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. But you created him. The boy was there now, his chest starting toblow apart in the same slow motion image. You chose the worst ofmen the men who d joined the service to find power at the end of agun. You fucking traitor, the sergeant repeated, but his accusationhad very little power over Miguel.Maybe he d felt guilt ripping at himat one point, but not now.Now he had missing children to find. I hope you can one day see the truth, Miguel told the sergeantas his eye started to flatten into an impossible shape and the noseslowly bulged in the opposite direction, as if there were a giant piece ofshrapnel Miguel couldn t see pushing at both.The sergeant s voiceshouted,  Take him down.Damn it, Rassin, take him down. A littlepart of Miguel s brain informed him that the pieces were out of order.The sergeant had to have shouted at him before his face startedexploding, and he had never seen the individual drops of blood andflesh separating from the bodies of those he had chosen to not save.Miguel s brain knew that all these pieces of his life had beenrearranged, but he didn t have time to put the jigsaw puzzle backtogether. 186 | Lyn GalaHe looked over, and the boy just looked sad as he watched hisstomach come apart.He looked up. Your friend calls to you. Hepointed, and Miguel looked over his shoulder. Asalaamu Alykuum. Miguel, do you see her? See if she s going somewhere.Followher. Nikolai stood in the mist, more solid than the boy or the sergeant,and behind him, the pregnant woman was watching with her headtilted.Miguel looked back into the Iraqi scene, and the boy vanished ina wisp of smoke. Where is she? Where is she going? Miguel looked over to seethe pregnant woman standing to the side.Miguel might have pointedout, rather sarcastically, that she wasn t going anywhere, but then shestarted walking down the street.Miguel frowned and followed her. Rassin! Rassin! You fucking traitor! The sergeant s voice fadedaway as Miguel followed the woman.Her hair reflected light, but thatlight turned from white to red as she approached a building at least twoblocks down.Before, she d looked like a dark angel, but now, bathed inred light, she looked like a demon or a wraith.She reached out, herhands in fists with a gap where the middle finger should have been. What? What s here? Miguel asked.The woman turned to lookat him, tears running down her angry face. Tell me how to help,Miguel pleaded, stepping close.He suddenly lost his balance and wentfalling forward.Hands grabbed at him, but Miguel s head hitsomething with a jolt that was enough to shake his brains loose. Fuck! Miguel cursed when he found himself in a tangle oflimbs at the bottom of a pile of trash. Hey, that wasn t my fault. Rob was crouched on the edge of thewindow well Miguel had fallen into. I kept your ass from stepping infront of a truck, so don t complain to me if you can t watch your ownfeet.Miguel looked around in confusion. What?Nikolai was right there in the window well with him, his hair halfout of his ponytail and hanging down so that he looked lopsided. Oy, Ihave no idea.I was just along on the ride this time.And can I say that Iam very happy you have talent in the fighting of demons, because morethan a few could smell your blood. Urban Shaman | 187 No demons, Miguel said softly.Well, maybe one demon. Who the fuck were you following? Rob demanded. There was a woman, Miguel said slowly, but now he evendoubted that.The strange glow had vanished and the world lookednormal again. Well, fuck.And I thought I d kept the kid from slipping you amickey this time around, Rob said softly, but not softly enough.Miguel glared at him. Just saying, Rassin, because there was nofucking woman on the street.Just you all glassy eyed and wanderingaround like a glue-sniffer straight off a hit. It was a quest, Nikolai snapped. It was a trip, Rob argued.Something caught Miguel s attention, a bit of color showingthrough a corner of black glass that had broken when Miguel had falleninto the window well.Bending down, Miguel peered through threw the jagged hole.Though the darkness, Miguel could see a dark leg, tiny and swollen indeath. Rob, Miguel said calmly,  get Nikolai home. What? Nikolai stepped closer and craned his head to see aroundhim.But Miguel put his hands on Nikolai s shoulders and physicallymoved him away from the window and the horror behind the brokenglass. Rob, call for backup and get Nikolai home.I ll secure thescene. Miguel pushed Nikolai toward the edge of the window well.Years ago, there was a fence around this narrow opening, but it hadlong vanished, leaving ragged, broken concrete waist high around thewindow well.Rob bent down and looked through the window. Well, fuck. Hebreathed the word so it sounded more like a prayer than a curse, andMiguel understood that.It was a clue their best clue yet and a littlehope and gratitude were buried under all the horror.But this was theone thing Miguel had never wanted to find, not even when he d knownin his heart that the children were dead. 188 | Lyn Gala I should&. Nikolai waved his hands inarticulately.Migueldidn t figure there was anything left for him to do, not for this child. Go home.You should go home, Miguel said kindly.Putting hishands around Nikolai s waist, he pushed him up.Rob grabbed for him. I ll call it in.We should keep Adelman on scene, though, Robsaid.Miguel opened his mouth to argue [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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