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.Interpenetrating the rocks were clusters of pink tour-malines.The effect was stunning, awe-inspiring.In the hills on the Pala Indian Reservation, about an hour's drivenorth of San Diego, lie pegmatite-rich areas.In these mountains arefound pink, red, green and multicolored tourmaline, mica, beryl,morganite, hiddenite (green spodumene), kunzite-and tons oflepidolite.Lepidolite is a purplish type of mica rich in lithium.It is a beauti-ful yet fragile mineral.Though it is found in forms hard enough to becarved into eggs and spheres, most of it easily crumbles.Some of it isshot through with pink tourmaline crystals.Because it is not a gemstone, lepidolite has been difficult to obtainin stores.As more stone magic practitioners become aware ofits prop-erties, it will become increasingly easier to find.This is a calming stone, suitable for relieving the stresses ofeveryday living.Rarely made into jewelry, it is usually carried forthis purpose.Lepidolite soothes anger, hatred or any other negative emotion.Simply hold the stone in your receptive hand for a few moments andbreathe deeply.Or, to quiet the entire house, place lepidolite stones ina circle around a pink candle.Due to its calming effects and its sometimes vividly purple color,lepidolite can be used in rituals or carried to promote spirituality.This mineral is carried to attract good luck to its bearer.It alsodrives offnegativity, though its protective properties aren't extremelystrong.To promote a restful sleep, free ofnightmares, place some lepido-lite near the headboard.Some stone magicians are now using lepidolite to increase psy-chic awareness.An easy way to do this is to place a large piece of themineral on your altar between yellow or blue candles.Settle downbefore this and work to break your conscious mind's dictatorship.Pieces of pink tourmaline embedded in lepidolite are useful forpromoting love or calming the negative emotions that often upset- -------- ----_. 112/ Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magicrelationships.It is a stone of reconciliation.MALACHITEFolk Names: Malaku (Greek, ''Mallow'')Energy: ReceptivePlanet: VenusElement: EarthAssociated Herb: MallowPowers: Power, Protection, Love, Peace, Business SuccessMagical/Ritual Lore:A piece of malachite is worn to detect impending danger.Leg-ends say that this stone, in common with many others, breaks intopieces to warn its wearer of the forthcoming peril.Magical Uses:This beautiful green stone with bands of varying hues has longbeen used to lend extra energy during magical rites.Wear it, hold it, orplace it on your altar to increase your ability to send power towardyour magical goal.Anciently, it was thought to be most effective whenengraved with a rayed Sun figure.Though the stone is a tranquil green-blue, it is used in protectivemagic, particularly that involving children.Beads or pendants ofmalachite are worn to guard against negativity and physical dangers.Malachite is a traveler's guardian stone and is said to be particularlypowerful in preventing falls.Wearing a malachite necklace that touches your skin near yourheart expands your abilityto love and, so, draws a love to you.Or, util-ize the stone in love-attracting spells.Set it on a piece ofcopper etchedwith the symbol of the planet Venus a circle with an equal-armedcross below it.Behind the stone, place a green candle and let this burnfor fifteen minutes a day while you visualize yourself in a lovingrelationship.Its deep green color is soothing.Gazing at malachite or holding itin your receptive hand relaxes the nervous system and calms stormyemotions.Malachite promotes tranquility and ensures sleep if wornto bed.Held, it dispels depression.Small pieces of malachite placed in each corner of a businessbuilding or a small piece placed in the cash register draws customers.Worn during business meetings or trade shows, it increases yourability to obtain good deals and sales.It is the salesperson'sstone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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