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.Andour fathers have been rejected, because God took from them Zion, theTabernacle of the Law of God, to keep you and your seed for ever.And Hewill bless the fruit of your land, and He will multiply your cattle, and willprotect them in everything wherein they are to be protected. And as for thee, O my Lady, thy wisdom is good, and it surpasseth thewisdom of men.There is none that can be compared with thee in respect ofthy intelligence, not only in the matter of the intuition of the women who136 Kebra Nagasthave been created up to this present, but the understanding of thine heartis deeper than that of men, and there is none who can be compared withthee in the abundance of thine understanding, except my lord Solomon.And thy wisdom so far exceedeth that of Solomon that thou hast been ableto draw hither the mighty men of Israel, and the Tabernacle of the Law ofGod, with the ropes of thine understanding, and thou hast overthrown thehouse of their idols, and destroyed their images, and thou hast cleansedwhat was unclean among thy people, for thou hast driven away from themthat which God hateth.And as concerning thy name, God hath prepared it [especially], for Hehath called thee  Mkd, whereof the interpretation is  Not thus.Consider thou [the people] of thy nation with whom God was not wellpleased, and thou wilt say  Not thus [is it] good, but it is right that weshould worship God ;  Not thus is it good to worship the sun, but it is rightto worship God, thou wilt say. Not thus is it good to enquire of thediviner, but it is better to trust in God, thou wilt say. Not thus is it good toresort to the working of magic, but it is better to lean upon the Holy One ofIsrael, thou wilt say. Not thus is it good to offer up sacrifices to stones andtrees, but it is right to offer up sacrifices to God, thou wilt say. Not thus isit good to seek augury from birds, but it is right to put confidence in theCreator, thou wilt say. And besides, inasmuch as thou hast chosen wisdom she hath becometo thee a mother; thou didst seek her, and she hath become unto thee atreasure.Thou hast made her a place of refuge for thyself, and she hathbecome to thee a wall.Thou hast desired her eagerly, and she hath lovedthee above everything.Thou hast placed thy confidence in her, and shehath taken thee to her bosom like a child.Thou hast loved her, and shehath become unto thee as thou didst desire.Thou hast laid hold upon her,and she will not let thee go until the day of thy death.Thou hast beensorrowful on her account, and she hath made thee to rejoice for ever.Thouhast toiled for her sake, and she hath made thee vigorous for ever.Thouhast hungered for her sake, and she hath filled thee with food for ever.Thou hast thirsted for wisdom, and she hath given thee drink in abundancefor ever.Thou hast suffered tribulation for the sake of wisdom, and she137 Kebra Nagasthath become unto thee a healing for ever.Thou hast made thyself deaf forthe sake of wisdom, and she hath made thee to hear for ever.Thou hastmade thyself blind for the sake of wisdom, and she hath illumined theemore than the sun for ever.And all this hath happened from God becausethou hast loved wisdom for ever.For wisdom, and knowledge, andunderstanding are from the Lord.Understanding and knowledge, and thebeginning of wisdom, and the fear of the Lord, and knowledge, and theperception of good, and sympathy, and compassion that existeth for ever,all these things thou hast found, O my Lady, with the God of Israel, theHoly of the holiest, the Knower of hearts, Who searcheth out what is in theheart of man; from Him everything is.And it came to pass by the Will ofGod, that Zion hath come unto this country of Ethiopia, and it shall be aguide to our King David, the lover of God, the guardian of her pavilion,and the director of the habitation of His glory.92 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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