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.I need toknow if Paul is your choice& so I can make it a part of any agreement I make.Tell menow.Do you care for him? Did you want him, and I ruined all your plans by saying onehundred thousand dollars? I did what I had to do to survive a certain egregious memo endorsed by theTiberius Group for which I suffered the worst consequences.I dealt with it in the bestway I could with very limited options. Sophie hated that tears welled in her eyes.Shecouldn t decide if she were more distraught at Matt being the author of the humiliatingmemo, or the stabbing pain of losing him. So do you want me to let you go? Do you want me to& sell you to him? BecauseI could try to do that& if you want.She couldn t speak for a moment.Gathering her wits she asked,  Why did youwrite the memo? It was beyond humiliating. The simple answer is, so I could finish what we started in the hallway atChristmas.I wanted to save you.I wanted to have you for myself.I wanted you with anunquenchable desire, and like an idiot, I wanted to be your hero.His eyes showed the despair she also felt.Did he believe she wanted Paul? Howcould he? Perhaps he d had enough of her by now?Sophie exaggerated a shrug her shoulders trembling in emotion. But now youdon t want me any more because your desire for me has been quenched? Or is it becauseyou can t stand that you weren t the only hero that day? I simply want a woman who isn t stuck with me because I bought her.I deludedmyself into believing you cared for me from a certain incident during the holidays.That swhy I went after you the only way I could, with the only tools available to me, in thisfucked up new world order. But I m not the only one who wants you, am I? Everything I did was with thesingle driving need to possess you.I thought you might return my affection.If you don t,well then, you re a fabulous actress, but tell me the truth.I need to know right now.Who110 The Executive s Wifedo you love?For a moment, Matthew s face masked that of an angry spouse full of containedfury.Then his gaze became more tender, raking her face with a look she d seen in hispassionate eyes before and most recently at lunch.He loved her.But then it went back toanger again.Like he, too, was struggling with loving her, or being angry with the worldat large, in which they now lived.Sophie gathered her wits and went with her heart.If she was headed down andout, she intended to fight all the way.She didn t want Paul.Never had.Sophie s voice quivered in a low passionate tone to make him truly understand. Ilove you with all of my heart, Matthew.How can you not know that? She threw herarms around him and put her lips to his ear so only he could hear her words. Whateverelse happens, whatever else you come to believe about me& I love only you.I want onlyyou.I ve wanted only you since the day I met you, too. I will remember every moment we shared with sincere love and gratitude for therest of my life.Because your bidding on me was a wonderful thing I never in a millionyears expected you to do.I didn t even think you knew I was alive way back then.Howcould I have expected you to rescue me? I merely tried to find a way to survive, I swear.Inever loved anyone but you, only you.Please, please, believe me, Matt.You have tobelieve me. More gratitude? he whispered in her ear.His tone was playful and relieved. That s all you heard? She pulled away to look into his eyes No.I heard it all.I love you, Sophie.You and me against the world, right? Right. Mr.Westland, this is all very entertaining, but your minute is up, the magistratesaid impatiently.* * * * I m ready, Magistrate.My final closing remarks are a plea.The only way I cantruly win here today is if I get the charges against me dropped.Is that correct?The magistrate scrunched his substantial eyebrows in question but eventuallynodded. I m going to request my father ask his good friend the governor to drop thesecharges.If he is willing to do this, I will agree to drop my countersuit as well.I think weall know I m guilty of only one thing here.I love my wife, Sophie.I love her with adetermination that will last us no matter what happens here today.And I will neverseparate from her of my own free will.Never. So the only way I can win here today is to convince my opponents that thecharges against me must be dropped.The true reason my father wants Andrea to be mywife instead of Sophie is because of that great leader speech he just gave you.He wantsme to run for President of the United States.He believes sincerely that the only way awin is possible is for me to marry the governor s daughter.111 Lara Santiago Unfortunately for him, I only want to run my business, a challenge since asignificant portion of my employees aren t allowed to work for me.My wife was aformer employee.A great one, I might add.I put her to work because she is completelycapable and has the intelligence to perform even under the pressure of her enforced newstrictures. She isn t even allowed to get credit for the procurement process she justauthored for me.And it s brilliant.The Tiberius Group representative I showed it toyesterday is all excited to get a copy of it for nationwide dispersal.But if she is takenfrom me as my spouse, I will no longer have custody over that process.And if I don thave a business, that process will disappear completely.It will be unfortunate for theTiberius Group who felt it was needed desperately for the betterment of the new worldorder. But my business aside, I have just had an epiphany today in court.Given thechoice between the business I ve sweated blood for or my wife, I m always going tochoose Sophie.She doesn t care about my money.I could be a beach bum and she d loveme anyway. So today in this very hearing room, I will ask my father to persuade the governorto drop his charges or I will tell a secret, too.This big secret will have a direct impact onboth my business and my potential candidacy for president. But guess what? I still choose, Sophie.So I have a compromise.If you drop thecharges, I will reconsider your wishes for a political career and pursue them with Sophieat my side.Or I will spill all and let the chips fall where they may.Matt s father roared and stood abruptly, his chair wobbling to stay on all fourlegs. You ll lose everything! Matthew, no. Sophie looked up at him with big eyes.She d never ask him togive up his business.He winked at her reassuringly. I don t care about everything.I only care about Sophie.Besides, have youconsidered what you will lose? He held up another disc. It s yet another video, can youbelieve it? I watched it, too.It s explicitly clear and details exactly what happened andwho made all the decisions. He drilled his father a satisfied smug look in return when hesaid it. This cryptic summation is obviously a blackmail scheme to get what you want,Mr.Westland, the magistrate chimed in before Matt s father could speak. Well, isn t that why we re all here? Matt raised his arms in a wide shrug as ifcalling the angels from heaven to hear his plea. Each of us wants something and you arethe arbitrator standing at the ready to decide who wins.Am I correct? My only recourseis to compel them to drop the charges against me.That is what I intend to do.Whatever ittakes. Mr.Westland, if you have a disc with relevant information regarding theseproceedings, you should turn it over to me as evidence. No, Your Honor, that won t be necessary, his father said. Give me and thegovernor a minute to confer.112 The Executive s Wife Senator, Governor, what are you trying to accomplish here today? Only what is best for all concerned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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