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."Over the pastfew days there have been multiple attacks on both civilian and militarytargets in rural Alaska," the CURE director began."The first was a group ofAlaskan pipeline workers.The next was a state defense force team.They wereslaughtered to a man by an enemy that, until yesterday, had not shown itself."Smith seemed to grow uncomfortable."At least not in such a way that I wouldbe willing to trust a lone eyewitness account.""Why?" Remo asked."What was it?""A small army," Mark Howard supplied.Remo had been doing his best to ignore the young man."Good," he said."Sendin our big army.I'll be at the tattoo parlor."He rose to a half squat but felt the pressure of a single bony finger on histhigh.With a sigh he dropped back to the floor."You're lucky I'm not in a body-cleaning mood," Remo said in a voice so lowonly the Master of Sinanju could hear."The first armed unit was put in place by helicopter near the murderedpipeline workers," Smith resumed."When the pilot returned, he saw what he hastermed a, er, ghost army.""Ghost?" Remo asked.He shot a look at the Master of Sinanju.The old Koreanhad grown more attentive.Smith nodded gravely."He described a group of men who stood briefly among thedead as he flew over.He claims that, as he watched, the men vanished fromsight.Fearing some supernatural force, he fled back to Fairbanks.""Sounds to me like he's got a couple of bent rotor blades," Remo said."Quiet, Remo," Chiun admonished.His alert hazel eyes were locked on Smith."My first impulse would be to agree with you, Remo," the CURE director said."However, the ambushed ASDF unit wasn't alone.They were involved in jointPage 35 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlexercises with the Alaska National Guard and the Army.A National Guard unitconsisting of eighty men met a similar fate in the rural town of Kakwik.Thesole survivor of that attack described a group of men who could hide in theopen and kill at will.""Hmm," Remo mused."That sounds like us, doesn't it, Little Father?"Chiun addressed Smith, not Remo."We once encountered an invisible man," theold man said.Remo was struck by the worry in his tone.Smith nodded."I considered that, too.But tests with the midnight-black paintwere discontinued years ago.It was found that the molecular cohesion brokedown over short periods of time.And we are not dealing with individuals whocan hide only in darkness.Apparently, they can conceal themselves indaylight.Or, given the locale and time of year, partial light.""You ever hear of ghosts that can kill, Chiun?" Remo asked."Well," Howard offered, reluctant to interrupt the comfortable dynamic of thethree men, "it's obviously not ghosts, Remo." He waited for someone to agreewith him.Remo ignored Howard.His full attention was on the Master of Sinanju.EvenSmith remained mute.Troubled, Howard turned his gaze to the old Korean.His face unflinching, Chiun avoided Remo's eyes."I would travel to thisprovince alone, Emperor Smith," he announced levelly."There is no reason forRemo to accompany me."Remo's brow dropped."Like fish," he said."Why? What's wrong?""There is nothing wrong other than the fact that you are an obduratecontrarian," Chiun replied, his voice low."Reserve one plane ticket,Emperor," he said, rising to his feet.Remo got up, too."Nothing doing.Make that two."Chiun shot him an evil look.The old man's lips formed a razor-thin line ofangry frustration."Sorry, Little Father," Remo said."For you to get so jumpy, something must bewrong.If you won't spill the beans, I'm not letting you take off on your own.Two tickets, Smitty," he said emphatically."I'm not certain what your concern is, Master Chiun, but it is too soon tomake any assumptions," Smith said reasonably."We could merely be dealing withsome kind of new technology at work here that allows these men to remainunseen until the moment of attack."But the old Korean slowly shook his head."It is not too soon," Chiun said,his voice ominous."It is long overdue."And the look on his face was such that both Smith and Remo knew enough at thispoint not to press further.Remo exhaled."Okay.Dead end there for now."He returned his attention to Smith."We'll find out the skinny on your ghostguys, Smitty.And I'm gonna keep a good thought that they're with the Eskimobranch of the Crips or the Bloods.I've been up to my fanny in ghostslately.""Actually," Smith said seriously, "if the lone survivor of Kakwik is to bebelieved, they are of a corporeal nature.It would be more accurate to saythey are lost in time." His lips pursed unhappily."He swears that the men whoattacked his National Guard unit were Russians."Remo blinked."You're kidding, right?"Smith shook his head."Moreover, he seemed to think they were Soviet-eraRussians.According to his eyewitness account, they were mired in theiconography of that time."Remo threw up his hands."Great.Perfect," he said in disgust."Twice in oneweek.Geez Louise, Smitty, what is it with them? Is it the fuzzy hats? The800-proof grain alcohol they pour on their Brezhnev-Os? How many times wegotta rub their noses in it before they stop pooping on the red, white andblue carpet, for chrissakes?""The Russia connection has not been confirmed," Smith said quickly."Althoughthose seeds have been planted, they may have been done so as a smoke screen."As he spoke, his hands sought the edge of his desk.Page 36 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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