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. Hopefully you re not paid on commission.Levi snorted. I am.Why do you think my bedroom s the size of this dining table? Is your bedroom far from here? Tiergan s voice lowered.His accent was so eroticwhen he whispered so deeply.Levi swallowed. Only a few blocks. Good.I want to eat something other than noodles. Tiergan s eyes burned brightly.Levi s hand was trembling as he held it in the air. Check please, he croaked.* * * * *The moment Levi had his apartment door opened, he quickly called out. Imogen? Are you here? She usually spent Thursday nights with her mother, in thegreenbelt biosphere, but Levi wanted to make sure before he brought Tiergan inside.The lastthing he needed was his nosy little friend butting in on what promised to be a triumphantend to his celibacy streak. Who s Imogen? Tiergan asked. My roommate. Levi opened her bedroom door, and saw the light was off.He grinnedat Tiergan. She s gone.We re alone --Tiergan pushed him against the wall, grinding his hips into Levi s.Levi moaned.BeforeTiergan could do his trademark pull back, Levi leaned forward and kissed him. A Policy of Lies 59Levi didn t have any expectations, but he was still shocked by the way Tiergan kissedhim back.It was rough and hungry, all-consuming, his tongue hot and probing.Tiergangrabbed Levi s wrists and pinned them against the wall.He pressed against Levi, devouringhim, lips locked together, tongues clashing.For someone who seemed initially reticent tokiss, Levi couldn t remember the last time a man had shown such absolute desire for it.Levi couldn t breathe.He kissed back with the same force, his head and hands pinnedto the wall, trapped by almost bruising affection.Tiergan unbuttoned his shirt, and Levireached forward to do the same.He broke their kiss, panting. Bedroom.Over there.Tiergan said nothing.He kissed him again, forcefully, tearing at Levi s clothes.The twoof them fumbled with belts and pant legs and shoes, struggling toward the bedroom in ajerky, clumsy strip.Once in the bedroom, Levi slammed shut the door.Tiergan immediately embracedhim, pushing his bare cock against Levi s, circling to rub them together, his tongue piercing,his hands groping hungrily, kneading into Levi s buttocks with clear intent.Levi fumbled with the light switch.When it finally clicked on, Tiergan broke their kissand blinked. What&  I want to see you when you fuck me, Levi said, his voice rough with need.Tiergan seemed to struggle with breath for a moment, and then he stared at Levi, hard. Get on the bed.On your hands and knees.Stick your ass in the air and spread your legs.Levi s body buzzed with anticipation.He slipped past Tiergan and reached into hisbedside table, pulling out the lube he hadn t used in an eon.He handed it to Tiergan andthen did as he was told, presenting himself on his hands and knees.He felt exposed,vulnerable, and it was so exciting he could feel precum already oozing from the tip of hiscock.There was something almost dangerous about Tiergan, the way he was distant, andthen so demanding.He felt the bed droop and then Tiergan s warm, soothing hands on hisbutt cheeks, massaging them. 60 Astrid Amara You look fucking amazing, Tiergan said, his voice husky.His accent swarmed inLevi s mind, becoming directly associated with the feeling of his cock bobbing betweenLevi s legs, brushing against his sensitive inner thighs.He heard Tiergan squeeze out somelube and warm it in his hands.Levi couldn t help it; he reached down and touched himself, spurred on by Tiergan srough voice, his body heat behind him.Tiergan gently pushed Levi s hand away. No.I want to do that. He gripped Levi s lefthip and with his other hand smeared lubricant along Levi s crack, slipping his finger insidehis anus.Levi sucked in his breath at the invasion. You re so tight& so hot&  Tiergan s voice broke on the words.His finger gentlypressed into him.Levi breathed deeply to relax his muscles.It felt incredible, but alsoshocking.It had been years since he had done this.Tiergan was quiet behind him.Levi only heard Tiergan s breathing, which got louderand more ragged as his finger pushed deeper inside, making it past the tight sphinctermuscle.Levi pressed back to take more of it, and then Tiergan slowly worked another fingerin.As he sank them deeply, Levi jerked forward, moaning as his body rang out in pleasure. Oh.That s& that s really good, he croaked.Tiergan laughed quietly, touching the same spot over again.Levi felt like he washaving his dick stroked from the inside.Tiergan s fingers were assured but gentle.Forsomeone who was otherwise so rough, his touch was soft, like a caress that reached to Levi score.As he dipped his fingers in and out of Levi s ass, his other hand softly stroked theunderside of Levi s scrotum, then reached forward and formed a hard fist around the base ofLevi s cock. A Policy of Lies 61Levi squirmed.He rarely gave up this much control.He couldn t touch Tiergan,couldn t see him -- all he could do was feel, be pleasured, exposed and open, Tiergan s fingerscoring him out. You better fuck me now, because I m about to come, Levi gasped.Tiergan didn t stop,his hand pumping as his fingers stretched him wider.He felt Tiergan insert a third finger,and Levi groaned.His sphincter shuddered and opened, struggling against the invasion.Levihad never been spread open so wide; it felt amazing.He wished he had a mirror, wished hecould see his own ass, gaping and swallowing half of Tiergan s hand.And then suddenly, Tiergan withdrew his hand and urged Levi onto his side. Turn over, Tiergan whispered roughly.As Levi shifted onto his back, he watchedTiergan slick his cock with more lubricant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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