt you ve been around the block, Gus said. But a ten-minute Internet show? It s not what we re doing here. Gus was not pleasedat the back-and-forth over the menus for the upcoming episodes of Eat Drinkand Be.Her shows without a cohost had always been easy to plan.And shewasn t impressed with the idea of presenting fussy dishes: as a mom, she hadmore respect for her busy peers.Also discouraging was that Alan was forcing them to do a mini-season "1 0 0 kat e j ac ob stest run: Gus was essentially auditioning for the job she d held for the lasttwelve years.It was infuriating. FlavorBoom was extremely popular, Car-men said, her voice icy. With frat boys, said Gus. What the hell did you do in ten minutes?Dress up mayonnaise.Make chips and dip.Toss a salad. Gus was gettingcranky but she tried valiantly to keep herself in check.The last thing shewanted to seem was shrewish.She cleared her throat and tried her most pro-fessional voice. My point, Carmen, is that the average viewer on the Cook-ingChannel is looking to be entertained and inspired, not overwhelmed.We try to use foods that are easy to find, and that have some sort of familiar-ity to the viewer. Novelty keeps people interested, said Carmen. And by the way, I don tdo fancy mayonnaise. I like mayo well, really aioli, but same idea. Oliver hadn t spoken formost of the meeting, uncomfortable about being so late, annoyed with Car-men, intimidated by Gus, worried about Porter s impression of him. Wecould make a fish with aioli.Gus and Carmen each shot him a nasty glance.Oh, brother.He slunkdown in his chair a smidge. Ah, he speaks, Porter said, appraising Oliver. Look, it s clear Carmenand Gus have different ideas and I want the three of you to go shoppingtogether, and then come back and cook.Without cameras, without pres-sure.See what you can put together in the studio kitchen, learn each other sstyles a little bit. But we can t even agree on the basics of a menu, began Carmen. Myconcepts aren t being respected by some of the women in the room. Trust me, Carmen, he said simply,  you ve got innovation and spice.Gus has sophistication and a proven track record.I ve had a lot of hit showsand together whether the two of you like it or not I m going to make surethat Eat Drink and Be is my best one yet. When are we starting with the new show? asked Oliver. Immediately, said Porter. Here is what I really want to do: have a con- "co mf o r t f o o d 1 01test.Some lucky viewer will win an hour, on air, with the team of Eat Drinkand Be. What? Gus had a sense that everything was spinning out of her con-trol and, frankly, she didn t like it. We ll get entries, essays, videos, you name it.All why they should belucky enough to cook with you two.Carmen s fans are Internet-based andour viewers would kill to spend time in your kitchen, Gus. You re turning my show into a game show, Porter! It s my show as well, Gus. Carmen clapped her hands together. And Ithink it s brilliant. Good, said Porter. We ve got an ad for the contest ready to go live.Seventy miles away in northern New Jersey, Priya Patel opened her Webbrowser for the fourth time in fifteen minutes.In the background, as usual,was the hum of the CookingChannel; she liked the noise but she only paidattention to the repeats of Cooking with Gusto! at noon and five.The restwas just filler.Today Gus Simpson was making orange-apricot scones witha sweet glaze made from orange peel, a scraping of zest, and confectionerssugar.Yum.The only thing better than the repeats were original episodes, and Priyahad made a house rule that she was not to be interrupted during a new epi-sode in which Gus appeared.Only for broken arms, she told the family.Nothing else.Not that anyone in her house paid attention.There had beena lot of bustle in Gus s kitchen during that live episode and Gus seemed a bitstrained.Putting on a good face, of course.Priya knew what that was like.She d been dismayed to see ads about an entirely new show EatDrink and Be that was going to replace her beloved Cooking with Gusto!The tempo was nice, very soothing, whereas the live show seemed a bitchaotic.Out of concern, Priya had written several emails in recent days, herpoints bulleted and concise, to explain why this live format wasn t the best "1 02 kat e j ac ob sway to showcase Gus Simpson s talents [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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