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.“I don’t know,” he said after a moment’s consideration.“Everything I ever knew is gone and here I am playing starship captain.”“It is tough,” Susan agreed, “but I get the feeling that’s not what’s really bothering you.”After a moment Aaron nodded.“It’s the experiments,” he said simply.Susan said nothing, only waited.After a few moments, Aaron continued, “They made me into a cyborg.”Susan really didn’t react; she just sat there watching him.“You knew?” he asked.Susan shook her head.“Not exactly, but I suspected.”“They didn’t do it in the old way,” Aaron said quickly, feeling the need to explain.“They reprogrammed a living virus, basically making it into a living computer program, then they injected it into me.”“Genius,” Susan said after a moment.“Not if it was in your head,” Aaron snapped back at her, then he swallowed hard.“Sorry.”Susan shrugged.“It’s alright,” she said and then a silence settled down between them.After a minute or two, Susan said, “You have no idea what this will do to you.”Aaron swallowed hard again.He knew where she was going with this.Cybernetic experiments had been forbidden since before the collapse of the old empire for a reason.The cyborgs always went insane and they tended to do some horrible things that took a lot of people out with them.“From what I understand,” Susan said quietly, “this is a brand new procedure.It is not cybernetics as we understand them.You’re worrying yourself to death.You’ll be dead from the worry long before any bad side affects of the experiments.You need to relax and get some of this stress off of your shoulders.”Aaron nodded, and then an idea occurred to him.He lifted his head and regarded Susan.“Will you be willing to help me?”Looking confused, Susan nodded.“What can I do?”“I want you in my head,” Aaron said quickly.“Keep an eye on me and make sure I don’t do anything crazy.”Susan snorted.“You do crazy things all the time.”“I don’t just mean dangerous or poorly thought out,” Aaron replied.“I mean crazy or psychotic.”After a moment, Susan nodded slowly.“Alright, but what do I do if I think you’re losing it?”“Kill me,” Aaron said quietly, ignoring the look of shock on Susan’s face.“If I start to go insane, please kill me.”“And if I’m wrong? Have you thought about that? Telepathy is not full-proof.”Aaron smiled.“If you’re wrong, I forgive you in advance.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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