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."One night I was sleeping soundly in my tower in the White City,next thing I remember I was here in this jungle.The Leopard Men, wild andsavage as they were, fed me when they remembered on raw fish and chunks ofhard, bitter bread they made from the roots of the Brima Tree.But I couldnot understand their talk, nor they mine, and till Kobo found me a monthafter my imprisonment I had no one to talk to at all.But she has comeevery day to keep me company and try to set me free, and since the LeopardMen were drowned she has fed me, too.See, through this little door."Tazander opened a small door in the bars and stuck both hands through."But how did you learn the language?" asked Ato, turning round to gaze upinto Nikobo's huge face."I don't know," said Nikobo with an excited gulp."I just started to say`Hello!', and instead of saying it in hippopotamy there I was talking astrange language which I could understand as well as my own.And in thislanguage Tandy answered me, much to my delight and pleasure.""Strange, very strange." Ato shook his head in a puzzled manner."Well, allI say is, it was lucky for this small fellow that you happened along, andonce we have him aboard he'll soon forget all these hardships andunpleasant experiences.""I'll never forget Kobo," said the young King, backing stiffly away from theoutstretched arms of Ato."And Kobo'll never forget YOU," sniffed the hippopotamus."The talk of theriver people seems dull and stupid since I've talked to Tandy.None of theherd really need me, and I don't know what I'm going to do whoo Hoo HOOWHOOO!" Rocking from side to side, Nikobo began to sob as if her heartwould break, so violently in fact that Samuel Salt covered both ears, andAto, alarmed at the enormous grief of the gigantic beast, tried to put hisarms around her.Page 45 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Here, here!" begged the ship's cook, thumping her hard upon the back.Opening the bag of biscuits Roger had brought from the ship, Ato handed twoto Tandy and began shoving the rest as fast as he could down the vastthroat of the grief-stricken hippopotamus.After each biscuit, Nikobochoked and sobbed to herself, but on the whole they seemed to comfort her,and when the Read Bird finally returned with the ax, she watched almostcheerfully as Samuel Salt, with well-aimed blows, demolished Tandy's junglecage.As the last side crashed down and without giving Tandy time to argueany further, Samuel Salt seized the boy firmly in both arms and set himdown on the back of the hippopotamus.Then, giving Ato a hand up behindhim, the Captain of the Crescent Moon sternly led the way to the edgeof the island.Roger, waving an Oz flag, flew ahead screaming defiantly tothe monkeys and parrots that infested the island."WAY, WAY! Way for theRoyal Discoverer of Oz! Way for the King of the Octagon Isle! Way forNikobo, Little Daughter of the Biggenlittle River People.Way for TazanderTazoo, King and son of a King's son! WAY-ay-ayyy!"CHAPTER 7STRANGE SPECIMENS FOR SAMUEL SALTWith no one to challenge their going but the birds and monkeys, the littleband made its way back to the sandy beach.Tandy, perhaps because he hadbeen so long pent up in the silent jungle and because he was by nature anaturally sober and solemn little boy, said nothing.Not even theCrescent Moon, riding so proudly at her anchor, seemed to arouse anyinterest or enthusiasm in this strange young Ozamalander."Well, here we are!" exclaimed Ato, heartily thankful to be in sight of theship again."And I hope you'll not mind ferrying us out to the boat,Nikobo.Those crocodiles still look hungry, and I've no notion of beingcrocked for the rest of my life.""Any time you say," grunted the hippopotamus, squeaking a listless greetingPage 46 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlto a company of her own relatives who were rolling lazily about in themuddy river water."Avast and belay and what's the hurry?" Leaning his ax against a tree,Samuel moistened a finger and held it up."The wind's against us, mate, sowe'll have to wait for the tide.Not only that, but Roger and I must surveythe island and dig up some more interesting specimens to take back to theship." After a long and rather quizzical look at Tandy, Samuel turned andswung along the beach, the Read Bird flapping joyously behind him."Run up and down a bit," advised Ato, sliding down from Nikobo's back."Yourlegs must need stretching.Wonder if there's anything to eat around here orhereabouts? Aha, those look like oranges, a wild orange grove as I'm a cookand a seaman.Come along, young one, and help me gather a few.""A King and son of a King's son does not come and go at another's bidding,"announced Tandy, stiffly alighting from the hippopotamus."Merciful mothers! What's this?" gasped Ato, blinking his eyes rapidly."Ascomplete a case of ingrowing Royalitis as I've ever had the misfortune toencounter.Well, since it's every King for himself, then I'll be leavingyou, sonny and son of a King's sonny.Watch out for him, Kobo, he'sprobably real important to himself.""You should not speak like that," reproved the hippopotamus as Atodisappeared into the orange grove."After all, the big and fat one ishimself a King.""Pooh, King of some potty little island," sniffed Tandy, leaning wearilyagainst a palm."Break me a cocoanut, Kobo, I'm thirsty." With adiscouraged sigh, Nikobo trod on one of the cocoanuts, cracking it from endto end, and then, because she was a generous and kindly creature, shecracked several more for Ato when he should return.Sitting back on herhaunches, she anxiously watched while Tandy downed the cocoanut milk, then,stretching out in the sand, fell unconcernedly asleep.Thus Ato found themwhen he emerged from the orange grove an hour later.His elegant explorer'sPage 47 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcape was knotted to form a sack and bursting full of the small, sweet fruitof the wild orange trees."These will make us a fine mess of marmalade when I get back to the ship,"panted the perspiring monarch, settling down with his back cozily toNikobo's [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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