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.The edges of his visionblurred and he could feel himself losing the fight with hiswolf against the shift.He raced towards the door andshoved open the door, gulping in a lungful of the cleannight air.He coughed when he the smell of gas, engine fuelpermeated his senses.92 Vicktor Alexander/UnassumedHe was still too close to humans, to civilization, toother people.They weren t even the right people.Theyweren t the people that he needed to be around at that point.He needed to be around Noel and Latroy, but they weredead.Dead.How was that even possible? How was it possiblethat he d lost his father, sister and cousin so close together?His skin stretched tight across his body, to the pointof causing him physical pain as he felt his wolf shoving toget free.Tossing back his head he let loose a loud howl ofgrief and ripped off his clothes and boots.He allowed theshift to finally flow over his body and then ran for thewoods that surrounded the diner.He had no destination inmind and thought of nothing else but outrunning the criesof the dead that followed him.93 Tate Pack SeriesChapter TenMichael ran out of the diner after Howell and sawthe moment that his mate shifted into his wolf form and ranfor the forest.Guilt, anger and shame clawed at his insidesand he wondered if what he was feeling was his ownemotions or those of his almost feral mate.He could senseKatharina and Ginessa walking up behind him and anotherperson, a man who smelled faintly of Ginessa as well.Turning around he almost swallowed his tongue at the sightof the gorgeous tall man who stood with his arm wrappedaround Ginessa s slender shoulders. This is Prince Drakko Lightensun.He s Ginessa ssong-keeper.Ginny s mate, Katharina signed to him.He bowed to other man out of respect and thenturned back to the areas where he d seen Howell disappear.He knew that what he d just done could be seen as a slightagainst the elven prince, but in that moment he didn t reallycare.He was worried about his mate.He was especiallyconcerned because of the disjointed thoughts and imagesthat flashed through his mind and the fact that he couldn tspeak to him.He wished that he knew where Howell wasand if he were coming back.Well, he was pretty sure thathe was coming back.Howell wouldn t just leave himbehind.Granted, they hadn t been mated that long, but heknew his mate.He knew his man s character.Howell was aman of integrity and no matter how hurt and angry he was,94 Vicktor Alexander/Unassumedhe wouldn t abandon his mate at a roadside diner.Besides, his truck was still there.Michael just really wished that he knew where hewas and if he was really okay.No matter how short of atime he d been gone, they couldn t be sure that Michaeland Katharina s father hadn t tracked them to the diner andwasn t waiting, even at that moment, to take them all out,one by one.I can tell you where your mate is, if you would likeme to, Little One, Michael heard the voice in his mind andopened his mouth in shock as he turned to face PrinceDrakko.Can you hear me? He questioned the elf and took astep back in fear when the other man merely nodded andsmiled.How is that possible? You are not an Alpha, nor mymate.How are you able to talk to me?I am a prince.An elf prince.My realm is full ofmagic, we exude magic with every step we take, and it isthe same for our distant faery cousins.I can hear yourthoughts and those of your mates.Indeed I can hear thethoughts of anyone that I choose.I can also tell you whereyour mate is, if you wouldn t mind me touching the matingmark on your neck, Prince Drakko offered taking a steptowards Michael.Michael took a step back instantly.The matingmark was a sacred thing among wolf shifters.If he let thisman, this stranger touch his mating mark, then his scentwould be on his skin when Howell returned.That would95 Tate Pack Seriespretty much ensure that Howell would attempt to rip theprince limb from limb [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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