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.ÿþ 8.Champion Jack Dupree,  School Day (composer credit: Jack Dupree), Frankfurt,Germany, 16 November 1970; issued on Scout LP 7; reissued on L+R CD 42021.9.Bro.Sidney Harris and the Sunset Jubilee,  My Friend Kennedy (composer credit:S.Harris), possibly Richmond, VA, 1964; issued on Turn Tage 1608.10.The Dixie Hummingbirds,  Our Prayer for Peace (composer credit: Walker), 1964;issued on Peacock 3012, reissued on Peacock LP 115 and 128.11.Southern Sons Quartette,  A Prayer for Tomorrow (composer credit: JamesWalker), Jackson, MS, March 1953; issued on Trumpet 206; reissued on AlligatorCD 2802.See Ryan (2004): 117 18.12.Ashley James and Ray Allen, We Love You Like a Rock, Searchlight Films, 1994, asquoted in Zolten (2003): 272.13.The Dixie Hummingbirds,  Our Prayer for Peace, TV Gospel Time broadcast #53,unissued, Washington, DC, 1964.14. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount upwith wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and notfaint. Isaiah 40: 31.15.See  Restoration and Beyond, at: www.cuaa.org/reb.htm16.Rosie Wallace,  Take Courage (composer credit: R.Wallace), Philadelphia, 29November 1963; issued on Savoy 4209.17.Telephone conversation between the author and Mrs.Rosie Wallace, 26 September2005.18.Brauer (1977): 312 13.19.The Sensational Six of Birmingham, Ala,  The Day the World Stood Still (com-poser credit: Jenkins Holman), Philadelphia, 29 November 1963; issued on Gospel1084; reissued on Agram ABCD 2019.20.James Brewer,  Why Did He Have To Go? Chicago, July 1964; issued on TestamentLP 01; reissued on Testament TCD 5007.21.Schlesinger (1965): 124.22.Chafe (1991): 216.23.Bill Jackson,  The 22nd Day of November, possibly Philadelphia, PA, December1963; issued on Testament LP 01; reissued on Testament TCD 5007.24.Abraham Zapruder made the only film of the entire assassination.It is an 8 mmsilent color film of the Kennedy motorcade, just before, during, and immediatelyafter the assassination.25.Dixie Nightingales,  Assassination (composer credit: Hoskins), 1965; issued onChalice 102; reissued on Agram ABCD 2019.26.This is probably a reference to the Pershing Hotel and Ballroom at 64th andCottage Grove Avenue.27.Dana Calvo,  The President s Been Shot, Smithsonian Magazine (November 2003):2.www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues03/nov03/pdf/jfk.pdf28.Perry Tillis interview by Kevin Nutt, Samson, AL, 18 July 2004.In Guido van Rijn, I Found a Solid Rock in Jesus: The Life and Recordings of Bishop Perry Tillis,Blues & Rhythm 199 (May 2005): 16 18.29.Perry Tillis,  Kennedy Moan (composer credit: Perry Tillis), Elba, AL, 15 September1971; issued on Flyright LP 501; reissued on Agram ABCD 2019.[ 186 ] Notes to Pages 112 22 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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