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.She was so disgusted.It was my work car, so I never thought that a hot woman that I had justspent a great evening with would be riding shotgun with me.Maybe it was all those old French Fries (chips) on the floor that got her.Idon't know! But I do know it cost me a nice piece of ass.There are somethings that are too much effort trying to recover from.Another little tip:Make sure you have all evidence of any present girlfriends or recentconquests, removed or out of sight.If this woman turns out to be more than a one-night stand, chances are sheis doing a better job of canvassing your place than Sherlock Holmes.She will ask you months later whose panties she found in the magazinestand.It might just be an earring or even the back of an earring that shekeeps on file.But trust me, they will be used against you in the court of her mind.So spend a little time cleaning up and throwing away all those old condomwrappers and half used lubricant tubes.And remember that women also love to leave little things around for otherwomen to find, especially if she likes you.It is her way of marking herterritory, kind of like a dog peeing on a tree.I think you can figure the rest out for yourself.Page 292Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction Program1f.There are no rules& really!This will be the main technique!Get this and your seduction process will be much easier and much more fun&There is no right or wrong in the seduction process& just outcomes orresults.This is the frame of mind all great seducers have as one of their mainframes.If I hit a golf ball and it goes left and I wanted it to go straight, I am notwrong.That golf ball went exactly where it was supposed to go when the clubfacehits it, exactly the way I hit it.I got a result.Now, the next time I will make adjustments in my thinking and bodylanguage to get a different result.The same goes with any sport or skill.And the same goes with seduction.The good news is that you get to do it again!Even in baseball, you get three strikes before you are considered out.But I have found that most men considered themselves out after the firsttime.Heck, many considered themselves out before they even go out to thebatters box.I knew a guy who started playing golf.He went out and bought a great newset of clubs.After the first few holes, he threw his golf clubs into a big watertrap at approximately the same place a few of his previously hit balls went.He never played again.Why?Because he thought he should be playing like a pro right away without anypractice.Page 293Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction ProgramAnd that is the mistake most men make when beginning to play theseduction game.Once again I will say to you  There Are NO Rules, but& and this is a bigBUT (the kind of butts some guys like); there are certain things you can doto greatly enhance your odds of getting more of what you want out of thegame& women!That is why this book is full of techniques and not  Rules.Now I am not saying that if you use certain rules you will not get success,but the next guy might fail dismally with those same set of rules.The key here is to be flexible in your beliefs, thoughts, emotions andbehavior.Great Chef s know this too!They know that in order to be famous, they will have to develop certaindishes that are unique to them.First, they learn some basic concepts about cooking and then they begin toadd their own flavor.They might add some of this and subtract some of that.If they don t like what they have made they toss it and start again.Sure they may experience doubts, but they get right back up and do itagain& and again& and again& until they get exactly what they want.To become a master seducer, you must apply the same thinking!There are 3 billion women on this earth and that means 3 billion failuresbefore I will finally call you a failure.I ll bet you that you will be thinking as a success before you hit 20 tries&heck I will even say 10 times if you apply these techniques in this entiremanual.Ok& maybe even five.;-)And the fear& it goes away pretty fast when you realize all the fantasies ofrejection were just that& fantasies!The only time I really got shot down and slapped was when I grabbed awoman s ass before I asked her, her name.Ok, it was before she even sawPage 294Copyright © 2006, Simon Heong -- All Rights Reserved.www.InstantAttractionProgram.com Instant Attraction Programme& and I deserved it.And I guess I should make this one a rule No 1 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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