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.Originally, I did notbelieve this idea as it just looks too odd moving the king to f1 but the more I look into it, themore I believe that it could be White s best option.12.dxc4 13 e3 Black now has a choice between two interesting moves.(13 Nxc4 Qxd4 isnothing to get concerned about)b1) 13.e5 is the move that I would like to play as our bishop on c8 can now join the action.Play would continue 14 d5 Na5 15 Nf3! White has really been relying on this move.Themain idea behind it is to play Bd2.15.b6 (15.b5!? 16 Nxe5 Bf6 17 Ng4 Nc6 18 Kg1 Ne5 19Nxe5 Bxe5 20 Qc2 White is a pawn up and therefore, has a slight advantage but moreimportantly, he is planning to play a4 next.15.Bd6 may also be worth investigating) 16 Nxe5Bc5 17 Nf3 Bg4 18.Kg1 looks better for White.Black needs to find an improvementsomewhere in this variation!b2) 13.Na5XABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-+k+(7zppzp-vl-zpp'6-+-+p+-+&5sn-+-+-+-%4-+pzPP+-+$3+-+-zP-zP-#2PzP-sN-+LzP"1tR-vLQ+K+-!xabcdefghy170 171Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams14 Qa4! is the only way for White to try and gain an advantage.Black can now try:b21) 14.c5 15 Nxc4 Nc6! White must now choose between 16 d5! or 16 e5 (15.Nxc4 16Qxc4 Bd7 17 Kg1 Rc8 18 d5 b5 19 Qc2 Qb6 again looks better for White.I doubt whether Blackhas enough compensation for the pawn.)b211) 16 e5 looks fine for Black, for example, 16.cxd4 17 exd4 Nxd4 18 Nd6 Nc6 19 Bf4Nxe5 20 Bxe5 Bxd6 21 Bxd6 Qxd6 22 Rd1 Qe7 Black is a pawn up but White has goodcompensation due to Black s undeveloped queenside.Practical examples of this position areneeded!b212) 16 d5! looks very natural and good for White.16.Nb4 (the threat is 17.b5!) 17 Qd1b5 18 Ne5 Qd6 19 Qh5! (19 Nf7!? a crazy idea that the computer obviously found! 19.Kxf7 20e5 Qd8 21 d6 Rb8 with a messy position.) 19.g6 20 Nxg6 hxg6 21 Qxg6+ White has a viciousattack with e5 to follow.)b22) 14.b6!XABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-+k+(7zp-zp-vl-zpp'6-zp-+p+-+&5sn-+-+-+-%4Q+pzPP+-+$3+-+-zP-zP-#2PzP-sN-+LzP"1tR-vL-+K+-!xabcdefghyI believe that 'Dean' on the Chess Publishing forum was the first person to suggest thismove.15 Kg1 (15 Nxc4 Ba6 16 b3 c6 is winning for Black.The move.b5 will be played in thenear future) 15.Bd7 looks like a good plan 16 Qc2 Bb5 (16.b5!? may well be a better try 17b3 c5 18 d5 cxb3 19 axb3 c4! 20 bxc4 Rc8 with an equal game.) 17 a4 (17 Nf3!?) 17.Ba6 18Bh3 Qd6 19 b4! cxb3 20 Nxb3 Nxb3 21 Qxb3 with a slightly better position for White.c) 12 Bxf1 should not worry Black as White has taken the pressure off d5, for example,12.Nxd4 13 e3 dxe4! 14 Nxe4 (14 exd4? Qxd4+ 15 Kh1 e3 Black wins the piece backwith a better position.) 14.Nf5 15 Qxd8+ Bxd8 with an equal position.171 172Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams12.dxc4 13 Be3!XABCDEFGHY8r+lwq-+k+(7zppzp-vl-zpp'6-+n+p+-+&5+-+-+-+-%4-+pzPP+-+$3+-+-vL-zP-#2PzP-+P+LzP"1tR-+Q+NmK-!xabcdefghyWe have reached the critical position of this variation.White has a strong centre but theposition remains dynamic.Black also has a number of interesting possibilities as this gameshows.13 e3 is an error as it allows Black to play 13.e5! when his pieces will becomeactive.It now seems like Black has two interesting ways of playing the position.a) 13.Qd7?!b) 13.Bd7a) 13.Qd7?!XABCDEFGHY8r+l+-+k+(7zppzpqvl-zpp'6-+n+p+-+&5+-+-+-+-%4-+pzPP+-+$3+-+-vL-zP-#2PzP-+P+LzP"1tR-+Q+NmK-!xabcdefghyAt first glance, this move looks strange but it does make sense for the following reasons:1) Black keeps the pressure against d4.2) Black plans to play.Rb8 and.b5.The queen on d7 conveniently defends the Blackknight on c6.3) Eventually Black wants to fianchetto his light-squared bishop.172 173Killer Dutch  The Book | GM Simon Williams14 e5This is quite a logical reply as White wants to increase the pressure along the a8-h1diagonal and in some cases, threaten to play d5.White's other options include:a) 14 d5 Ne5 15 Bd4 (15 Bh3 Qe8 looks fine for Black.) 15.Nf7! (15.Ng4!?) 16 Qc2 b517 a4 c6 this is Albrecht's analysis from the Chess Publishing forum.I have to admitit that the analysis looks good as Black has a decent position.b) b) 14 Nd2!XABCDEFGHY8r+l+-+k+(7zppzpqvl-zpp'6-+n+p+-+&5+-+-+-+-%4-+pzPP+-+$3+-+-vL-zP-#2PzP-sNP+LzP"1tR-+Q+-mK-!xabcdefghyThis is the move that I would be most afraid of.14.Nxd4 15 Nxc4 c5 16 Bf4! this is a goodsquare for the bishop and White also has ideas of playing e3.I expect that White has a smalladvantage here, for example, 16.Qb5!? (16.g5 is suggested by my computer but Black s kingjust looks too exposed!) 17 b3 e5!? attempting to sacrifice a pawn to bring the light-squaredbishop to life.18 Bxe5 Bg4 19 Bxd4 cxd4 and White has a healthy extra pawn.14.Rb8Unfortunately, Black cannot play 14.b5? due to 15 d5 which wins material.15 d515.Rc1 is another line that 'Mouse slip' suggests on the Chess Publishing forum.His analysisis as follows: 15.b5 16 d5 Nxe5 17 Qd4 Bd6 18 Qxa7 c615.Nxe5'Mouse slip' now provides us with the following interesting analysis 15.Nb4! 16 dxe6 Qxd1(16.Qb5!?) 17 Rxd1 Bxe6 18 Bxa7 Ra8 19 Bd4 Rd8 this is the end of Albrecht's analysis andyet again I am impressed as Black s position is fine, for example, 20 Rd2 b6 21 a3 Nd3!? 22exd3 Rxd4 23 dxc4 Bc5! Black is currently two pawns down but the power of his bishopswill become overwhelming!16 Qd4 Qd6?This is the real mistake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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