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.The door closed behind him with asoft click. Dammit. Jolie tapped her headback against the wall as Catrinafidgeted.Finally Catrina snorted a disgustedbreath. Oh, for the love of God, if youwon t ask permission I ll order you to,she said with a firm poke in Jolie sshoulder. Mercy will fill in for you.Get your ass after him! She flouncedback through the curtains to the party. Thanks, Jolie called.She shifted her shoulders, straightening her body asshe firmed her resolve.Time to mak SHauk give her that answer.She joggedout the door after him.And into a fight.Five men surrounded Hauk, who wasstruggling for his life.A sixth man lined up a gunshot rightin front of her. Hey! Jolie grabbed his arm andshoved up.The gun went off, jarring her wrist. Bitch! The guy took her feet outfrom under her, and she fell on her ass.He landed on top of her and backhandedher.Her head spun with the impact. Fuckme&  His hands closed on her throat,choking her.She reached for his face,scratching, but his arms were too long.Too fast& fights happened too fast.She was losing again&Her opponent was ripped off of her.Gratefully she gulped in air.Hauk stoodover her, protecting her.No, crazy-Hauk stood over her.Hewas full-on raged, and she was thespoils at his feet.The door behind them opened andAshley came out. What the&  The fightbegan again and she screamed.Jolie yelled,  Get back inside!She d deal with her later.Three guys down, three to go.One of them pulled another of those sticks thathad dropped Hauk before and lunged athis back.Jolie kicked up from the ground.Herarch landed squarely and knocked thewand back at the Hands of Atropos.The wand didn t break and therewere no sparks, but as soon as the tiptouched the Atropos soldier, he droppedto the ground just like Hauk had.Eyesterrified, he scrabbled at the ground,trying to pull himself from the fight.Jolie had never seen a Hand ofAtropos afraid.It was like the spellholding him captive had been broken.Yelling obscenities, the tworemaining men grabbed their comradeand took off. Hauk started to chase, but Jolie put ahand on his calf. It s done! Stop.Please, for the love of God, listen to meand stop.She got up onto wobbly feet.Hauk pivoted to Ashley, his form stillbattle-ready, and assessed her like athreat.Ashley cringed back against the wall,eyes round in horror. What s wrongwith him? It s okay&  Jolie started, hopingthat was the truth.She reached towardHauk, debating if she should touch himor if that would set him off.But Hauk straightened up; apparentlyAshley didn t need killing.He lookedback and forth between the two women. Jolie relaxed and turned to Ashley. Nothing s wrong, really.He s just sortof Hauk scooped Jolie up and tossed herover his shoulder.  oh, shit! lost his mind.He ll befine in the morning.He turned as if to carry her awayfrom the club. Hauk, sweetie, put me down.Instead of setting her down, he startedwalking.Ashley took a SAshth="1em">S deal with. Chapter ElevenSeven friends dead, all by hishands.Hauk lay back on his bed,studying his fingers and the scars etchedacross his palms, the ones he d workedso hard to get supple and functioningagain.What else had his hands done thathe didn t know about?He could ve been on a damn murderspree here in Austin.He could veSomebody knocked. Who is it? If it was fuckinBrayden again with another fuckinplatitude& It s Ashley.Can I come in? Killing friends.He closed his eyesand banished the image.That wasn thim; it was the thing using his body.Herolled up to sitting and stuck his feet onthe floor.He cleared his throat andforced his voice to sound calm. Ofcourse, Ash.Jolie was the person he really wantedto see.Her smile calmed him likenothing else.It was weird she hadn tcome by to talk after their argument lastnight.Unless he d pissed her off sobadly she was staying away.ButBrayden hadn t thought she was pissed.Had she heard about the video andchanged her mind?Ashley came in, and Hauk took a deep breath.This morning she had amore casual look than last night,reminding him of the girl he used toclimb trees with.She smiled, but therewas something nervous in it.Probablyfrom being in a new place.Ash alwaysliked to have things a certain way, andAustin seemed to have taken her bysurprise.She patted his knee. I was hopingwe could go on that tour of Austin?Gods, that sounded like effort.Hereally wanted to lie back down, maybewith a drink, and wait for Jolie to showup.Which could be sometime nextnever.No self-pity.Get out of bed.Keepmoving.Hauk stood up and put on the best smile he could muster. Soundsgreat.Let s get out of here.* * *Decide to win.Jolie watched theguard standing immobile before her withhis arms crossed.He was a bruiser, notas big as Hauk, but still a big guy.Anddespite Ashley s threat, she had a feelinghe wouldn t lose too much sleep overknocking her around.I m smarter and I m faster than him.I can win.Every time she tried to stand hepushed her back down.There was noway she could win from her position. But if she couldn t go forward out of thechair&She tucked her knees up into the fetalposition, like she was afraid, and gave abig sigh of defeat.The guard relaxed.Idiot.Ananke wanted to make Hauk justlike him.Breathing through her building anger,she watched from under her lashes untilhis gaze wandered to the door.Tuckingher head, she threw herself backward.The chair slammed to the ground, andshe rolled up to standi fwitch And deng.The guard turned back to her andfrowned, more like he was annoyed thanthreatened.She didn t exactly blamehim. Aw, you stood up.Whatcha going to do now, Red? Like it or not, we gotanother forty-five minutes together. Heclapped his hands, rubbed them eagerlyand gave her a two-fingered  have atme.He had the same tattoo as Hauk on hisforearm, a capital alpha with scissorsdangling off the base.Most Atroposchose their life in exchange for a fatpaycheck, but those assholes in Anankehad given Hauk one without his consent.It didn t work.She needed to make sureit stayed that way.The idea of Hauk asone of their brainless soldiers made thebile rise her in throat and rage burn.They may want to use him, but shewanted him the way he was scars and all more than the whole lot of them puttogether.If she ran to the window while theguard was up, she d get caught.She hadto get him on the ground to give her thoseprecious extra seconds.Thank God Haukhad finally taught her a more interestingmove than a block or jab.She faked a punch.The guard wentfor it and grabbed her hand.She spuninto him and stabbed her foot on thefloor between his legs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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