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.Today Shellyis supposed to have some of that cherry pie made. Consider me distracted, if you re buying, Frank said.Ian silently congratulated himself on avoiding a grilling for now as he nodded. I am. You know this is only a delay. Frank pointed at him. I ll give you a break until tomorrow, then  I ll buy you lunch again, Ian interrupted. Come on, let s go before we get a call and miss a good meal. There won t be cherry pie to bribe me with tomorrow, Frank pointed out smugly. No, tomorrow s coconut cream.Frank moaned.Ian grinned.He d keep Frank in pies until the man left him alone. Chapter SevenDrake pushed his hair back off his forehead.It flopped right back down when he let it go. What the heck! Any other time it stays out ofthe way&  I can do your hair for you, Will offered.Drake looked in the mirror and saw Will standing in the bathroom doorway. You left it open.He probably had.He was nervous as all get-out. I just want to look good, not like a damn goofball. You cussed. Will grinned as he walked in. Good boy.I hadn t heard you use a bad word in a while.Drake shrugged and went back to trying to get his hair to stay back. I don t like to.I did it a lot right after I left Rigo, because he hatedit when I cursed.Rebellion, ya know. Yeah, I get it. Will nudged his side then pushed at his shoulder until Drake stepped back enough for Will to wiggle in front of him. Didyou use any product? Of course.There was just a little left, though Will huffed and there went his eyes, rolling back like Drake was a dummy. Using the last of the hair gel is like drinking that last bit ofsoda or beer. It s all spit? Drake asked doubtfully. What have you been doing with my hair gel?Will popped him on the arm. Quit being a smartass or I ll leave you floppy-haired.All I meant was, the last bit s never so good.All theshit settles and you don t have the same mix you had when you started.And hair gel? Honey, please.Will reached over and took a round container from the shelf. This stuff is awesome.Look. He unscrewed the lid and dipped two fingersinto what looked like wax to Drake. It ll hold a style unless there s some serious fucking going on, at which point, who the hell is thinking about hair? Will scooped outsome of the stuff then rubbed it on his other hand. And it doesn t make your hair feel all gross.Keeps it soft.Here.Drake let Will primp him up and help him get ready.Will wanted to line his eyes with a blue pencil, but Drake stopped him. I don tknow how Ian feels about makeup.Will grimaced and tapped the pencil against his chin. The important thing here is, how do you feel about wearing it? I can take it or leave it, I guess.I never bothered much. He shook his head. No, I d rather be comfortable tonight, and I won t bewondering if Ian is turned off by guys in makeup.I just want to be myself. And you should be, Will agreed. As long as you don t try to turn into someone else for Ian. I won t. Drake wasn t going to lose himself.He was just discovering what he liked and, really, who he was.He thought he d like tohave Ian with him on that journey, though. I should go shoe shopping. I want to go with you! Will exclaimed, batting his lashes at Drake. Oh my God, Carlos and Troy bitch and moan and whine let me tellyou, their testosterone is gone right along with pride when I m shopping for shoes.They have no retail stamina.Drake laughed and glanced at himself in the mirror.His hair looked good, his face was smooth and he had a friend he could go shoeshopping with. Where would we go to buy heels? I doubt there s a friendly place for us to shop at.Will scrunched up his nose as he considered the question. I ll do some research.If nothing else, we can shop together online.Or take aroad trip.Everyone can feed themselves while we re gone. Sounds good. Drake smoothed down his T-shirt. I should have worn something dressier. Not that he had anything dressier. Nah, it ll probably get ripped off anyway.Ooooh. Will licked his lips. That would be so hot.Ian could do a sort of growling thing as hedid it, just tore the shirt right off your body and flung you down on the bed&  Stop, Drake pleaded, pressing his hands against his burgeoning erection. Geez, I don t have another pair of clean jeans if I get a spoton these. Then you ll just have to eat dinner naked, Will crooned, waggling his eyebrows.Drake was saved from replying by a knock on the back door.He bolted from the bathroom. Have fun! Will called out. I m going to!Drake stopped at the back door and took a deep breath.He let it out and glared at his cock.There was no way Ian wouldn t notice hisexcited state.But, if they were going to be lovers, Drake shouldn t be afraid of letting Ian know he wanted him. Hey, Drake said when he d pulled the door open. Come in.Ian looked him over slowly before entering. You are one sexy fucker, Drake. He handed Drake a bouquet of wildflowers. I didn t knowif you d like them, but I love flowers.Never gotten any like this, I mean, but I love to have them growing in the yard.As he d spoken, Ian s cheeks had darkened and his words had almost dragged.Drake noticed that when Ian seemed uncomfortable, hisexpression might not alter, but his speech did.He d heard it happen when they d been on the phone earlier, too. They re lovely, he said in response as he took the flowers. Thank you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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