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. We needto get out onto the roof. Christ, he breathed.He shot a lookback at the attic opening and the risingwater, then swallowed hard and movedtoward me.I held a hand out to him.Hepaused before taking it, eyes on theblood that still clung to my hand eventhough the wounds were healed.Uncertainty filled his eyes as he lifted them to mine. Are you still& my Angelkins?I gave him an exasperated look. Who the hell else would put up withyour whiny bullshit? I thrust my handtoward him. Come on, Dad.Let s geton the damn roof already!To my intense relief, he reached outand took hold of my hand.I gave his asqueeze, flashed him as reassuring asmile as I could manage, then clamberedout the hole I d made and onto the roof.Iused the grip on my dad s hand to steadyhim as much as myself as we scrabbledup to the peak of the roof and sat,straddling it.For the first time I got a good lookaround.Water littered with plastic bottles, trash bags, branches, and otherdebris swirled a foot below the eaves.The familiar landscape of trees andhouses and roads had been replaced by aseething unknown torrent.I dug my fingers into the shingles. Dad, we need to tie ourselves togethersomehow.He stared, aghast, at the ongoingdestruction. All I got is my belt. Don t know how much good that lldo, I said.No way his belt was longenough to go around both of us.Ifumbled another bottle of brains out ofmy pants pocket, gulped it down while Istruggled to come up with a solution toour current situation.Whatever happened, I knew staying tanked up wasa good idea. What are we gonna do? he asked. Current s too strong for us to do muchof anything.I took an unsteady breath and foughtfor calm. Wait for help as long as wecan. I abruptly sucked in a breath andslapped my hand over my front pocket.My phone! I pulled it out, carefullyunwrapping it from the plastic.Itappeared to be still dry, and miracle ofmiracles, I even had a signal.I quickly dialed 911, then did mybest to not sound as if I was completelyfreaked out and panicked, as I told thedispatcher that my dad and I weretrapped on the roof of our house in the Sweet Bayou area. Rescue boats are being mobilized,ma am, the woman told me, soundingfrazzled.I had no doubt I wasn t the firstperson to beg for rescue. They rehaving trouble with the current, though.The spillway collapsed, and I don tknow how long it will take for them toget to you. I heard the apology in hervoice, the knowledge that there wasnothing more she could do for us.Shewas our lifeline, and all she could dowas tell us to hold on and hope for thebest.I almost felt sorry for her.Numb, I thanked her, clinging to theniceties out of habit even as I clung tothe roof, and then hung up and stared down at the phone.Now what? Therewere no boats in sight, no imminentrescue on the horizon.I should callMarcus.Especially after how ourconversation ended last night.But then Ilooked over at my dad.His armstrembled as he gripped the shinglesalong the rooftop.As much as a make upcall with my not-quite boyfriend mighthelp my emotional state, Marcus wasn tthe one who had the best chance ofsending the help my dad needed. What did they say? My dad asked.I didn t try lying to him.He d know. Spillway collapsed, I told him. Maybe a while before they can get boats tous. A shudder went through the house, asensation so scarily unnatural that it set my heart pounding anew.There was onlyone option I could think of.I punched inPietro s number, inwardly yelling at himto pick up the damn phone as it rang.On the fourth ring he picked up. Angel? Pietro! I had to shout a bit to beheard over the rushing water.It was upover the eaves now. I need help,please.There s a flood, and I m on theroof with my dad& and I know I m okaybut I m real worried about him, andnine-one-one says they don t know whenrescue boats can get to us, and the housekeeps shaking. Hang on, Angel, he said.Like Ihave a fucking choice right now? I wanted to shriek, but I kept silent andwaited.I heard a rustling and the beepsof another phone being dialed, then,Brian, I ve got an emergency.Angeland her father are on the roof of herhouse and& hold on. Angel? You re atyour house, right? How high is thewater? Yes.My house.Water is over theeaves, I told him, then let out a smallcry as the house shifted slightly beneathus. Oh, man, I continued, voiceshaking. I don t think we have muchtime before it goes.Pay whatever bonuses you need toget it up right now, I heard.A fewseconds later Pietro said,  Angel, we regetting a helicopter to you. He had such absolute confidence and control in histone that it was impossible not to feelreassured.Of course then I looked at the ragingwater around us and went right back tobeing in Oh shit! mode. I m going to connect you to Brianand leave the line open, he went on. You let him know if anything changes.And hang on to your dad. I heard someclicks on the line. Angel? That was Brian, calm andcool. Can you hear me? Y-yeah, I said, pulse slamming asthe house trembled beneath me. I have a helicopter headed yourway very shortly, he stated. Should get to you in ten minutes, max.Has anythingchanged for you? W-water s higher. Then I let out asqueal as the house shifted with a hardjerk. I gotta go& house&. I hung upand shoved the phone into the bag.Ididn t expect it to survive thisexperience, but I had to at least try.Onlylifeline I had at the moment. Dad! Put this in your jacketpocket. I thrust my phone at him, and assoon as he took it, I stripped off mywindbreaker, then unbuttoned my pantsand shimmied them off as quickly as Icould [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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