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.This element is a simple flickering ofconsciousness.This flickering happens when the projector's almost-awakening consciousnessbriefly flickers between the sleeping and waking states before waking completely.This flickering can allow shadow memories to successfully download into accessible levels ofmemory during reintegration.While consciousness is flickering between these two states, thephysical brain's memory storage vaults lie wide open, waiting but not recording.This provides abrief window through which the physical brain can receive a full shadow memory download.Missthis window and  chances are  no shadow memories at all will be downloaded into accessiblelevels of the physical brain.The projector then has to rely on something triggering the shadowmemories before they vanish completely.Some people seem to have a natural inborn OBE memory key and can download a higher-than-average percentage of their shadow memories with very few problems.These lucky people,however, are few and far between and cannot tell us how they do it.Neither can they tell us whyothers fail when they diligently copy what appears to be the very same process.A well-controlled and stable trance state is not the key.The nature of physical memory storagein the human brain is to record only one set of memories for any single time period.An active mind,even during a controlled trance state, will block the shadow memory download from the projecteddouble during reintegration.Tantalizing clues to solving the OBE memory download problem can be found when it isconsidered that deliberate reentry into the physical body can be extremely difficult, if not downrightimpossible, once the physical/etheric mind falls into the deep-sleep state, or enters the tranceequivalent of it: the deep-trance state.The key to unlocking and using mis briefly open memory-download window lies in knowingexactly how long it will be before a projector's waking consciousness starts to flicker.Reentry andreintegration should be timed to coincide with this hazy flickering moment.Shadow memory losscan be minimized by creating this flickering state deliberately, by causing consciousness to flickerat regular intervals during the course of a projection.This provides brief windows through whichpotential shadow memory downloading can occur.It is quite difficult for the average person to re-create this flickering state without losing controland falling asleep.Synchronized timing is the best way to overcome this difficulty, done from bothwithin and without the physical body.The projected double and its physical/etheric counterpartmust work together.An attempt can then be made to coordinate reentry and reintegration at timeswhen this window is known to be open, with the mind being artificially caused to flicker atprearranged times.The bottom line here is that the key to a successful and reliable OBE is for youto develop the ability to work with your projected double during planned projections, rather thanleaving shadow memory recall to the fickle winds of chance.Working around the Mind-SplitYou can do several things to work around the mind-split and minimize OBE shadow memoryloss.All tricks aside for the moment, improving and exercising the ability to recall dream and OBEmemories is an important step in this learning process.The physical brain is capable of recallingsignificantly more shadow memories if it has some practice at doing this.The more often shadowmemories are recalled, the easier recalling them becomes.Shadow Memory Trigger PhrasesRecalling dream memories trains the mind to recapture shadow memories.Doing this is quiteeasy and takes only minimal time and effort.Each morning, as soon as you wake up, spend yourfirst couple of minutes pulling back the previous night's shadow memories.Sit up on the side ofyour bed with your feet on the floor, or sit in the bathroom, and reach out for shadow memories and125 pull them back.Set your mind in search mode, as you would for some small fact you havetemporarily forgotten.Keep searching and trying to pull them back, even if your mind feels a totalblank.The memories are there, they just have to be triggered and dug out.Use the trigger phrasesgiven below, over and over." I felt these awesome vibrations and then.?" I buzzed out of my body and then.?" I floated across the room and then.?" I passed through the wall and then.?" I looked at my hands and they.?" I was just about to.?" I was inside.?" I was talking to.?" There were lots of.?" I was flying over.?" I was with.?" I saw a.?You can make up many more phrases yourself.These must be related to something you arelikely to be doing while dreaming or projecting.After a planned projection, use trigger phrasesrelated to primary mission goals.You may think you failed the OBE mission, but there is a goodchance that you succeeded and just lost the memory during reintegration.Push the trigger phrases with your mind.Reach out and feel for shadow memory fragments inyour memory as you say them to yourself.With each trigger phrase, imagine yourself doing whatthe trigger suggests [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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