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. Chapter 31I m a whole hour late for work, but I mnot going to get away with it today.Patrick is here, and he s standing over mydesk when I finally burst through the door. Flower? His round face is questioning,and the last thing I need today.I m late,and now I m going to shock him into aheart attack with my announcement.Helooks up at the office clock. What time doyou call this?It s one of the only times I ve seen adispleased look on my boss s face.I vealways been so dedicated to my career,but personal stuff is getting in the way and my job has been side lined.I m reallypushing my luck, and I have been sinceJesse trampled into my life. I m sorry,Patrick. I can t lie and feed him anyrubbish on a client appointment, so I leaveit at just an apology. Ava, I know your life has been movingpretty quickly lately congratulations, bythe way, but I need dedication. He takeshis comb from his inside pocket andsweeps it through his silver mop.I m a little shocked.Congratulations, bythe way? That was hardly sincere. I msorry. I repeat because I m stumped foranything else to say.By the way? I m alittle insulted, but my slighted state isn tdrawing any further inspiration to voice it, and Patrick doesn t give me the chance to,anyway.He goes back to his office,shutting the door behind him.I turn myconfusion onto my three colleagues, whoare all sitting quietly with their headsdown.Has he had a pop at them, too? Icollapse in my chair and decide, wisely ornot, given my boss s annoyance, to callKate.A friendly voice.That s what I needto hear right now.She grunts down the phone in greeting. Are you still in bed? I ask, firing up mycomputer. Yep. is the one word, swift reply thatshoots down the phone. I smile. Is a certain cute, messy haired,dimpled faced man with you? I pray for ayes, then hear shuffles and definitely agiggle, making my smile widen.I mighthave wanted to hear a friendly voice, butthis will do the trick, too. He is. She answers on a little shriek, notbothering to evade or brush off myquestion. Sam! Okay, I ll go. I have things to share, butI m more than happy to hold off. No, Ava! What? Wait! she demands.I hear moreshuffling, definitely a few slaps and then a door close. I just wanted to know howyou got on with Dan. She s whispering,for obvious reasons.That wipes the smile clean from my face.Kate doesn t need to know the gorydetails, and I m just as ashamed of mybrother as he is of himself. Fine.It s fine.He s gone back to Australia, and Jesseconvinced him to keep quiet. I feel responsible. Kate, he d already worked it out, beforeyou made the entrance of the year. I canjoke about it now. Did you talk? I asktentatively, taping my pen furiously on thetable and wondering if there s still scopefor a bit of head bashing.  Yes, we talked.He knew about Dan. Shepauses, and I know she s waiting for ashocked gasp from me, but too much timehas passed for me to fake one now.I try, anyway. Really? I practicallyshriek, receiving three sets of wide,startled eyes shoot straight to me fromevery corner of the office. Whatever, Ava. she mumbles. I felt likesuch an idiot.He s not as daft as Ithought. I know, I agree. So, everything isokay? Yes, everything is fine.Perfect, in fact.I m smiling again. No more Manor?  No more Manor. she confirms. How areyou? Throwing up? Achy legs? Anystretch marks? Not yet, I look down and notice my handresting on my stomach. I might not be theonly one getting all of those things,though. I prick her curiosity.There s noway in hell I ll ever keep this one tomyself. Ooohhhh, who s preggers? she asks,obviously intrigued. Not boring Sal? No! I look over at boring Sal andinstantly register that she is, in fact, boringSal again.I cave on the inside for her. Who then? Kate s impatient voicerelieves my eyes of boring, suicidal Sal and pulls me back to her pressing need foranswers. Coral. Fuck off! No, Coral is pregnant and that s not all.I m teasing when I really don t need to.Ihave her full attention and shock.She sheard nothing yet. And she claims it sJesse s WHAT?I pull my phone away from my ear, certainthat the whole office, perhaps even thewhole of London, heard her. It s not,though.  Wait, wait wait. She s gesturing withher hands in my mind s eye, and I hear theunmistakable scraping of a chair acrossher kitchen floor.She s sitting herselfdown. Coral s pregnant? Yes, And she claims its Jesse s? Yes, I open my email as I answer, allcasual and not at all affected by Kate sshock.I m over it. But it s not? Nope, How do you know? She asks thequestion prudently, but it s a fair one, and I highly expected it. Because she tried to pass off a peanut asa walnut. What the fucking hell are you on about?I sigh and continue absentmindedlyscrolling my email account. She has ascan picture.She s claiming it s a fourmonth scan, but it s clearly not and she scut all of the evidence away - the date,everything. The crafty fucking bitch! Is she thatdesperate? Very.She s four-ish weeks, maximum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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