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. Come along, dear.You know, you wouldn t be walking funny ifyou weren t so old-fashioned. The way you re going, old friend, you re going to wear yourself down to a bloodystump. Orlan grinned, bestowing a pat on Jaiken s and Hemez s arms as they passed, and leading the way up to the residential floors. Well, this is purple, Ria said, taking in his surroundings as Orlan closed the doorbehind him. Making a statement, were you? He took off his mask and stuffed it into hispocket.Orlan threw his down on the desk. Actually, the clerk chose it, not me. He clasped Ria s upper arm and looked intohis eyes. Suffering, darling? he said in a low voice.Ria pushed away. I ll live.No one ever died of frustration. I intend never to come close to risking it.What a horrible fate.I plan to die of aheart attack in the full throes of orgasm, surrounded by beautiful boys and girls.I shallkeep a harem in my dotage just to ensure it.Ria laughed. You probably will, you old goat.Honestly, Orlan, don t you think twoboys was a bit much, even for you? You didn t want yours, and he does have the sweetest mouth.He gives head asnicely as he walks, he added with a wink. So you no longer think the job s too coarse for him? It certainly is, but I m not forcing him into it, and it would be simply rude to turnhim away.What pretty eyes, and that tongue. He sighed again. I could fall in lovewith a mouth like that. You fall in love a dozen times a week, Ria said callously. I m amazed you andEstaone lasted so long. Ah, but those Contanzis are just innately talented, my darling.Let me tell you, theymust give lessons on fucking in the schools, because I never met one that wasn t simply adelight in bed.It s like a buffet, living there. I m surprised you left.I m surprised Estaone didn t slit your throat, actually.Orlan sprawled in an armchair.Ria sat a little more properly and wished he d jerkedoff earlier.His balls ached like hell. Well, you know, such women are fiery, but easilydistracted by a little attention and a sweet enough apology.It does get rather wearingafter a while.In the end, it was simply too much to put up with, so I left.Not what he said before.There was a knock at the door.Orlan waved at Ria toanswer, so he did.It was their drinks order.The waiter served up then left them to it.Orlan lifted his glass. To the most beautiful man in Serelto may he find thesatisfaction he deserves.Ria refused to accept the toast. I don t know why you think I m not satisfied, Orlan.You know nothing about it. I m not the one squirming like you re sitting on an ant s nest, or threatening to burstthe stitching on your lovely trousers, darling.It s not healthy, you know.A man hasneeds. Ria made himself sit still.He had been squirming. And they re met morethoroughly than you can imagine.Do you really think I would have someone as a loverwho was inferior? He gave his companion his haughtiest look. I assure you, Jerna isvery satisfying. And very absent.Really, darling, you sound infatuated.It s not like you at all to beso self-sacrificing.I d be willing to help you out with that little difficulty, if it s privacyyou wanted. He lowered his lashes in a faux-demure way that emphasised his sculptedcheekbones.Ria found himself blushing, which was simply ridiculous. It s not likeyou d be betraying him in your heart, is it? It s the principle, Ria answered, cursing the hoarseness that lust gave his voice. It s merely biology, my pet. Orlan slipped off his chair and came to kneel at hisfeet, placing his hands gently on Ria s thighs and looking up at him through thoseimpossibly long lashes.He had the most exquisite eyes.Definitely his finest feature. Itwould be a pleasure, you know.Just for old times sake.He put his hand over Ria s crotch, and when Ria didn t push him away, he leaned upand kissed Ria on the lips.Damn, he was sweet, and so.Ria somehow couldn t find the willpower to turn away, although he had enoughrestraint not to encourage him.Orlan kept up the kiss long enough that no one couldmistake his desire, but not so long that he could be considered to be forcing his attentionson Ria.At last he knelt back down and gave Ria a rueful smile. You never had so muchself-control before, my love. You used to be better about taking no for an answer, my friend. Now he couldmake himself move, and nudge Orlan back a little.He desperately wanted to arrangehimself so his pants didn t cut into his erection, but he didn t want to prove Orlan s pointfor him. And the answer will always be  no.I m sorry. So am I, darling, so am I.Forgive me for being forward? When were you ever backward? Ria made himself speak calmly and pick up hisneglected liqueur as if nothing the least untoward had just happened.He sipped from hisglass and willed his breathing to calm, and his erection to die.Orlan took the hint and retreated to his own chair. You really are in love. I really am. With a married man.Ria  Orlan, please.I can only tell you that Jerna is my very soul and nothing you do orsay is going to change that.But it will make me angry if you persist, do you understand? Yes, darling, I do.I wish I didn t, but I ll abide by your wishes. He shook his head, looking at Ria over the top of his glass in a contemplative manner. But to leave youalone like this.It s such a terrible waste of your life.Even if he never leaves you, can youreally be happy with a part-time lover? We ve managed for years.It s not easy, but I d rather have a glass of the finestchampagne than a gallon of grape juice.Orlan turned his glass slowly, apparently looking at the golden liquid inside it. Butone can have champagne and still drink the juice or another fine wine, as one chooses.It s not either or, my sweet. It is for me.I see us as married, though not in law.I take it that seriously, at least.Orlan tsked, then sipped his drink. Even married people spice things up.You sawthat tonight.It s called polyamory. No, it s called cheating.Please, just stop it? I appreciate the concern, but I don tneed it or want it.And, Ria said, finishing his liqueur off quickly,  I have to go.Some ofus have real jobs to do. Orlan gave him a pitying look for that remark. Thanks fordinner. Not on my account, dear boy.Thank Warim. Then thank you for the company.I won t be around the next few days, I should tellyou. That s all right, I ve got plans myself.Are you really sure you don t want to stay?Orlan stood. I ll keep my hands to myself, I swear by the Lady. Huh, don t blaspheme.You couldn t keep your hands to yourself if I tied them tothe bedpost. Oooh, darling, you re making me all hot, Orlan said, fanning himself. The offer sthere.Friend to friend. Friend to friend, I thank you, but no.Good night.He let Orlan place the chastest of kisses on his cheek. Good night, my darling.Ionly want to help, you know. Yes, I do.I don t need it.Call me next week.The cold night air was welcome, and Ria exhaled, glad to get away from temptation,sorry that he hadn t been able to give Orlan what he so obviously wanted, and wonderingif he looked as foolish as Orlan thought he did [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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