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.“Like Subtle Magic, but it would take effect immediately—the runes would collapse, but the magic would already be completed.I could teleport.”“Or unleash hell,” Lady Barb said, stiffly.“Do you have any idea just how dangerous you are?”She stared down at Emily, who fought the urge to jump backwards.“There are.rituals for sharing power,” she explained.“They’re rarely used because most sorcerers will not cooperate enough to lower their guard around their fellow sorcerers.It’s quite possible that research into such rituals accidentally paved the way for the discovery of necromancy.This.trick of yours might make them workable, with only one sorcerer.“Or a necromancer could funnel magic into a pocket dimension, storing it elsewhere,” Lady Barb added.“This could upset the entire world.”Emily nodded, miserably.And to think that it had seemed such a tempting prospect.“I would strongly advise you to destroy all your notes and to ensure that you never mentioned it again to anyone,” Lady Barb said.“You could trigger an earthquake if you had enough magical power, even without a nexus.Luckily, even a necromancer would have trouble gathering enough power.unless someone shares your idea with him.”“I will,” Emily promised, softly.“I should make you swear an oath,” Lady Barb said.“Or sign a contract.”She reached out and caught Emily’s shoulder.“You don’t think small, do you?”“But this could be used against the necromancers,” Emily pointed out, desperately.“It would allow us to match their power.”“Maybe,” Lady Barb said, slowly.“But I think you should realize, right now, that you do not need more enemies.You already have people advocating your murder in the White Council—or in the rest of the kingdoms.How many more do you want to hate you?”It’s going to get worse when they realize the implications of gunpowder, Emily thought, grimly.But that genie is firmly out of the bottle.“I understand,” she said, finally.“I won’t play with it again.”“Wait for a few years, then we can think about it,” Lady Barb suggested.“But it might be best not to tell everyone the truth.”Emily bowed her head.“King Randor set me up,” she said, softly.“Didn’t he?”“He certainly played on your ignorance,” Lady Barb agreed.“Of course, he did have to reward you.Kings who don’t reward their friends tend to run out of them when it really matters.And he clearly intends to ride the tidal waves you’ve created rather than just let them swamp his kingdom.And if it won him the High Kingdom.he’d be happy to let you change the world to your heart’s content.”She pointed a long finger at Emily.“I would be happy to talk to you, under whatever oaths of secrecy you require, about any new.ideas you have,” she added.“But I would suggest that you didn’t try any experiments before sharing them with me.”Emily nodded.“Master Tor sent you to the Warden,” Lady Barb added.“What else did he say?”“That I couldn’t use magic outside class,” Emily confessed.“I.”“That’s going to be bad, if your enemies find out,” Lady Barb said.“I’ll escort you back to your bedroom.And I would strongly suggest that you went straight to sleep.You can talk to your friends tomorrow.No doubt plenty of idiots will want to thank you for destroying the Warden.”“But I didn’t,” Emily said.“That makes it harder—much harder—for the staff to monitor the interior of the school,” Lady Barb added, smoothly.“You might want to remember that.”Emily frowned.What was Lady Barb trying to tell her?“Just be careful,” Lady Barb warned her.“You don’t want to get seen.”Emily smirked in sudden understanding.“Master Tor will probably insist on other punishments,” Lady Barb said.She reached out, swung Emily around and smacked her bottom several times.“Should he ask, tell him I punished you.I suggest you don’t go into details.Just look embarrassed and grimace every time you sit down.”“Thank you,” Emily said, rubbing her rear.The sting was fading already.“I.”“Don’t mention it,” Lady Barb said.“Ever.”Emily nodded.She had the feeling that next time, if there was a next time, would be a lot harder.“What are they going to use now the Warden is gone?”“Someone will probably have to take over his duties,” Lady Barb said.“I don’t know how long it will take them to produce a new one.It could be quite some time.”“I did touch the wards, back when I was facing Shadye,” Emily pointed out.“I could help.”“I’ll suggest that to the Grandmaster,” Lady Barb said.She hesitated, then continued.“But you may not have quite known what you were doing.They don’t normally let anyone but qualified professors work on those wards.There are some secrets to them that no one else is allowed to know.”She led the way out of the door, up the stairs and into the dorm.It was dark and silent, apart from the looming presence of Madame Razz at the far end.She didn’t seem pleased at all.“Lie down on the bed,” Lady Barb said, before Emily could say a word.She pushed open the door to Emily’s room.The Gorgon looked up from her desk, her snakes hissing as they were disturbed.Lin was lying in bed, pretending to be asleep.“I’ll have a word with your roommates.”Emily wanted to hear that conversation, but somehow she felt herself dropping asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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