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.It wasn’t quite curfew when they arrived at her dormitory.Han meant to deliver Rebecca and take his leave at the door, but the common room was empty.“Where’s your dorm master?” he asked.If he’d showed up at Hampton with a girlie on his arm, Blevins would’ve been all over them already.“Don’t have one,” Rebecca mumbled, yawning.“Just Amon.I mean Commander Byrne.”“Where’s he?”Rebecca rubbed her temples with the heel of her hand.“Probably already in bed.Or over at the Temple School, visiting Annamaya.” She said this without emotion.The dormitory had a definite military look about it.For one thing, it was much more orderly than Hampton Hall.“Who else stays here?” Han asked.“The rest of my triple,” Rebecca said.She took his hand and tugged him toward the stairs.“Come up with me?”Han hesitated, his heart hammering out a yes.“Are you sure? I don’t want to get you into trouble.”“It’s all right,” she said, her face pinking up a bit.“I room with Hallie and Talia.Talia will be glad to see you—she’s been playing matchmaker, you know.Hallie just got back from the Fells.If she’s still awake, she can tell us the news from home.”Well, Han thought, I do want to hear the news.They climbed the narrow stairs, still holding hands, up and up, past the snores emanating from the second-floor sleeping quarters, to the third-floor landing.Here, there was a small sitting room with a cluster of chairs around a fireplace.An arched doorway led into an adjacent room.It was the kind of place the commander should have.Or the dorm master.“This puts Hampton to shame,” Han said, looking around.Rebecca laughed.“It’s supposed to be for the dorm master.There are three female cadets in Grindell, so we share it.”She pushed open the door to the bedroom, calling, “Hallie? Talia?” Han hoped they weren’t already asleep in there.He hoped they weren’t there at all.She motioned him forward.“They’re not here.”Han hesitated in the doorway, looking around.Three single beds were lined up against the wall, each made up with military precision, each with a large trunk at the foot of the bed.Three study desks had been jammed in under the window, for the best light.Rebecca’s familiar book bag lay on one desk, with her writing implements laid out next to it and the music box centered in a position of honor on the blotter.“This is posh,” Han said.So much for the rough life in the military.Rebecca’s purple scarf dangled from a hook by the door.She hung her bag next to it and held out her hand for Han’s.“You sure I shouldn’t get going?” he said, handing it over.“It’s nearly curfew.”What was the matter with him? He was never this well behaved.Rebecca sat down on her bed, practically bouncing on the taut coverlet.She patted the bedclothes beside her.He sat down next to her, sliding his arms around her.He kissed her, and she drew back in surprise, pressing her fingers to her lips, eyes wide.“Your lips seem to be—quite potent tonight.”“Sorry,” Han said.He took hold of his amulet and allowed power to flow into it.“Let’s try again.” Gingerly, he pressed his lips against hers, eyes open for her reaction.“That’s better,” she said, winding her arms around his neck.She lay back, pulling him down beside her, pressing against him.He kissed her again, then began working at the buttons of her uniform jacket.He was glad he hadn’t joined the army after all.The military was entirely too fond of buttons.“You know, I’ve never had a girlie say that to me before,” Han murmured, sliding her jacket from her shoulders and tossing it aside.“That my lips were potent.”“I say that to all the wizards I kiss,” she said.“I think you should know.”“I see,” he said, trying hard not to wonder what wizards she’d been kissing.Not Micah Bayar, he thought.Don’t let it be Bayar.“What’s it like?” he asked.“What do you mean, what’s it like?” She squinted at him suspiciously.“Being kissed by a wizard.”“Why? Haven’t you been?” she asked, looking surprised.There was Fiona.Han pushed that out of his mind.“Being kissed by a wizard when you’re not one, I mean.”“Hmmm.” Rebecca scrunched up her face, thinking.“It’s kind of a sizzling sting that goes all the way into your throat, like brandy going down.”Han pressed his fingers against his own mouth.“Like brandy? Really?”“And sometimes it goes to your head and —” Her voice trailed off and her eyes narrowed.“Blood of the demon,” she growled, readjusting her shirt.“Don’t make fun of me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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