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.[And God told them] to make for it the  belly of aship with the Two Tables, which were written by the fingers ofGod Zion shall rest upon them And thou shalt make for it a tabernacleof wood that the worms cannot eat, whereon Zion shall rest, two cubits andhalf a cubit shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and half a cubit thebreadth thereof, and thou shalt cover it with pure gold, both the outsidethereof and the inside thereof.And thou shalt make the fittings and thecover thereof of fine gold, and there shall be rings round about it; and thoushalt make in the four sides four holes for the carrying-poles.And thou13 Kebra Nagastshalt make it of wood that the worms cannot eat, and thou shalt cover itwith pure gold, and in this ye shall carry the Tabernacle of the Law.In this wise did God command Moses on Mount Sinai, and He showedhim the work thereof, and the construction and the pattern of the Tent,according to which he was to make it.And it (i.e., Zion) was revered andhad exceedingly great majesty in Israel, and it was acknowledged by Godto be the habitation of His glory.And He Himself came down on themountain of His holiness, and He held converse with His chosen ones, andHe opened to them [a way of] salvation, and He delivered them from thehand of their enemies.And he spake with them from the pillar of cloud,and commanded them to keep His Law and His commandments, and towalk in the precepts of God.18.How the Orthodox Fathers and Bishops AgreedAnd again the Council of the Three Hundred and Eighteen answeredand said,  Amen.This is the salvation of the children of Adam.For sincethe Tabernacle of the Law of God hath come down, they shall be called, Men of the house of God, even as David saith,  And His habitation is inZion. 19 And again he saith by the mouth of the Holy Ghost,  And Myhabitation is here, for I have chosen it.And I will bless her priests, and Iwill make her poor to be glad.And unto David will I give seed in her, andupon the earth one who shall become king, and moreover, in the heavensone from his seed shall reign in the flesh upon the throne of the Godhead.And as for his enemies they shall be gathered together under his footstool,and they shall be sealed with his seal. 19.How This Book Came to be FoundAnd Dëmâtëyôs (Domitius), the Archbishop of Rôm (i.e.,Constantinople, Byzantium), said,  I have found in the Church of [Saint]Sophia among the books and the royal treasures a manuscript [which19Psalm ix, 11.14 Kebra Nagaststated] that the whole kingdom of the world [belonged] to the Emperor ofRôm and the Emperor of Ethiopia.20.Concerning the Division of the EarthFrom the middle of Jerusalem, and from the north thereof to the south-east is the portion of the Emperor of Rôm; and from the middle ofJerusalem from the north thereof to the south and to Western India is theportion of the Emperor of Ethiopia.For both of them are of the seed ofShem, the son of Noah, the seed of Abraham, the seed of David, thechildren of Solomon.For God gave the seed of Shem glory because of theblessing of their father Noah.The Emperor of Rôm is the son of Solomon,and the Emperor of Ethiopia is the firstborn and eldest son of Solomon.21.Concerning the Queen of the SouthAnd how this Queen was born I have discovered written in thatmanuscript, and in this manner also doth the Evangelist mention thatwoman.And our Lord Jesus Christ, in condemning the Jewish people, thecrucifiers, who lived at that time, spake, saying:  The Queen of the Southshall rise up on the Day of Judgment and shall dispute with, and condemn,and overcome this generation who would not hearken unto the preachingof My word, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom ofSolomon. 20 And the Queen of the South of whom He spake was theQueen of Ethiopia.And in the words  ends of the earth [He makethallusion] to the delicacy of the constitution of women, and the longdistance of the journey, and the burning heat of the sun, and the hunger onthe way, and the thirst for water.And this Queen of the South was verybeautiful in face, and her stature was superb, and her understanding andintelligence, which God had given her, were of such high character that shewent to Jerusalem to hear the wisdom of Solomon; now this was done bythe command of God and it was His good pleasure.And moreover, she20Matthew xii, 42; Luke xi, 31.15 Kebra Nagastwas exceedingly rich, for God had given her glory, and riches, and gold,and silver, and splendid apparel, and camels, and slaves, and trading men(or, merchants).And they carried on her business and trafficked for her bysea and by land, and in India, and in d"Aswân (Syene).22.Concerning Tâmrîn, the MerchantAnd there was a certain wise man, the leader of a merchant s caravan,whose name was Tâmrîn, and he used to load five hundred and twentycamels, and he possessed about three and seventy ships.Now at that time King Solomon wished to build the House of God, andhe sent out messages among all the merchants in the east and in the west,and in the north and in the south, bidding the merchants come and takegold and silver from him, so that he might take from them whatsoever wasnecessary for the work.And certain men reported to him concerning thisrich Ethiopian merchant, and Solomon sent to him a message and told himto bring whatsoever he wished from the country of Arabia, red gold, andblack wood that could not be eaten by worms, and sapphires [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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