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.Lesson 16SPEAKER 1 Her name was Mrs Smith.She was a tall lady, and was very old, or so it seemed.But she was a very good teacher, and she was very kind to us.SPEAKER 2 All my friends were at my party.I remember it was a sunny day, in June, and we were all in the garden, playing together.There was lots to eat and drink and lots of games to play.Then they all sang Happy Birthday.SPEAKER 3 There was a large map of the world on the walls of the classroom, on the one side of the board, and on the other, there was a chart to show us how to write the alphabet.SPEAKER 4 His name was Jack, and we were very good friends.Our mothers were very good friends too, so I saw Jack nearly every day for the first three or four years of my life.Then we were at different schools, so we weren't together so often.Lesson 16 Speaking and listening, activity 2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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