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."You can?"The dragon shifted, tail curling back behind Ben."Well.not anywhere, I suppose.But almost anywhere.I cannot travel deep into the fairy world nor into worlds where they do not believe in dragons.Do theybelieve in dragons in your world?"Ben shook his head."I don't think so.""That explains why I have never been there.I travel only to lands where dragons are real  or, at least,where dragons once were real.I frequent half a dozen worlds close at hand.Most I have hunted.I hadto hunt them when the old King forbid me the valley." His look turned sly, eyes lidding."But huntingbeyond the valley is more work than I care to do.It is easier to hunt here.It is more satisfying!"The atmosphere had now gone decidely chilly.The dragon could be talked to, but it looked doubtful thathe could be reasoned with.Ben felt doors closing all about him."Well, I don't suppose that there's muchpoint in my suggesting that you do anything else then, is there?"Strabo lifted slightly on his hindlegs, dust rising from his massive body."I have enjoyed our conversation,Holiday, but it appears to be at an end.Unfortunately, that means the end of you.""Oh, wait a minute, let's not be so hasty." Ben couldn't get the words out fast enough, his mind racing."Our conversation doesn't have to be over, does it? I think we should talk a bit more!""I can understand why you would might want to," the dragon hissed softly."But I grow bored." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Bored! Okay, let's change the subject!""That wouldn't help.""No? Well, how about if I just leave, then  just walk away, say good-bye, so long?" Ben wasdesperate now.The dragon loomed above him, a huge, scaled shadow."That just postpones the inevitable.Eventuallyyou would come back again.You would have to, because you are Landover's King.Face it, Holiday I am the enemy.Either you have to destroy me or I have to destroy you.I much prefer the latter."Ben glanced about wildly."For God's sake, why does one of us have to destroy the other?""Why? Because that's the way it is between dragons and Kings.That's the way it's always been."Ben's frustration had reached the breaking point."Well if that's the way it's always been, then why thelong dissertation on the disservice being done to dragons by storytelling humans? Why did you wastetime telling me all that if you planned to fry me right after?"The dragon actually laughed."What a quaint way of putting it!" He paused."Yes, why bother telling youanything under the circumstances? Good point." He thought about it for a moment, then shrugged."Isuppose because it was something to do.There's not a lot do do out here, you know."Ben felt the last of his hope drain away.This was the end.He had dodged one silver bullet in the mists ofthe fairy world and a second in his confrontation with Nightshade.But this third one was going to do himin.He watched the dragon lift higher above him and begin to inhale slowly.One blast of fire and thatwould be it.His mind worked frantically.He had to do something! Damn it, he couldn't just stand thereand let himself be incinerated!"Wait!" he called out sharply, "Don't do it!" His hand reached into his tunic front and yanked free themedallion."I still have this! I'll use its magic if I have to."Strabo exhaled slowly, steam, smoke and flame singing the misted air.He stared at the medallion and histongue licked out."You don't command the magic.Holiday."Ben took a deep breath."You're wrong.I do.I'll bring the Paladin if you don't let me go."There was a long moment of silence.The dragon studied him thoughtfully and said nothing.Ben sent up asilent prayer.This was his last hope.The Paladin had come to him before when he was in trouble.Maybe.His hand tightened about the face of the medallion, feeling the engraved surface press against his palm.Asudden, unexpected revelation came to him.What was he thinking? He could escape right now, if hechose! He had forgotten momentarily that the medallion gave him the means to do so! The medallionwould take him back to his old world in an instant  all he had to do was take it off!But that would mean leaving his friends trapped in Abaddon.That would mean leaving Landoverforever.That would mean giving up.That would also mean staying alive.He weighed the prospect, undecided."I think you're lying, Holiday,"the dragon said suddenly and began to breathe in again. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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