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.These are all different states of Zakti (Zakterevvasth-viÅ›esh), for it is owing to their arising from Zakti#(Zaktitah utpannatvt), that they are identified with theZaktis Icch and so forth.According to the Yogin%2Å‚-hr# daya-Tantra (I) the order is(a) Icch, Vm, PaÅ›yant%2Å‚; (b) Jñna, Jyest# h, Madh-#yam; (c) Kriy, Raudr%2Å‚, Vaikhar%2Å‚.says that when#ItIcch-Zakti in the form of a goad (AmkuÅ›kr, that is,the bent line Vakrarekh) is about to display the universewhich is in seed (B%2Å‚ja) form, She is Vm and in the formof PaÅ›yant%2Å‚ Zabda.PaÅ›yanti  She who sees, *ksana.Vm is so oalled because this Zakti vomits forth theuniverse (Vamamt Vm).Jyest# h which is in the#form of a straight line (Rjurekh) attaining the state of#Mtr# k (Mtrktvam upapann) is Madhyam vk.Raudr%2Å‚##is Kriy in triangular or pyramidal (Zr# ngtaka), thatis, three-dimensional form, and is the manifested Vaikhar%2Å‚-Zabdha.According to the Kmakalvilsa (Comm.v.22),#Yogin%2Å‚hr# ydaya-Tantra (Samketa l), and the Saubhgyasud-#hodaya (cited in Samketa (2) of the last Zstra), theorder would appear to be (a) Icch Rajas Vm BrahmPaÅ›yant%2Å‚-Zabda; (b) Jñna Sattva Jyest# h Visnu Mad-# # #hyam-Zabda; (c) Kriy Tamas Raudr%2Å‚ Rudra Vaikhar%2Å‚-Zabda. KMAKAL 169I will not however here attempt a discussion, whichwould be both lengthy and technical, of the texts on thispoint.For present practical purposes it is sufficient toknow that the three Bindus are Ziva, Zakti, ZivaÅ›akti;PrakÅ›a, VimarÅ›a, PrakÅ›a-VimarÅ›a; White, Red andMixed; Bindu, Nda, B%2Å‚ja; Supreme, Subtle, Gross; thethree Devis, the three Devas, and the three Zaktis of Will,Knowledge and Action.The Supreme at this point thusbecomes a Trinity of Energy.The division of the Mahbindu may be memorised by#writing in Sanskrit the  Fire Bija or  Ram , that isRa with Candra-bindu (0  ).Then invert the Nda signwhich will thus represent the Moon (Indu), the Bindu, theSun (Ravi), and the Ra, Fire (Agni).The Triangle maybe formed by drawing two sides or a bent line and thencompleting it with a straight line.At the apex place theRavi-bindu (Sun) and at the left and right hand cornersVahni-bindu (Fire) and Moon (Candra-bindu).BetweenSun and Moon place Vm Vakrarekha and Brahm;between Fire and Moon, Jyest# h and Visnu; and between# # #Moon and Sun, Raudr%2Å‚, Rjurekh and Rudra.Between# #each of the points are lines formed by all the letters(Mtr# k-varna) of the alphabet called the A-Ka-Thatriangle.The Pdukpañcaka, a Hymn attributed to Ziva,(See Serpent Power) speaks of A-Ka-Tha in the secondverse on which Kl%2Å‚carana comments as follows: HereZakti is Kmakal in form aed the three Zaktis (VmJyest# h, Raadri) emanating from the three Bindus are the#three lines.The sixteen vowels beginning with A formthe line Vm, the sixteen letters beginning with Ka formthe line Jyest# h and the sixteen letters beginning with#Tha form the line Rauda.The abode of Zakti (Aballaya)is formed by these three lines.The other three letters Ha, La,#Ksa are in the corners of the Triangle.Klykrdhvmya# 170 THE GARLAND OF LETTERSsays,  The Tribindu is the Supreme Tattva and em-bodies in Itself Brahm Visnu, Ziva (Brahma-visnu-# # # ##Å›ivtmakam).The Triangle composed of the Letters hasemanated from the Bindu; also  The letters A to Visargamake the line Brahm, the letters Ka to Tha the line Visnu,# #and the letters Tha to Sa the Rudra.The three linesemanate from the three Bindus.The Gunas, as aspects of#Zakti, are also represented by this threefold division.TheTantroj%2Å‚vana says:  The lines Rajas, Sattva, Tamas sur-round the Yonimandala. Also  above is the line of# #Sattva, the line of Rajas is on its left and the line ofTamas on its right [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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